# RtBrick BNG Blaster ![Build](https://github.com/rtbrick/bngblaster/workflows/Build/badge.svg?branch=main) The BNG Blaster is a test tool to simulate more than hundred thousand PPPoE and IPoE subscribers including IPTV, L2TPv2, QoS, forwarding verification and convergence testing capabilities. A short introduction can be found on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/EHJ70p0_Sw0 "BNG Blaster") or checkout the [documentation](https://rtbrick.github.io/bngblaster/) for details. ![BBL Interactive](docs/images/bbl_interactive.png "BNG Blaster (Interactive Mode)") ## License BNG Blaster is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License, which means that you are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes as long as you fulfill its conditions. See the LICENSE file for more details. ## Copyright Copyright (C) 2020-2021, RtBrick, Inc.