{% extends '_base.html' %} {% load form_helpers %} {% block title %}Device Import{% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include 'dcim/inc/device_import_header.html' %}
{% csrf_token %} {% render_form form %}
{% if return_url %} Cancel {% endif %}

CSV Format

Field Description Example
Name Device name (optional) rack101_sw1
Device role Functional role of device ToR Switch
Tenant Name of tenant (optional) Pied Piper
Device manufacturer Hardware manufacturer Juniper
Device model Hardware model EX4300-48T
Platform Software running on device (optional) Juniper Junos
Serial number Physical serial number (optional) CAB00577291
Asset tag Unique alphanumeric tag (optional) ABC123456
Status Current status Active
Site Site name Ashburn-VA
Rack Rack name (optional) R101
Position (U) Lowest-numbered rack unit occupied by the device (optional) 21
Face Rack face; front or rear (required if position is set) Rear


rack101_sw1,ToR Switch,Pied Piper,Juniper,EX4300-48T,Juniper Junos,CAB00577291,ABC123456,Active,Ashburn-VA,R101,21,Rear
{% endblock %}