import { Modal, Tooltip } from 'bootstrap'; import Masonry from 'masonry-layout'; import { initApiSelect, initStaticSelect, initColorSelect } from './select'; import { initDateSelector } from './dateSelector'; import { initMessageToasts } from './toast'; import { initSpeedSelector, initForms } from './forms'; import { initRackElevation } from './buttons'; import { initClipboard } from './clipboard'; import { initSearchBar } from './search'; import { initGenerateKeyPair, initLockUnlock, initGetSessionKey } from './secrets'; import { getElements } from './util'; const INITIALIZERS = [ initSearchBar, initMasonry, bindReslug, initApiSelect, initStaticSelect, initDateSelector, initSpeedSelector, initColorSelect, initRackElevation, initClipboard, initGenerateKeyPair, initLockUnlock, initGetSessionKey, ] as (() => void)[]; /** * Enable any defined Bootstrap Tooltips. * * @see */ function initBootstrap(): void { if (document !== null) { for (const tooltip of getElements('[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"]')) { new Tooltip(tooltip, { container: 'body', boundary: 'window' }); } for (const modal of getElements('[data-bs-toggle="modal"]')) { new Modal(modal); } initMessageToasts(); initForms(); } } /** * Initialize masonry-layout for homepage (or any other masonry layout cards). */ function initMasonry(): void { if (document !== null) { for (const grid of getElements('.masonry')) { new Masonry(grid, { itemSelector: '.masonry-item', percentPosition: true, }); } } } /** * Create a slug from any input string. * * @param slug Original string. * @param chars Maximum number of characters. * @returns Slugified string. */ function slugify(slug: string, chars: number): string { return slug .replace(/[^\-\.\w\s]/g, '') // Remove unneeded chars .replace(/^[\s\.]+|[\s\.]+$/g, '') // Trim leading/trailing spaces .replace(/[\-\.\s]+/g, '-') // Convert spaces and decimals to hyphens .toLowerCase() // Convert to lowercase .substring(0, chars); // Trim to first chars chars } /** * If a slug field exists, add event listeners to handle automatically generating its value. */ function bindReslug(): void { const slugField = document.getElementById('id_slug') as HTMLInputElement; const slugButton = document.getElementById('reslug') as HTMLButtonElement; if (slugField === null || slugButton === null) { return; } const sourceId = slugField.getAttribute('slug-source'); const sourceField = document.getElementById(`id_${sourceId}`) as HTMLInputElement; if (sourceField === null) { console.error('Unable to find field for slug field.'); return; } const slugLengthAttr = slugField.getAttribute('maxlength'); let slugLength = 50; if (slugLengthAttr) { slugLength = Number(slugLengthAttr); } sourceField.addEventListener('blur', () => { slugField.value = slugify(sourceField.value, slugLength); }); slugButton.addEventListener('click', () => { slugField.value = slugify(sourceField.value, slugLength); }); } if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { initBootstrap(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initBootstrap); } for (const init of INITIALIZERS) { init(); }