# Installation The following sections detail how to set up a new instance of NetBox: 1. [PostgreSQL database](1-postgresql.md) 1. [Redis](2-redis.md) 3. [NetBox components](3-netbox.md) 4. [Gunicorn](4-gunicorn.md) 5. [HTTP server](5-http-server.md) 6. [LDAP authentication](6-ldap.md) (optional) Below is a simplified overview of the NetBox application stack for reference: ![NetBox UI as seen by a non-authenticated user](../media/installation/netbox_application_stack.png) ## Upgrading If you are upgrading from an existing installation, please consult the [upgrading guide](upgrading.md). !!! note Beginning with v2.5.9, the official documentation calls for systemd to be used for managing the WSGI workers in place of supervisord. Please see the instructions for [migrating to systemd](migrating-to-systemd.md) if you are still using supervisord.