# A RPKI Relying Party in Rust ## Getting Started (aka What’s that Rust thing you keep going on about?) If you don’t have it yet, you need Rust. There’s a tool called *rustup* for that. If you feel lucky, simply do: ```bash curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh ``` or get the file, have a look and then run it manually. Follow the instructions (if any) to get rustup and cargo, the rust build tool, into your path. If you already have Rust, make sure you have a reasonably new version. The code assumes that you have the latest stable version. If in doubt, run ```bash rustup update ``` In the directory you cloned this repository to, say ```bash cargo build ``` This will build the whole thing (or fail, of course). If it succeeds, you can run ```bash cargo run ``` to run the binary that has been built. At this point, it will rsync all repository instances into `./test/repository` and validate them. You will need the `rsync` executable in your path.