{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% block title %}{{ prefix }}{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include 'ipam/inc/prefix_header.html' with active_tab='prefix' %}
Family {{ prefix.get_family_display }}
Aggregate {% if aggregate %} {{ aggregate.prefix }} ({{ aggregate.rir }}) {% else %} None {% endif %}
Site {% if prefix.site %} {{ prefix.site }} {% else %} Not assigned {% endif %}
VLAN {% if prefix.vlan %} {{ prefix.vlan.name }} ({{ prefix.vlan.vid }}) {% else %} Not assigned {% endif %}
Status {{ prefix.status }}
Role {{ prefix.role }}
Description {% if prefix.description %} {{ prefix.description }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
IP Addresses {{ ipaddress_count }}
{% if duplicate_prefix_table.rows %} {% with heading='Duplicate Prefixes' panel_class='danger' %} {% render_table duplicate_prefix_table 'panel_table.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% with heading='Parent Prefixes' %} {% render_table parent_prefix_table 'panel_table.html' %} {% endwith %}
{% if child_prefix_table.rows %} {% include 'ipam/inc/prefix_table.html' with table=child_prefix_table table_template='panel_table.html' heading='Child Prefixes' parent=prefix %} {% elif prefix.new_subnet %} Add Child Prefix {% endif %}
{% endblock %}