site_name: NetBox Documentation site_dir: netbox/project-static/docs site_url: repo_name: netbox-community/netbox repo_url: theme: name: material icon: repo: fontawesome/brands/github palette: - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default toggle: icon: material/lightbulb-outline name: Switch to Dark Mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/lightbulb name: Switch to Light Mode plugins: - mkdocstrings: handlers: python: setup_commands: - import os - import django - os.chdir('netbox/') - os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "netbox.settings") - django.setup() rendering: heading_level: 3 members_order: source show_root_heading: true show_root_full_path: false show_root_toc_entry: false extra: social: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/slack link: extra_css: - extra.css markdown_extensions: - admonition - attr_list - markdown_include.include: base_path: 'docs/' headingOffset: 1 - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true nav: - Introduction: '' - Installation: - Installing NetBox: 'installation/' - 1. PostgreSQL: 'installation/' - 2. Redis: 'installation/' - 3. NetBox: 'installation/' - 4. Gunicorn: 'installation/' - 5. HTTP Server: 'installation/' - 6. LDAP (Optional): 'installation/' - Upgrading NetBox: 'installation/' - Migrating to systemd: 'installation/' - Configuration: - Configuring NetBox: 'configuration/' - Required Settings: 'configuration/' - Optional Settings: 'configuration/' - Dynamic Settings: 'configuration/' - Remote Authentication: 'configuration/' - Core Functionality: - IP Address Management: 'core-functionality/' - VLAN Management: 'core-functionality/' - Sites and Racks: 'core-functionality/' - Devices and Cabling: 'core-functionality/' - Device Types: 'core-functionality/' - Modules: 'core-functionality/' - Virtualization: 'core-functionality/' - Service Mapping: 'core-functionality/' - Circuits: 'core-functionality/' - Wireless: 'core-functionality/' - Power Tracking: 'core-functionality/' - Tenancy: 'core-functionality/' - Contacts: 'core-functionality/' - Customization: - Custom Fields: 'customization/' - Custom Validation: 'customization/' - Custom Links: 'models/extras/' - Export Templates: 'customization/' - Custom Scripts: 'customization/' - Reports: 'customization/' - Additional Features: - Change Logging: 'additional-features/' - Context Data: 'models/extras/' - Journaling: 'additional-features/' - NAPALM: 'additional-features/' - Prometheus Metrics: 'additional-features/' - Tags: 'models/extras/' - Webhooks: 'additional-features/' - Plugins: - Using Plugins: 'plugins/' - Developing Plugins: - Getting Started: 'plugins/development/' - Models: 'plugins/development/' - Views: 'plugins/development/' - Templates: 'plugins/development/' - Tables: 'plugins/development/' - Forms: 'plugins/development/' - Filters & Filter Sets: 'plugins/development/' - REST API: 'plugins/development/' - GraphQL API: 'plugins/development/' - Background Tasks: 'plugins/development/' - Administration: - Authentication: 'administration/' - Permissions: 'administration/' - Housekeeping: 'administration/' - Replicating NetBox: 'administration/' - NetBox Shell: 'administration/' - REST API: - Overview: 'rest-api/' - Filtering: 'rest-api/' - Authentication: 'rest-api/' - GraphQL API: - Overview: 'graphql-api/' - Reference: - Conditions: 'reference/' - Development: - Introduction: 'development/' - Getting Started: 'development/' - Style Guide: 'development/' - Models: 'development/' - Adding Models: 'development/' - Extending Models: 'development/' - Signals: 'development/' - Application Registry: 'development/' - User Preferences: 'development/' - Web UI: 'development/' - Release Checklist: 'development/' - Release Notes: - Summary: 'release-notes/' - Version 3.2: 'release-notes/' - Version 3.1: 'release-notes/' - Version 3.0: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.11: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.10: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.9: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.8: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.7: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.6: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.5: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.4: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.3: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.2: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.1: 'release-notes/' - Version 2.0: 'release-notes/'