{% load helpers %} {# Checkbox #} {% if perms.dcim.change_frontport or perms.dcim.delete_frontport %} {% endif %} {# Name #} {{ frontport }} {# Type #} {{ frontport.get_type_display }} {# Rear port #} {{ frontport.rear_port }} {{ frontport.rear_port_position }} {# Description #} {{ frontport.description|placeholder }} {# Cable/connection #} {% if frontport.cable %} {{ frontport.cable }} {% with far_end=frontport.get_cable_peer %} {% if far_end.parent.provider %} {{ far_end.parent.provider }} {{ far_end.parent }} {% else %} {{ far_end.parent }} {% endif %} {{ far_end }} {% endwith %} {% else %} Not connected {% endif %} {# Actions #} {% if frontport.cable %} {% include 'dcim/inc/cable_toggle_buttons.html' with cable=frontport.cable %} {% elif perms.dcim.add_cable %} {% endif %} {% if perms.dcim.change_frontport %} {% endif %} {% if perms.dcim.delete_frontport %} {% endif %}