{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load buttons %} {% load custom_links %} {% load static %} {% load helpers %} {% load plugins %} {% block header %}
{% if perms.virtualization.add_vminterface %} Add Interfaces {% endif %} {% plugin_buttons object %} {% if perms.virtualization.add_virtualmachine %} {% clone_button object %} {% endif %} {% if perms.virtualization.change_virtualmachine %} {% edit_button object %} {% endif %} {% if perms.virtualization.delete_virtualmachine %} {% delete_button object %} {% endif %}

{% block title %}{{ object }}{% endblock %}

{% include 'inc/created_updated.html' with obj=object %}
{% custom_links object %}
{% endblock %} {% block content %}
Virtual Machine
Name {{ object }}
Status {{ object.get_status_display }}
Role {% if object.role %} {{ object.role }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Platform {% if object.platform %} {{ object.platform }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Tenant {% if object.tenant %} {% if object.tenant.group %} {{ object.tenant.group }} / {% endif %} {{ object.tenant }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Primary IPv4 {% if object.primary_ip4 %} {{ object.primary_ip4.address.ip }} {% if object.primary_ip4.nat_inside %} (NAT for {{ object.primary_ip4.nat_inside.address.ip }}) {% elif object.primary_ip4.nat_outside %} (NAT: {{ object.primary_ip4.nat_outside.address.ip }}) {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %}
Primary IPv6 {% if object.primary_ip6 %} {{ object.primary_ip6.address.ip }} {% if object.primary_ip6.nat_inside %} (NAT for {{ object.primary_ip6.nat_inside.address.ip }}) {% elif object.primary_ip6.nat_outside %} (NAT: {{ object.primary_ip6.nat_outside.address.ip }}) {% endif %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% include 'inc/custom_fields_panel.html' with obj=object %} {% include 'extras/inc/tags_panel.html' with tags=object.tags.all url='virtualization:virtualmachine_list' %}
{% if object.comments %} {{ object.comments|render_markdown }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
{% plugin_left_page object %}
Cluster {% if object.cluster.group %} {{ object.cluster.group }} / {% endif %} {{ object.cluster }}
Cluster Type {{ object.cluster.type }}
Virtual CPUs {{ object.vcpus|placeholder }}
Memory {% if object.memory %} {{ object.memory }} MB {% else %} {% endif %}
Disk Space {% if object.disk %} {{ object.disk }} GB {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if perms.secrets.view_secret %}
{% include 'secrets/inc/assigned_secrets.html' %} {% if perms.secrets.add_secret %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if services %} {% for service in services %} {% include 'ipam/inc/service.html' %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% if perms.ipam.add_service %} {% endif %}
{% plugin_right_page object %}
{% plugin_full_width_page object %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% if request.user.is_authenticated %} {% endif %}
{% include 'responsive_table.html' with table=vminterface_table %} {% if perms.virtualization.add_vminterface or perms.virtualization.delete_vminterface %} {% endif %}
{% table_config_form vminterface_table %}
{% include 'secrets/inc/private_key_modal.html' %} {% endblock %} {% block javascript %} {% endblock %}