{# Render the field label (if any), except for checkboxes #}
{% if label and not field|widget_type == 'checkboxinput' %}
{% endif %}
{# Render the field itself #}
{# Include the "regenerate" button on slug fields #}
{% if field|widget_type == 'slugwidget' %}
{{ field }}
{# Render checkbox labels to the right of the field #}
{% elif field|widget_type == 'checkboxinput' %}
{{ field }}
{# Default field rendering #}
{% else %}
{{ field }}
{% endif %}
{# Display any error messages #}
{% if field.errors %}
{% for error in field.errors %}{{ error }}{% if not forloop.last %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% elif field.field.required %}
This field is required.
{% endif %}
{# Help text #}
{% if field.help_text %}
{{ field.help_text|safe }}
{% endif %}
{# For bulk edit forms, include an option to nullify the field #}
{% if bulk_nullable %}