from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.core.exceptions import ( FieldDoesNotExist, FieldError, MultipleObjectsReturned, ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationError, ) from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToOneRel, RelatedField from django.urls import reverse from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from rest_framework.serializers import Serializer from rest_framework.views import get_view_name as drf_get_view_name from extras.constants import HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON from netbox.api.exceptions import GraphQLTypeNotFound, SerializerNotFound from netbox.api.fields import RelatedObjectCountField from .utils import count_related, dict_to_filter_params, dynamic_import, title __all__ = ( 'get_annotations_for_serializer', 'get_graphql_type_for_model', 'get_prefetches_for_serializer', 'get_related_object_by_attrs', 'get_serializer_for_model', 'get_view_name', 'is_api_request', ) def get_serializer_for_model(model, prefix=''): """ Return the appropriate REST API serializer for the given model. """ app_label, model_name = model._meta.label.split('.') serializer_name = f'{app_label}.api.serializers.{prefix}{model_name}Serializer' try: return dynamic_import(serializer_name) except AttributeError: raise SerializerNotFound( f"Could not determine serializer for {app_label}.{model_name} with prefix '{prefix}'" ) def get_graphql_type_for_model(model): """ Return the GraphQL type class for the given model. """ app_label, model_name = model._meta.label.split('.') class_name = f'{app_label}.graphql.types.{model_name}Type' try: return dynamic_import(class_name) except AttributeError: raise GraphQLTypeNotFound(f"Could not find GraphQL type for {app_label}.{model_name}") def is_api_request(request): """ Return True of the request is being made via the REST API. """ api_path = reverse('api-root') return request.path_info.startswith(api_path) and request.content_type == HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_JSON def get_view_name(view): """ Derive the view name from its associated model, if it has one. Fall back to DRF's built-in `get_view_name()`. This function is provided to DRF as its VIEW_NAME_FUNCTION. """ if hasattr(view, 'queryset'): # Derive the model name from the queryset. name = title(view.queryset.model._meta.verbose_name) if suffix := getattr(view, 'suffix', None): name = f'{name} {suffix}' return name # Fall back to DRF's default behavior return drf_get_view_name(view) def get_prefetches_for_serializer(serializer_class, fields_to_include=None): """ Compile and return a list of fields which should be prefetched on the queryset for a serializer. """ model = serializer_class.Meta.model # If fields are not specified, default to all if not fields_to_include: fields_to_include = serializer_class.Meta.fields prefetch_fields = [] for field_name in fields_to_include: serializer_field = serializer_class._declared_fields.get(field_name) # Determine the name of the model field referenced by the serializer field model_field_name = field_name if serializer_field and serializer_field.source: model_field_name = serializer_field.source # If the serializer field does not map to a discrete model field, skip it. try: field = model._meta.get_field(model_field_name) if isinstance(field, (RelatedField, ManyToOneRel, GenericForeignKey)): prefetch_fields.append( except FieldDoesNotExist: continue # If this field is represented by a nested serializer, recurse to resolve prefetches # for the related object. if serializer_field: if issubclass(type(serializer_field), Serializer): # Determine which fields to prefetch for the nested object subfields = serializer_field.Meta.brief_fields if serializer_field.nested else None for subfield in get_prefetches_for_serializer(type(serializer_field), subfields): prefetch_fields.append(f'{field_name}__{subfield}') return prefetch_fields def get_annotations_for_serializer(serializer_class, fields_to_include=None): """ Return a mapping of field names to annotations to be applied to the queryset for a serializer. """ annotations = {} # If specific fields are not specified, default to all if not fields_to_include: fields_to_include = serializer_class.Meta.fields model = serializer_class.Meta.model for field_name, field in serializer_class._declared_fields.items(): if field_name in fields_to_include and type(field) is RelatedObjectCountField: related_field = model._meta.get_field(field.relation).field annotations[field_name] = count_related(related_field.model, return annotations def get_related_object_by_attrs(queryset, attrs): """ Return an object identified by either a dictionary of attributes or its numeric primary key (ID). This is used for referencing related objects when creating/updating objects via the REST API. """ if attrs is None: return None # Dictionary of related object attributes if isinstance(attrs, dict): params = dict_to_filter_params(attrs) try: return queryset.get(**params) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise ValidationError( _("Related object not found using the provided attributes: {params}").format(params=params)) except MultipleObjectsReturned: raise ValidationError( _("Multiple objects match the provided attributes: {params}").format(params=params) ) except FieldError as e: raise ValidationError(e) # Integer PK of related object try: # Cast as integer in case a PK was mistakenly sent as a string pk = int(attrs) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValidationError( _( "Related objects must be referenced by numeric ID or by dictionary of attributes. Received an " "unrecognized value: {value}" ).format(value=attrs) ) # Look up object by PK try: return queryset.get(pk=pk) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise ValidationError(_("Related object not found using the provided numeric ID: {id}").format(id=pk))