{% extends 'generic/object.html' %} {% load helpers %} {% load plugins %} {% load render_table from django_tables2 %} {% block breadcrumbs %} {{ block.super }} {% if object.vrf %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
IP Address
Family IPv{{ object.family }}
VRF {% if object.vrf %} {{ object.vrf }} {% else %} Global {% endif %}
Tenant {% if object.tenant.group %} {{ object.tenant.group|linkify }} / {% endif %} {{ object.tenant|linkify|placeholder }}
Status {% badge object.get_status_display bg_color=object.get_status_color %}
Role {% if object.role %} {{ object.get_role_display }} {% else %} None {% endif %}
DNS Name {{ object.dns_name|placeholder }}
Description {{ object.description|placeholder }}
Assignment {% if object.assigned_object %} {% if object.assigned_object.parent_object %} {{ object.assigned_object.parent_object|linkify }} / {% endif %} {{ object.assigned_object|linkify }} {% else %} {% endif %}
NAT (inside) {% if object.nat_inside %} {{ object.nat_inside|linkify }} {% if object.nat_inside.assigned_object %} ({{ object.nat_inside.assigned_object.parent_object|linkify }}) {% endif %} {% else %} None {% endif %}
Outside NAT IPs {% for ip in object.nat_outside.all %} {{ ip|linkify }}
{% empty %} {{ ''|placeholder }} {% endfor %}
{% include 'inc/panels/tags.html' %} {% include 'inc/panels/custom_fields.html' %} {% plugin_left_page object %}
{% include 'inc/panel_table.html' with table=parent_prefixes_table heading='Parent Prefixes' %} {% if duplicate_ips_table.rows %} {# Custom version of panel_table.html #}
Duplicate IP Addresses {% if more_duplicate_ips %} {% endif %}
{% render_table duplicate_ips_table 'inc/table.html' %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'inc/panel_table.html' with table=related_ips_table heading='Related IP Addresses' %}
{% if services %} {% for service in services %} {% include 'ipam/inc/service.html' %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% plugin_right_page object %}
{% plugin_full_width_page object %}
{% endblock %}