from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery, Q from utilities.query_functions import EmptyGroupByJSONBAgg, OrderableJSONBAgg from utilities.querysets import RestrictedQuerySet class ConfigContextQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet): def get_for_object(self, obj, aggregate_data=False): """ Return all applicable ConfigContexts for a given object. Only active ConfigContexts will be included. Args: aggregate_data: If True, use the JSONBAgg aggregate function to return only the list of JSON data objects """ # `device_role` for Device; `role` for VirtualMachine role = getattr(obj, 'device_role', None) or obj.role # Virtualization cluster for VirtualMachine cluster = getattr(obj, 'cluster', None) cluster_group = getattr(cluster, 'group', None) # Get the group of the assigned tenant, if any tenant_group = if obj.tenant else None # Match against the directly assigned region as well as any parent regions. region = getattr(, 'region', None) if region: regions = region.get_ancestors(include_self=True) else: regions = [] queryset = self.filter( Q(regions__in=regions) | Q(regions=None), Q( | Q(sites=None), Q(roles=role) | Q(roles=None), Q(platforms=obj.platform) | Q(platforms=None), Q(cluster_groups=cluster_group) | Q(cluster_groups=None), Q(clusters=cluster) | Q(clusters=None), Q(tenant_groups=tenant_group) | Q(tenant_groups=None), Q(tenants=obj.tenant) | Q(tenants=None), Q(tags__slug__in=obj.tags.slugs()) | Q(tags=None), is_active=True, ).order_by('weight', 'name').distinct() if aggregate_data: return queryset.aggregate( config_context_data=OrderableJSONBAgg('data', ordering=['weight', 'name']) )['config_context_data'] return queryset class ConfigContextModelQuerySet(RestrictedQuerySet): """ QuerySet manager used by models which support ConfigContext (device and virtual machine). Includes a method which appends an annotation of aggregated config context JSON data objects. This is implemented as a subquery which performs all the joins necessary to filter relevant config context objects. This offers a substantial performance gain over ConfigContextQuerySet.get_for_object() when dealing with multiple objects. This allows the annotation to be entirely optional. """ def annotate_config_context_data(self): """ Attach the subquery annotation to the base queryset """ from extras.models import ConfigContext return self.annotate( config_context_data=Subquery( ConfigContext.objects.filter( self._get_config_context_filters() ).annotate( _data=EmptyGroupByJSONBAgg('data', ordering=['weight', 'name']) ).values("_data") ) ).distinct() def _get_config_context_filters(self): # Construct the set of Q objects for the specific object types base_query = Q( Q(platforms=OuterRef('platform')) | Q(platforms=None), Q(tenant_groups=OuterRef('tenant__group')) | Q(tenant_groups=None), Q(tenants=OuterRef('tenant')) | Q(tenants=None), Q(tags=OuterRef('tags')) | Q(tags=None), is_active=True, ) if self.model._meta.model_name == 'device': base_query.add((Q(roles=OuterRef('device_role')) | Q(roles=None)), Q.AND) base_query.add((Q(sites=OuterRef('site')) | Q(sites=None)), Q.AND) region_field = 'site__region' elif self.model._meta.model_name == 'virtualmachine': base_query.add((Q(roles=OuterRef('role')) | Q(roles=None)), Q.AND) base_query.add((Q(cluster_groups=OuterRef('cluster__group')) | Q(cluster_groups=None)), Q.AND) base_query.add((Q(clusters=OuterRef('cluster')) | Q(clusters=None)), Q.AND) base_query.add((Q(sites=OuterRef('cluster__site')) | Q(sites=None)), Q.AND) region_field = 'cluster__site__region' base_query.add( (Q( regions__tree_id=OuterRef(f'{region_field}__tree_id'), regions__level__lte=OuterRef(f'{region_field}__level'), regions__lft__lte=OuterRef(f'{region_field}__lft'), regions__rght__gte=OuterRef(f'{region_field}__rght'), ) | Q(regions=None)), Q.AND ) return base_query