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from django.contrib.auth.models import Permission, User
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.test import Client, TestCase as _TestCase, override_settings
from django.urls import reverse, NoReverseMatch
from rest_framework.test import APIClient
from users.models import Token
from .utils import disable_warnings, post_data
class TestCase(_TestCase):
user_permissions = ()
def setUp(self):
# Create the test user and assign permissions
self.user = User.objects.create_user(username='testuser')
# Initialize the test client
self.client = Client()
# Permissions management
def add_permissions(self, *names):
Assign a set of permissions to the test user. Accepts permission names in the form <app>.<action>_<model>.
for name in names:
app, codename = name.split('.')
perm = Permission.objects.get(content_type__app_label=app, codename=codename)
def remove_permissions(self, *names):
Remove a set of permissions from the test user, if assigned.
for name in names:
app, codename = name.split('.')
perm = Permission.objects.get(content_type__app_label=app, codename=codename)
# Convenience methods
def assertHttpStatus(self, response, expected_status):
TestCase method. Provide more detail in the event of an unexpected HTTP response.
err_message = "Expected HTTP status {}; received {}: {}"
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, expected_status, err_message.format(
expected_status, response.status_code, getattr(response, 'data', 'No data')
class ModelViewTestCase(TestCase):
Base TestCase for model views. Subclass to test individual views.
model = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if self.model is None:
raise Exception("Test case requires model to be defined")
def _get_base_url(self):
Return the base format for a URL for the test's model. Override this to test for a model which belongs
to a different app (e.g. testing Interfaces within the virtualization app).
return '{}:{}_{{}}'.format(
def _get_url(self, action, instance=None):
Return the URL name for a specific action. An instance must be specified for
get/edit/delete views.
url_format = self._get_base_url()
if action in ('list', 'add', 'import', 'bulk_edit', 'bulk_delete'):
return reverse(url_format.format(action))
elif action in ('get', 'edit', 'delete'):
if instance is None:
raise Exception("Resolving {} URL requires specifying an instance".format(action))
# Attempt to resolve using slug first
if hasattr(self.model, 'slug'):
return reverse(url_format.format(action), kwargs={'slug': instance.slug})
except NoReverseMatch:
return reverse(url_format.format(action), kwargs={'pk': instance.pk})
raise Exception("Invalid action for URL resolution: {}".format(action))
def assertInstanceEqual(self, instance, data):
Compare a model instance to a dictionary, checking that its attribute values match those specified
in the dictionary.
model_dict = model_to_dict(instance, fields=data.keys())
for key in list(model_dict.keys()):
# TODO: Differentiate between tags assigned to the instance and a M2M field for tags (ex: ConfigContext)
if key == 'tags':
model_dict[key] = ','.join(sorted([tag.name for tag in model_dict['tags']]))
# Convert ManyToManyField to list of instance PKs
elif model_dict[key] and type(model_dict[key]) in (list, tuple) and hasattr(model_dict[key][0], 'pk'):
model_dict[key] = [obj.pk for obj in model_dict[key]]
# Omit any dictionary keys which are not instance attributes
relevant_data = {
k: v for k, v in data.items() if hasattr(instance, k)
self.assertDictEqual(model_dict, relevant_data)
class APITestCase(TestCase):
client_class = APIClient
def setUp(self):
Create a superuser and token for API calls.
self.user = User.objects.create(username='testuser', is_superuser=True)
self.token = Token.objects.create(user=self.user)
self.header = {'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION': 'Token {}'.format(self.token.key)}
class ViewTestCases:
We keep any TestCases with test_* methods inside a class to prevent unittest from trying to run them.
class GetObjectViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Retrieve a single instance.
def test_get_object(self):
instance = self.model.objects.first()
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.get(instance.get_absolute_url()), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.view_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.get(instance.get_absolute_url())
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)
class CreateObjectViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Create a single new instance.
form_data = {}
def test_create_object(self):
initial_count = self.model.objects.count()
request = {
'path': self._get_url('add'),
'data': post_data(self.form_data),
'follow': False, # Do not follow 302 redirects
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.add_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 302)
self.assertEqual(initial_count + 1, self.model.objects.count())
instance = self.model.objects.order_by('-pk').first()
self.assertInstanceEqual(instance, self.form_data)
class EditObjectViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Edit a single existing instance.
