{# Checkbox (exclude VC members) #} {% if perms.dcim.change_interface or perms.dcim.delete_interface %} {% if iface.parent == device %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# Icon and name #} {{ iface }} {# LAG #} {% if iface.lag %} {{ iface.lag }} {% endif %} {# Description #} {{ iface.description }} {# MTU #} {{ iface.mtu|default:"" }} {# MAC address #} {{ iface.mac_address|default:"" }} {# Connection or type #} {% if iface.is_lag %} LAG interface
{{ iface.member_interfaces.all|join:", "|default:"No members" }} {% elif iface.is_virtual %} Virtual interface {% elif iface.is_wireless %} Wireless interface {% elif iface.connection %} {% with iface.connected_interface as connected_iface %} {{ connected_iface.device }} {{ connected_iface }} {% endwith %} {% elif iface.circuit_termination %} {% with iface.circuit_termination.get_peer_termination as peer_termination %} {% if peer_termination %} {% if peer_termination.interface %} {{ peer_termination.interface.device }} ({{ peer_termination.site }}) {% else %} {{ peer_termination.site }} {% endif %} via {% endif %} {{ iface.circuit_termination.circuit }} {% endwith %} {% else %} Not connected {% endif %} {# Buttons #} {% if show_graphs %} {% if iface.circuit_termination or iface.connection %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if perms.ipam.add_ipaddress %} {% endif %} {% if perms.dcim.change_interface %} {% if not iface.is_virtual %} {% if iface.connection %} {% if iface.connection.connection_status %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% elif iface.circuit_termination and perms.circuits.change_circuittermination %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if perms.dcim.delete_interface %} {% if iface.connection or iface.circuit_termination %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% for ip in iface.ip_addresses.all %} {# Placeholder #} {% if perms.dcim.change_interface or perms.dcim.delete_interface %} {% endif %} {# IP address #} {{ ip }} {# Primary, status, role #} {% if device.primary_ip4 == ip or device.primary_ip6 == ip %} Primary {% endif %} {{ ip.get_status_display }} {% if ip.role %} {{ ip.get_role_display }} {% endif %} {# VRF #} {% if ip.vrf %} {{ ip.vrf.name }} {% else %} Global {% endif %} {# Description #} {{ ip.description }} {# Buttons #} {% if perms.ipam.change_ipaddress %} {% endif %} {% if perms.ipam.delete_ipaddress %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}