mirror of https://github.com/netsampler/goflow2.git synced 2024-05-06 15:54:52 +00:00
2021-05-25 17:33:26 -07:00

4.7 KiB


You can find information on the protocols in the links below:

The mapping to the protobuf format is listed in the table below.

Field Description NetFlow v5 sFlow NetFlow v9 IPFIX
Type Type of flow message NETFLOW_V5 SFLOW_5 NETFLOW_V9 IPFIX
TimeReceived Timestamp of when the message was received Included Included Included Included
SequenceNum Sequence number of the flow packet Included Included Included Included
SamplingRate Sampling rate of the flow Included Included Included Included
FlowDirection Direction of the flow DIRECTION (61) flowDirection (61)
SamplerAddress Address of the device that generated the packet IP source of packet Agent IP IP source of packet IP source of packet
TimeFlowStart Time the flow started System uptime and first =TimeReceived System uptime and FIRST_SWITCHED (22) flowStartXXX (150, 152, 154, 156)
TimeFlowEnd Time the flow ended System uptime and last =TimeReceived System uptime and LAST_SWITCHED (23) flowEndXXX (151, 153, 155, 157)
Bytes Number of bytes in flow dOctets Length of sample IN_BYTES (1) OUT_BYTES (23) octetDeltaCount (1) postOctetDeltaCount (23)
Packets Number of packets in flow dPkts =1 IN_PKTS (2) OUT_PKTS (24) packetDeltaCount (1) postPacketDeltaCount (24)
SrcAddr Source address (IP) srcaddr (IPv4 only) Included Included IPV4_SRC_ADDR (8) IPV6_SRC_ADDR (27)
DstAddr Destination address (IP) dstaddr (IPv4 only) Included Included IPV4_DST_ADDR (12) IPV6_DST_ADDR (28)
Etype Ethernet type (0x86dd for IPv6...) IPv4 Included Included Included
Proto Protocol (UDP, TCP, ICMP...) prot Included PROTOCOL (4) protocolIdentifier (4)
SrcPort Source port (when UDP/TCP/SCTP) srcport Included L4_DST_PORT (11) destinationTransportPort (11)
DstPort Destination port (when UDP/TCP/SCTP) dstport Included L4_SRC_PORT (7) sourceTransportPort (7)
InIf Input interface input Included INPUT_SNMP (10) ingressInterface (10)
OutIf Output interface output Included OUTPUT_SNMP (14) egressInterface (14)
SrcMac Source mac address Included IN_SRC_MAC (56) sourceMacAddress (56)
DstMac Destination mac address Included OUT_DST_MAC (57) postDestinationMacAddress (57)
SrcVlan Source VLAN ID From ExtendedSwitch SRC_VLAN (59) vlanId (58)
DstVlan Destination VLAN ID From ExtendedSwitch DST_VLAN (59) postVlanId (59)
VlanId 802.11q VLAN ID Included SRC_VLAN (59) postVlanId (59)
IngressVrfID VRF ID ingressVRFID (234)
EgressVrfID VRF ID egressVRFID (235)
IPTos IP Type of Service tos Included SRC_TOS (5) ipClassOfService (5)
ForwardingStatus Forwarding status FORWARDING_STATUS (89) forwardingStatus (89)
IPTTL IP Time to Live Included IPTTL (52) minimumTTL (52
TCPFlags TCP flags tcp_flags Included TCP_FLAGS (6) tcpControlBits (6)
IcmpType ICMP Type Included ICMP_TYPE (32) icmpTypeXXX (176, 178) icmpTypeCodeXXX (32, 139)
IcmpCode ICMP Code Included ICMP_TYPE (32) icmpCodeXXX (177, 179) icmpTypeCodeXXX (32, 139)
IPv6FlowLabel IPv6 Flow Label Included IPV6_FLOW_LABEL (31) flowLabelIPv6 (31)
FragmentId IP Fragment ID Included IPV4_IDENT (54) fragmentIdentification (54)
FragmentOffset IP Fragment Offset Included FRAGMENT_OFFSET (88) fragmentOffset (88) and fragmentFlags (197)
BiFlowDirection BiFlow Identification biflowDirection (239)
SrcAS Source AS number src_as From ExtendedGateway SRC_AS (16) bgpSourceAsNumber (16)
DstAS Destination AS number dst_as From ExtendedGateway DST_AS (17) bgpDestinationAsNumber (17)
NextHop Nexthop address nexthop From ExtendedGateway IPV4_NEXT_HOP (15) BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP (18) IPV6_NEXT_HOP (62) BGP_IPV6_NEXT_HOP (63) ipNextHopIPv4Address (15) bgpNextHopIPv4Address (18) ipNextHopIPv6Address (62) bgpNextHopIPv6Address (63)
NextHopAS Nexthop AS number From ExtendedGateway
SrcNet Source address mask src_mask From ExtendedRouter SRC_MASK (9) IPV6_SRC_MASK (29) sourceIPv4PrefixLength (9) sourceIPv6PrefixLength (29)
DstNet Destination address mask dst_mask From ExtendedRouter DST_MASK (13) IPV6_DST_MASK (30) destinationIPv4PrefixLength (13) destinationIPv6PrefixLength (30)
HasMPLS Indicates the presence of MPLS header Included
MPLSCount Count of MPLS layers Included
MPLSxTTL TTL of the MPLS label Included
MPLSxLabel MPLS label Included