from django.apps import apps from django.db.models import F, Count, OuterRef, Subquery from django.db.models.signals import post_delete, post_save from netbox.registry import registry from .fields import CounterCacheField def get_counters_for_model(model): """ Return field mappings for all counters registered to the given model. """ return registry['counter_fields'][model].items() def update_counter(model, pk, counter_name, value): """ Increment or decrement a counter field on an object identified by its model and primary key (PK). Positive values will increment; negative values will decrement. """ model.objects.filter(pk=pk).update( **{counter_name: F(counter_name) + value} ) def update_counts(model, field_name, related_query): """ Perform a bulk update for the given model and counter field. For example, update_counts(Device, '_interface_count', 'interfaces') will effectively set Device.objects.update(_interface_count=Count('interfaces')) """ subquery = Subquery( model.objects.filter(pk=OuterRef('pk')).annotate(_count=Count(related_query)).values('_count') ) return model.objects.update(**{ field_name: subquery }) # # Signal handlers # def post_save_receiver(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): """ Update counter fields on related objects when a TrackingModelMixin subclass is created or modified. """ for field_name, counter_name in get_counters_for_model(sender): parent_model = sender._meta.get_field(field_name).related_model new_pk = getattr(instance, field_name, None) has_old_field = field_name in instance.tracker old_pk = instance.tracker.get(field_name) if has_old_field else None # Update the counters on the old and/or new parents as needed if old_pk is not None: update_counter(parent_model, old_pk, counter_name, -1) if new_pk is not None and (has_old_field or created): update_counter(parent_model, new_pk, counter_name, 1) def post_delete_receiver(sender, instance, origin, **kwargs): """ Update counter fields on related objects when a TrackingModelMixin subclass is deleted. """ for field_name, counter_name in get_counters_for_model(sender): parent_model = sender._meta.get_field(field_name).related_model parent_pk = getattr(instance, field_name, None) # Decrement the parent's counter by one if parent_pk is not None: # MPTT sends two delete signals for child elements so guard against multiple decrements if not origin or origin == instance: update_counter(parent_model, parent_pk, counter_name, -1) # # Registration # def connect_counters(*models): """ Register counter fields and connect post_save & post_delete signal handlers for the affected models. """ for model in models: # Find all CounterCacheFields on the model counter_fields = [ field for field in model._meta.get_fields() if type(field) is CounterCacheField ] for field in counter_fields: to_model = apps.get_model(field.to_model_name) # Register the counter in the registry change_tracking_fields = registry['counter_fields'][to_model] change_tracking_fields[f"{field.to_field_name}_id"] = # Connect the post_save and post_delete handlers post_save.connect( post_save_receiver, sender=to_model, weak=False, dispatch_uid=f'{model._meta.label}.{}' ) post_delete.connect( post_delete_receiver, sender=to_model, weak=False, dispatch_uid=f'{model._meta.label}.{}' )