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from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.http import Http404
from django_rq.queues import get_connection
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.routers import APIRootView
from rest_framework.viewsets import ReadOnlyModelViewSet, ViewSet
from rq import Worker
from extras import filtersets
from extras.choices import JobResultStatusChoices
from extras.models import *
from extras.models import CustomField
from extras.reports import get_report, get_reports, run_report
from extras.scripts import get_script, get_scripts, run_script
from netbox.api.authentication import IsAuthenticatedOrLoginNotRequired
from netbox.api.metadata import ContentTypeMetadata
from netbox.api.viewsets import NetBoxModelViewSet
from utilities.exceptions import RQWorkerNotRunningException
from utilities.utils import copy_safe_request, count_related
from . import serializers
class ExtrasRootView(APIRootView):
Extras API root view
def get_view_name(self):
return 'Extras'
class ConfigContextQuerySetMixin:
Used by views that work with config context models (device and virtual machine).
Provides a get_queryset() method which deals with adding the config context
data annotation or not.
def get_queryset(self):
Build the proper queryset based on the request context
If the `brief` query param equates to True or the `exclude` query param
includes `config_context` as a value, return the base queryset.
Else, return the queryset annotated with config context data
queryset = super().get_queryset()
request = self.get_serializer_context()['request']
if self.brief or 'config_context' in request.query_params.get('exclude', []):
return queryset
return queryset.annotate_config_context_data()
# Webhooks
class WebhookViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = Webhook.objects.all()
serializer_class = serializers.WebhookSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.WebhookFilterSet
# Custom fields
class CustomFieldViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = CustomField.objects.all()
serializer_class = serializers.CustomFieldSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.CustomFieldFilterSet
# Custom links
class CustomLinkViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = CustomLink.objects.all()
serializer_class = serializers.CustomLinkSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.CustomLinkFilterSet
# Export templates
class ExportTemplateViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = ExportTemplate.objects.all()
serializer_class = serializers.ExportTemplateSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.ExportTemplateFilterSet
# Tags
class TagViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
queryset = Tag.objects.annotate(
tagged_items=count_related(TaggedItem, 'tag')
serializer_class = serializers.TagSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.TagFilterSet
# Image attachments
class ImageAttachmentViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = ImageAttachment.objects.all()
serializer_class = serializers.ImageAttachmentSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.ImageAttachmentFilterSet
# Journal entries
class JournalEntryViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = JournalEntry.objects.all()
serializer_class = serializers.JournalEntrySerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.JournalEntryFilterSet
# Config contexts
class ConfigContextViewSet(NetBoxModelViewSet):
queryset = ConfigContext.objects.prefetch_related(
'regions', 'site_groups', 'sites', 'locations', 'roles', 'platforms', 'tenant_groups', 'tenants',
serializer_class = serializers.ConfigContextSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.ConfigContextFilterSet
# Reports
class ReportViewSet(ViewSet):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticatedOrLoginNotRequired]
_ignore_model_permissions = True
exclude_from_schema = True
lookup_value_regex = '[^/]+' # Allow dots
def _retrieve_report(self, pk):
# Read the PK as "<module>.<report>"
if '.' not in pk:
raise Http404
module_name, report_name = pk.split('.', 1)
# Raise a 404 on an invalid Report module/name
report = get_report(module_name, report_name)
if report is None:
raise Http404
return report
def list(self, request):
Compile all reports and their related results (if any). Result data is deferred in the list view.
report_list = []
report_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='extras', model='report')
results = {
r.name: r
for r in JobResult.objects.filter(
).order_by('name', '-created').distinct('name').defer('data')
# Iterate through all available Reports.
for module_name, reports in get_reports():
for report in reports:
# Attach the relevant JobResult (if any) to each Report.
report.result = results.get(report.full_name, None)
serializer = serializers.ReportSerializer(report_list, many=True, context={
'request': request,
return Response(serializer.data)
def retrieve(self, request, pk):
Retrieve a single Report identified as "<module>.<report>".
# Retrieve the Report and JobResult, if any.
report = self._retrieve_report(pk)
report_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='extras', model='report')
report.result = JobResult.objects.filter(
serializer = serializers.ReportDetailSerializer(report, context={
'request': request
return Response(serializer.data)
@action(detail=True, methods=['post'])
def run(self, request, pk):
Run a Report identified as "<module>.<script>" and return the pending JobResult as the result
# Check that the user has permission to run reports.
if not request.user.has_perm('extras.run_report'):
raise PermissionDenied("This user does not have permission to run reports.")
# Check that at least one RQ worker is running
if not Worker.count(get_connection('default')):
raise RQWorkerNotRunningException()
# Retrieve and run the Report. This will create a new JobResult.
report = self._retrieve_report(pk)
report_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='extras', model='report')
job_result = JobResult.enqueue_job(
report.result = job_result
serializer = serializers.ReportDetailSerializer(report, context={'request': request})
return Response(serializer.data)
# Scripts
class ScriptViewSet(ViewSet):
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticatedOrLoginNotRequired]
_ignore_model_permissions = True
exclude_from_schema = True
lookup_value_regex = '[^/]+' # Allow dots
def _get_script(self, pk):
module_name, script_name = pk.split('.')
script = get_script(module_name, script_name)
if script is None:
raise Http404
return script
def list(self, request):
script_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='extras', model='script')
results = {
r.name: r
for r in JobResult.objects.filter(
).order_by('name', '-created').distinct('name').defer('data')
flat_list = []
for script_list in get_scripts().values():
# Attach JobResult objects to each script (if any)
for script in flat_list:
script.result = results.get(script.full_name, None)
serializer = serializers.ScriptSerializer(flat_list, many=True, context={'request': request})
return Response(serializer.data)
def retrieve(self, request, pk):
script = self._get_script(pk)
script_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='extras', model='script')
script.result = JobResult.objects.filter(
serializer = serializers.ScriptDetailSerializer(script, context={'request': request})
return Response(serializer.data)
def post(self, request, pk):
Run a Script identified as "<module>.<script>" and return the pending JobResult as the result
script = self._get_script(pk)()
input_serializer = serializers.ScriptInputSerializer(data=request.data)
# Check that at least one RQ worker is running
if not Worker.count(get_connection('default')):
raise RQWorkerNotRunningException()
if input_serializer.is_valid():
data = input_serializer.data['data']
commit = input_serializer.data['commit']
script_content_type = ContentType.objects.get(app_label='extras', model='script')
job_result = JobResult.enqueue_job(
script.result = job_result
serializer = serializers.ScriptDetailSerializer(script, context={'request': request})
return Response(serializer.data)
return Response(input_serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
# Change logging
class ObjectChangeViewSet(ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
Retrieve a list of recent changes.
metadata_class = ContentTypeMetadata
queryset = ObjectChange.objects.prefetch_related('user')
serializer_class = serializers.ObjectChangeSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.ObjectChangeFilterSet
# Job Results
class JobResultViewSet(ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
Retrieve a list of job results
queryset = JobResult.objects.prefetch_related('user')
serializer_class = serializers.JobResultSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.JobResultFilterSet
# ContentTypes
class ContentTypeViewSet(ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
Read-only list of ContentTypes. Limit results to ContentTypes pertinent to NetBox objects.
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
queryset = ContentType.objects.order_by('app_label', 'model')
serializer_class = serializers.ContentTypeSerializer
filterset_class = filtersets.ContentTypeFilterSet