mirror of https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox.git synced 2024-05-10 07:54:54 +00:00
Jeremy Stretch 9628dead07 Closes #10560: New global search (#10676)
* Initial work on new search backend

* Clean up search backends

* Return only the most relevant result per object

* Clear any pre-existing cached entries on cache()

* #6003: Implement global search functionality for custom field values

* Tweak field weights & document guidance

* Extend search() to accept a lookup type

* Move get_registry() out of SearchBackend

* Enforce object permissions when returning search results

* Add indexers for remaining models

* Avoid calling remove() on non-cacheable objects

* Use new search backend by default

* Extend search backend to filter by object type

* Clean up search view form

* Enable specifying lookup logic

* Add indexes for value field

* Remove object type selector from search bar

* Introduce SearchTable and enable HTMX for results

* Enable pagination

* Remove legacy search backend

* Cleanup

* Use a UUID for CachedValue primary key

* Refactoring search methods

* Define max search results limit

* Extend reindex command to support specifying particular models

* Add clear() and size to SearchBackend

* Optimize bulk caching performance

* Highlight matched portion of field value

* Performance improvements for reindexing

* Started on search tests

* Cleanup & docs

* Documentation updates

* Clean up SearchIndex

* Flatten search registry to register by app_label.model_name

* Clean up search backend classes

* Clean up RestrictedGenericForeignKey and RestrictedPrefetch

* Resolve migrations conflict
2022-10-21 13:16:16 -04:00

344 lines
11 KiB

import urllib.parse
import uuid
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.urls import reverse
from dcim.models import Site
from extras.choices import *
from extras.models import *
from utilities.testing import ViewTestCases, TestCase
class CustomFieldTestCase(ViewTestCases.PrimaryObjectViewTestCase):
model = CustomField
def setUpTestData(cls):
site_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site)
custom_fields = (
CustomField(name='field1', label='Field 1', type=CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT),
CustomField(name='field2', label='Field 2', type=CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT),
CustomField(name='field3', label='Field 3', type=CustomFieldTypeChoices.TYPE_TEXT),
for customfield in custom_fields:
cls.form_data = {
'name': 'field_x',
'label': 'Field X',
'type': 'text',
'content_types': [site_ct.pk],
'search_weight': 2000,
'filter_logic': CustomFieldFilterLogicChoices.FILTER_EXACT,
'default': None,
'weight': 200,
'required': True,
'ui_visibility': CustomFieldVisibilityChoices.VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE,
cls.csv_data = (
'field4,Field 4,text,dcim.site,,100,1000,exact,,,,[a-z]{3},read-write',
'field5,Field 5,integer,dcim.site,,100,2000,exact,,1,100,,read-write',
'field6,Field 6,select,dcim.site,,100,3000,exact,"A,B,C",,,,read-write',
'field7,Field 7,object,dcim.site,dcim.region,100,4000,exact,,,,,read-write',
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'required': True,
'weight': 200,
class CustomLinkTestCase(ViewTestCases.PrimaryObjectViewTestCase):
model = CustomLink
def setUpTestData(cls):
site_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site)
CustomLink(name='Custom Link 1', content_type=site_ct, enabled=True, link_text='Link 1', link_url='http://example.com/?1'),
CustomLink(name='Custom Link 2', content_type=site_ct, enabled=True, link_text='Link 2', link_url='http://example.com/?2'),
CustomLink(name='Custom Link 3', content_type=site_ct, enabled=False, link_text='Link 3', link_url='http://example.com/?3'),
cls.form_data = {
'name': 'Custom Link X',
'content_type': site_ct.pk,
'enabled': False,
'weight': 100,
'button_class': CustomLinkButtonClassChoices.DEFAULT,
'link_text': 'Link X',
'link_url': 'http://example.com/?x'
cls.csv_data = (
"Custom Link 4,dcim.site,True,100,blue,Link 4,http://exmaple.com/?4",
"Custom Link 5,dcim.site,True,100,blue,Link 5,http://exmaple.com/?5",
"Custom Link 6,dcim.site,False,100,blue,Link 6,http://exmaple.com/?6",
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'button_class': CustomLinkButtonClassChoices.CYAN,
'enabled': False,
'weight': 200,
class ExportTemplateTestCase(ViewTestCases.PrimaryObjectViewTestCase):
model = ExportTemplate
def setUpTestData(cls):
site_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site)
TEMPLATE_CODE = """{% for object in queryset %}{{ object }}{% endfor %}"""
ExportTemplate(name='Export Template 1', content_type=site_ct, template_code=TEMPLATE_CODE),
ExportTemplate(name='Export Template 2', content_type=site_ct, template_code=TEMPLATE_CODE),
ExportTemplate(name='Export Template 3', content_type=site_ct, template_code=TEMPLATE_CODE),
