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synced 2024-05-10 07:54:54 +00:00
* Avoid catching ImportErrors when loading plugin URLs * Avoid catching ImportErrors when loading plugin resources
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166 lines
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import collections
from importlib.util import find_spec
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from packaging import version
from netbox.registry import registry
from netbox.search import register_search
from .navigation import *
from .registration import *
from .templates import *
# Initialize plugin registry
registry['plugins'] = {
'graphql_schemas': [],
'menus': [],
'menu_items': {},
'preferences': {},
'template_extensions': collections.defaultdict(list),
'search_indexes': 'search.indexes',
'graphql_schema': 'graphql.schema',
'menu': 'navigation.menu',
'menu_items': 'navigation.menu_items',
'template_extensions': 'template_content.template_extensions',
'user_preferences': 'preferences.preferences',
# Plugin AppConfig class
class PluginConfig(AppConfig):
Subclass of Django's built-in AppConfig class, to be used for NetBox plugins.
# Plugin metadata
author = ''
author_email = ''
description = ''
version = ''
# Root URL path under /plugins. If not set, the plugin's label will be used.
base_url = None
# Minimum/maximum compatible versions of NetBox
min_version = None
max_version = None
# Default configuration parameters
default_settings = {}
# Mandatory configuration parameters
required_settings = []
# Middleware classes provided by the plugin
middleware = []
# Django-rq queues dedicated to the plugin
queues = []
# Django apps to append to INSTALLED_APPS when plugin requires them.
django_apps = []
# Optional plugin resources
search_indexes = None
graphql_schema = None
menu = None
menu_items = None
template_extensions = None
user_preferences = None
def _load_resource(self, name):
# Import from the configured path, if defined.
if getattr(self, name):
return import_string(f"{self.__module__}.{self.name}")
# Fall back to the resource's default path. Return None if the module has not been provided.
default_path = DEFAULT_RESOURCE_PATHS[name]
default_module = f'{self.__module__}.{default_path}'.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
if find_spec(default_module):
setattr(self, name, default_path)
return import_string(f"{self.__module__}.{default_path}")
def ready(self):
plugin_name = self.name.rsplit('.', 1)[-1]
# Register search extensions (if defined)
search_indexes = self._load_resource('search_indexes') or []
for idx in search_indexes:
# Register template content (if defined)
if template_extensions := self._load_resource('template_extensions'):
# Register navigation menu and/or menu items (if defined)
if menu := self._load_resource('menu'):
if menu_items := self._load_resource('menu_items'):
register_menu_items(self.verbose_name, menu_items)
# Register GraphQL schema (if defined)
if graphql_schema := self._load_resource('graphql_schema'):
# Register user preferences (if defined)
if user_preferences := self._load_resource('user_preferences'):
register_user_preferences(plugin_name, user_preferences)
def validate(cls, user_config, netbox_version):
# Enforce version constraints
current_version = version.parse(netbox_version)
if cls.min_version is not None:
min_version = version.parse(cls.min_version)
if current_version < min_version:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
f"Plugin {cls.__module__} requires NetBox minimum version {cls.min_version}."
if cls.max_version is not None:
max_version = version.parse(cls.max_version)
if current_version > max_version:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
f"Plugin {cls.__module__} requires NetBox maximum version {cls.max_version}."
# Verify required configuration settings
for setting in cls.required_settings:
if setting not in user_config:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
f"Plugin {cls.__module__} requires '{setting}' to be present in the PLUGINS_CONFIG section of "
# Apply default configuration values
for setting, value in cls.default_settings.items():
if setting not in user_config:
user_config[setting] = value
# Utilities
def get_plugin_config(plugin_name, parameter, default=None):
Return the value of the specified plugin configuration parameter.
plugin_name: The name of the plugin
parameter: The name of the configuration parameter
default: The value to return if the parameter is not defined (default: None)
plugin_config = settings.PLUGINS_CONFIG[plugin_name]
return plugin_config.get(parameter, default)
except KeyError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(f"Plugin {plugin_name} is not registered.")