from import BaseCommand, CommandError from core.choices import DataSourceStatusChoices from core.models import DataSource class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Synchronize a data source from its remote upstream" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('name', nargs='*', help="Data source(s) to synchronize") parser.add_argument( "--all", action='store_true', dest='sync_all', help="Synchronize all data sources" ) def handle(self, *args, **options): # Find DataSources to sync if options['sync_all']: datasources = DataSource.objects.all() elif options['name']: datasources = DataSource.objects.filter(name__in=options['name']) # Check for invalid names found_names = {ds['name'] for ds in datasources.values('name')} if invalid_names := set(options['name']) - found_names: raise CommandError(f"Invalid data source names: {', '.join(invalid_names)}") else: raise CommandError(f"Must specify at least one data source, or set --all.") if len(options['name']) > 1: self.stdout.write(f"Syncing {len(datasources)} data sources.") for i, datasource in enumerate(datasources, start=1): self.stdout.write(f"[{i}] Syncing {datasource}... ", ending='') self.stdout.flush() try: datasource.sync() self.stdout.write(datasource.get_status_display()) self.stdout.flush() except Exception as e: DataSource.objects.filter( raise e if len(options['name']) > 1: self.stdout.write(f"Finished.")