cls.form_data = {
'name': 'Export Template X',
'content_type': site_ct.pk,
'template_code': TEMPLATE_CODE,
cls.csv_data = (
f"Export Template 4,dcim.site,{TEMPLATE_CODE}",
f"Export Template 5,dcim.site,{TEMPLATE_CODE}",
f"Export Template 6,dcim.site,{TEMPLATE_CODE}",
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'mime_type': 'text/html',
'file_extension': 'html',
'as_attachment': True,
class WebhookTestCase(ViewTestCases.PrimaryObjectViewTestCase):
model = Webhook
def setUpTestData(cls):
site_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site)
webhooks = (
Webhook(name='Webhook 1', payload_url='http://example.com/?1', type_create=True, http_method='POST'),
Webhook(name='Webhook 2', payload_url='http://example.com/?2', type_create=True, http_method='POST'),
Webhook(name='Webhook 3', payload_url='http://example.com/?3', type_create=True, http_method='POST'),
for webhook in webhooks:
cls.form_data = {
'name': 'Webhook X',
'content_types': [site_ct.pk],
'type_create': False,
'type_update': True,
'type_delete': True,
'payload_url': 'http://example.com/?x',
'http_method': 'GET',
'http_content_type': 'application/foo',
'conditions': None,
cls.csv_data = (
"Webhook 4,dcim.site,True,http://example.com/?4,GET,application/json",
"Webhook 5,dcim.site,True,http://example.com/?5,GET,application/json",
"Webhook 6,dcim.site,True,http://example.com/?6,GET,application/json",
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'enabled': False,
'type_create': False,
'type_update': True,
'type_delete': True,
'http_method': 'GET',
class TagTestCase(ViewTestCases.OrganizationalObjectViewTestCase):
model = Tag
def setUpTestData(cls):
Tag(name='Tag 1', slug='tag-1'),
Tag(name='Tag 2', slug='tag-2'),
Tag(name='Tag 3', slug='tag-3'),
cls.form_data = {
'name': 'Tag X',
'slug': 'tag-x',
'color': 'c0c0c0',
'comments': 'Some comments',
cls.csv_data = (
"Tag 4,tag-4,ff0000,Fourth tag",
"Tag 5,tag-5,00ff00,Fifth tag",
"Tag 6,tag-6,0000ff,Sixth tag",
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'color': '00ff00',
# TODO: Change base class to PrimaryObjectViewTestCase
# Blocked by absence of standard create/edit, bulk create views
class ConfigContextTestCase(
model = ConfigContext
def setUpTestData(cls):
site = Site.objects.create(name='Site 1', slug='site-1')
# Create three ConfigContexts
for i in range(1, 4):
configcontext = ConfigContext(
name='Config Context {}'.format(i),
data={'foo': i}
cls.form_data = {
'name': 'Config Context X',
'weight': 200,
'description': 'A new config context',
'is_active': True,
'regions': [],
'sites': [site.pk],
'roles': [],
'platforms': [],
'tenant_groups': [],
'tenants': [],
'tags': [],
'data': '{"foo": 123}',
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'weight': 300,
'is_active': False,
'description': 'New description',
# TODO: Convert to StandardTestCases.Views
class ObjectChangeTestCase(TestCase):
user_permissions = (
def setUpTestData(cls):
site = Site(name='Site 1', slug='site-1')
# Create three ObjectChanges
user = User.objects.create_user(username='testuser2')
for i in range(1, 4):
oc = site.to_objectchange(action=ObjectChangeActionChoices.ACTION_UPDATE)
oc.user = user
oc.request_id = uuid.uuid4()
def test_objectchange_list(self):
url = reverse('extras:objectchange_list')
params = {
"user": User.objects.first().pk,
response = self.client.get('{}?{}'.format(url, urllib.parse.urlencode(params)))
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)
def test_objectchange(self):
objectchange = ObjectChange.objects.first()
response = self.client.get(objectchange.get_absolute_url())
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)
class JournalEntryTestCase(
# ViewTestCases.GetObjectViewTestCase,
model = JournalEntry
def setUpTestData(cls):
site_ct = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Site)
site = Site.objects.create(name='Site 1', slug='site-1')
user = User.objects.create(username='User 1')
JournalEntry(assigned_object=site, created_by=user, comments='First entry'),
JournalEntry(assigned_object=site, created_by=user, comments='Second entry'),
JournalEntry(assigned_object=site, created_by=user, comments='Third entry'),
cls.form_data = {
'assigned_object_type': site_ct.pk,
'assigned_object_id': site.pk,
'kind': 'info',
'comments': 'A new entry',
cls.bulk_edit_data = {
'kind': 'success',
'comments': 'Overwritten',
class CustomLinkTest(TestCase):
user_permissions = ['dcim.view_site']
def test_view_object_with_custom_link(self):
customlink = CustomLink(
link_text='FOO {{ obj.name }} BAR',
link_url='http://example.com/?site={{ obj.slug }}',
site = Site(name='Test Site', slug='test-site')
response = self.client.get(site.get_absolute_url(), follow=True)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
self.assertIn(f'FOO {site.name} BAR', str(response.content))