form_data = {}
def test_edit_object(self):
instance = self.model.objects.first()
request = {
'path': self._get_url('edit', instance),
'data': post_data(self.form_data),
'follow': False, # Do not follow 302 redirects
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.change_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 302)
instance = self.model.objects.get(pk=instance.pk)
self.assertInstanceEqual(instance, self.form_data)
class DeleteObjectViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Delete a single instance.
def test_delete_object(self):
instance = self.model.objects.first()
request = {
'path': self._get_url('delete', instance),
'data': {'confirm': True},
'follow': False, # Do not follow 302 redirects
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.delete_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 302)
with self.assertRaises(ObjectDoesNotExist):
class ListObjectsViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Retrieve multiple instances.
def test_list_objects(self):
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.get(self._get_url('list')), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.view_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.get(self._get_url('list'))
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)
# Built-in CSV export
if hasattr(self.model, 'csv_headers'):
response = self.client.get('{}?export'.format(self._get_url('list')))
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)
self.assertEqual(response.get('Content-Type'), 'text/csv')
class BulkCreateObjectsViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Create multiple instances using a single form. Expects the creation of three new instances by default.
bulk_create_count = 3
bulk_create_data = {}
def test_bulk_create_objects(self):
initial_count = self.model.objects.count()
request = {
'path': self._get_url('add'),
'data': post_data(self.bulk_create_data),
'follow': False, # Do not follow 302 redirects
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.add_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 302)
self.assertEqual(initial_count + self.bulk_create_count, self.model.objects.count())
for instance in self.model.objects.order_by('-pk')[:self.bulk_create_count]:
self.assertInstanceEqual(instance, self.bulk_create_data)
class ImportObjectsViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Create multiple instances from imported data.
csv_data = ()
def test_import_objects(self):
initial_count = self.model.objects.count()
request = {
'path': self._get_url('import'),
'data': {
'csv': '\n'.join(self.csv_data)
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.view_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name),
'{}.add_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 200)
self.assertEqual(self.model.objects.count(), initial_count + len(self.csv_data) - 1)
class BulkEditObjectsViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Edit multiple instances.
bulk_edit_data = {}
def test_bulk_edit_objects(self):
# Bulk edit the first three objects only
pk_list = self.model.objects.values_list('pk', flat=True)[:3]
request = {
'path': self._get_url('bulk_edit'),
'data': {
'pk': pk_list,
'_apply': True, # Form button
'follow': False, # Do not follow 302 redirects
# Append the form data to the request
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.change_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 302)
for i, instance in enumerate(self.model.objects.filter(pk__in=pk_list)):
self.assertInstanceEqual(instance, self.bulk_edit_data)
class BulkDeleteObjectsViewTestCase(ModelViewTestCase):
Delete multiple instances.
def test_bulk_delete_objects(self):
pk_list = self.model.objects.values_list('pk', flat=True)
request = {
'path': self._get_url('bulk_delete'),
'data': {
'pk': pk_list,
'confirm': True,
'_confirm': True, # Form button
'follow': False, # Do not follow 302 redirects
# Attempt to make the request without required permissions
with disable_warnings('django.request'):
self.assertHttpStatus(self.client.post(**request), 403)
# Assign the required permission and submit again
'{}.delete_{}'.format(self.model._meta.app_label, self.model._meta.model_name)
response = self.client.post(**request)
self.assertHttpStatus(response, 302)
# Check that all objects were deleted
self.assertEqual(self.model.objects.count(), 0)
class PrimaryObjectViewTestCase(
TestCase suitable for testing all standard View functions for primary objects
maxDiff = None
class OrganizationalObjectViewTestCase(
TestCase suitable for all organizational objects
maxDiff = None
class DeviceComponentTemplateViewTestCase(
TestCase suitable for testing device component template models (ConsolePortTemplates, InterfaceTemplates, etc.)
maxDiff = None
class DeviceComponentViewTestCase(
TestCase suitable for testing device component models (ConsolePorts, Interfaces, etc.)
maxDiff = None