#!/bin/bash set -e clickhouse client -n <<-EOSQL CREATE DATABASE dictionaries; CREATE DICTIONARY dictionaries.protocols ( proto UInt8, name String, description String ) PRIMARY KEY proto LAYOUT(FLAT()) SOURCE (FILE(path '/var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/protocols.csv' format 'CSVWithNames')) LIFETIME(3600); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS flows ( TimeReceived UInt64, TimeFlowStart UInt64, SequenceNum UInt32, SamplingRate UInt64, SamplerAddress FixedString(16), SrcAddr FixedString(16), DstAddr FixedString(16), SrcAS UInt32, DstAS UInt32, EType UInt32, Proto UInt32, SrcPort UInt32, DstPort UInt32, Bytes UInt64, Packets UInt64 ) ENGINE = Kafka() SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'kafka:9092', kafka_topic_list = 'flows', kafka_group_name = 'clickhouse', kafka_format = 'Protobuf', kafka_schema = './flow.proto:FlowMessage'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS flows_raw ( Date Date, TimeReceived DateTime, TimeFlowStart DateTime, SequenceNum UInt32, SamplingRate UInt64, SamplerAddress FixedString(16), SrcAddr FixedString(16), DstAddr FixedString(16), SrcAS UInt32, DstAS UInt32, EType UInt32, Proto UInt32, SrcPort UInt32, DstPort UInt32, Bytes UInt64, Packets UInt64 ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY Date ORDER BY TimeReceived; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS flows_raw_view TO flows_raw AS SELECT toDate(TimeReceived) AS Date, * FROM flows; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS flows_5m ( Date Date, Timeslot DateTime, SrcAS UInt32, DstAS UInt32, ETypeMap Nested ( EType UInt32, Bytes UInt64, Packets UInt64, Count UInt64 ), Bytes UInt64, Packets UInt64, Count UInt64 ) ENGINE = SummingMergeTree() PARTITION BY Date ORDER BY (Date, Timeslot, SrcAS, DstAS, \`ETypeMap.EType\`); CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS flows_5m_view TO flows_5m AS SELECT Date, toStartOfFiveMinute(TimeReceived) AS Timeslot, SrcAS, DstAS, [EType] AS \`ETypeMap.EType\`, [Bytes] AS \`ETypeMap.Bytes\`, [Packets] AS \`ETypeMap.Packets\`, [Count] AS \`ETypeMap.Count\`, sum(Bytes) AS Bytes, sum(Packets) AS Packets, count() AS Count FROM flows_raw GROUP BY Date, Timeslot, SrcAS, DstAS, \`ETypeMap.EType\`; EOSQL