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The following are optional settings which may be declared in netbox/netbox/configuration.py.


NetBox will email details about critical errors to the administrators listed here. This should be a list of (name, email) tuples. For example:

    ['Hank Hill', 'hhill@example.com'],
    ['Dale Gribble', 'dgribble@example.com'],



Setting these variables will display content in a banner at the top and/or bottom of the page, respectively. To replicate the content of the top banner in the bottom banner, set:

BANNER_TOP = 'Your banner text'


Default: None

The base URL path to use when accessing NetBox. Do not include the scheme or domain name. For example, if installed at http://example.com/netbox/, set:

BASE_PATH = 'netbox/'


Default: False

If True, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests will be accepted from all origins. If False, a whitelist will be used (see below).



These settings specify a list of origins that are authorized to make cross-site API requests. Use CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST to define a list of exact hostnames, or CORS_ORIGIN_REGEX_WHITELIST to define a set of regular expressions. (These settings have no effect if CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL is True.)


Default: False

This setting enables debugging. This should be done only during development or troubleshooting. Never enable debugging on a production system, as it can expose sensitive data to unauthenticated users.


In order to send email, NetBox needs an email server configured. The following items can be defined within the EMAIL setting:

  • SERVER - Host name or IP address of the email server (use localhost if running locally)
  • PORT - TCP port to use for the connection (default: 25)
  • USERNAME - Username with which to authenticate
  • PASSSWORD - Password with which to authenticate
  • TIMEOUT - Amount of time to wait for a connection (seconds)
  • FROM_EMAIL - Sender address for emails sent by NetBox


Default: False

Enforcement of unique IP space can be toggled on a per-VRF basis. To enforce unique IP space within the global table (all prefixes and IP addresses not assigned to a VRF), set ENFORCE_GLOBAL_UNIQUE to True.


Default: False

Setting this to True will permit only authenticated users to access any part of NetBox. By default, anonymous users are permitted to access most data in NetBox (excluding secrets) but not make any changes.


Default: False

Setting this to True will display a "maintenance mode" banner at the top of every page.



If provided, NetBox will use these credentials to authenticate against devices when collecting data.


Default: 50

Determine how many objects to display per page within each list of objects.


Default: False

When determining the primary IP address for a device, IPv6 is preferred over IPv4 by default. Set this to True to prefer IPv4 instead.


Default: UTC

The time zone NetBox will use when dealing with dates and times. It is recommended to use UTC time unless you have a specific need to use a local time zone. List of available time zones.

Date and Time Formatting

You may define custom formatting for date and times. For detailed instructions on writing format strings, please see the Django documentation.


DATE_FORMAT = 'N j, Y'               # June 26, 2016
SHORT_DATE_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d'          # 2016-06-27
TIME_FORMAT = 'g:i a'                # 1:23 p.m.
SHORT_TIME_FORMAT = 'H:i:s'          # 13:23:00
DATETIME_FORMAT = 'N j, Y g:i a'     # June 26, 2016 1:23 p.m.
SHORT_DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i'  # 2016-06-27 13:23