# NetBox v2.9 ## v2.9.0 (FUTURE) ### Bug Fixes * [#4905](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4905) - Fix front port count on device type view * [#4912](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4912) - Fix image attachment API endpoint * [#4914](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4914) - Fix toggling cable status under device view --- ## v2.9-beta1 (2020-07-23) **WARNING:** This is a beta release and is not suitable for production use. It is intended for development and evaluation purposes only. No upgrade path to the final v2.9 release will be provided from this beta, and users should assume that all data entered into the application will be lost. Please reference [the v2.9 beta documentation](https://netbox.readthedocs.io/en/develop-2.9/) for further information regarding this release. ### New Features #### Object-Based Permissions ([#554](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/554)) NetBox v2.9 replaces Django's built-in permissions framework with one that supports object-based assignment of permissions using arbitrary constraints. When granting a user or group permission to perform a certain action on one or more types of objects, an administrator can optionally specify a set of constraints. The permission will apply only to objects which match the specified constraints. For example, assigning permission to modify devices with the constraint `{"tenant__group__name": "Customers"}` would allow the associated users/groups to perform an action only on devices assigned to a tenant belonging to the "Customers" group. #### Background Execution of Scripts & Reports ([#2006](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/2006)) When running a report or custom script, its execution is now queued for background processing and the user receives an immediate response indicating its status. This prevents long-running scripts from resulting in a timeout error. Once the execution has completed, the page will automatically refresh to display its results. Both scripts and reports now store their output in the new JobResult model. (The ReportResult model has been removed.) ### Enhancements * [#2018](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/2018) - Add `name` field to virtual chassis model * [#3703](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/3703) - Tags must be created administratively before being assigned to an object * [#4615](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4615) - Add `label` field for all device components and component templates * [#4742](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4742) - Add tagging for cables, power panels, and rack reservations * [#4788](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4788) - Add dedicated views for all device components * [#4792](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4792) - Add bulk rename capability for console and power ports * [#4793](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4793) - Add `description` field to device component templates * [#4795](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4795) - Add bulk disconnect capability for console and power ports * [#4806](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4806) - Add a `url` field to all API serializers * [#4807](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4807) - Add bulk edit ability for device bay templates * [#4817](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4817) - Standardize device/VM component `name` field to 64 characters * [#4837](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4837) - Use dynamic form widget for relationships to MPTT objects (e.g. regions) * [#4840](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4840) - Enable change logging for config contexts * [#4877](https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/issues/4877) - Add REST API endpoints for users and groups ### Configuration Changes * If in use, LDAP authentication must be enabled by setting `REMOTE_AUTH_BACKEND` to `'netbox.authentication.LDAPBackend'`. (LDAP configuration parameters in `ldap_config.py` remain unchanged.) * `REMOTE_AUTH_DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS` now takes a dictionary rather than a list. This is a mapping of permission names to a dictionary of constraining attributes, or `None`. For example, `['dcim.add_site', 'dcim.change_site']` would become `{'dcim.add_site': None, 'dcim.change_site': None}`. ### REST API Changes * Added new endpoints for users, groups, and permissions under `/api/users/`. * A `url` field is now included on all object representations, identifying the unique REST API URL for each object. * The `tags` field of an object now includes a more complete representation of each tag, rather than just its name. * The assignment of tags to an object is now achieved in the same manner as specifying any other related device. The `tags` field accepts a list of JSON objects each matching a desired tag. (Alternatively, a list of numeric primary keys corresponding to tags may be passed instead.) For example: ```json "tags": [ {"name": "First Tag"}, {"name": "Second Tag"} ] ``` * Legacy numeric values for choice fields are no longer conveyed or accepted. * dcim.Cable: Added `tags` field * dcim.ConsolePort: Added `label` field * dcim.ConsolePortTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.ConsoleServerPort: Added `label` field * dcim.ConsoleServerPortTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.DeviceBay: Added `label` field * dcim.DeviceBayTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.FrontPort: Added `label` field * dcim.FrontPortTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.Interface: Added `label` field * dcim.InterfaceTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.PowerPanel: Added `tags` field * dcim.PowerPort: Added ``label` field * dcim.PowerPortTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.PowerOutlet: Added `label` field * dcim.PowerOutletTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.RackGroup: Added a `_depth` attribute indicating an object's position in the tree. * dcim.RackReservation: Added `tags` field * dcim.RearPort: Added `label` field * dcim.RearPortTemplate: Added `description` and `label` fields * dcim.Region: Added a `_depth` attribute indicating an object's position in the tree. * dcim.VirtualChassis: Added `name` field (required) * extras.ConfigContext: Added `created` and `last_updated` fields * extras.JobResult: Added the `/api/extras/job-results/` endpoint * extras.Report: The `failed` field has been removed. The `completed` (boolean) and `status` (string) fields have been introduced to convey the status of a report's most recent execution. Additionally, the `result` field now conveys the nested representation of a JobResult. * extras.Script: Added `module` and `result` fields. The `result` field now conveys the nested representation of a JobResult. * extras.Tag: The count of `tagged_items` is no longer included when viewing the tags list when `brief` is passed. * ipam.IPAddress: Removed `interface` field; replaced with `assigned_object` generic foreign key. This may represent either a device interface or a virtual machine interface. Assign an object by setting `assigned_object_type` and `assigned_object_id`. * tenancy.TenantGroup: Added a `_depth` attribute indicating an object's position in the tree. * users.ObjectPermissions: Added the `/api/users/permissions/` endpoint * virtualization.VMInterface: Removed `type` field (VM interfaces have no type) ### Other Changes * A new model, `VMInterface` has been introduced to represent interfaces assigned to VirtualMachine instances. Previously, these interfaces utilized the DCIM model `Interface`. Instances will be replicated automatically upon upgrade, however any custom code which references or manipulates virtual machine interfaces will need to be updated accordingly. * The `secrets.activate_userkey` permission no longer exists. Instead, `secrets.change_userkey` is checked to determine whether a user has the ability to activate a UserKey. * The `users.delete_token` permission is no longer enforced. All users are permitted to delete their own API tokens. * Dropped backward compatibility for the `webhooks` Redis queue configuration (use `tasks` instead). * Dropped backward compatibility for the `/admin/webhook-backend-status` URL (moved to `/admin/background-tasks/`). * Virtual chassis are now created by navigating to `/dcim/virtual-chassis/add/` rather than via the devices list. * A name is required when creating a virtual chassis.