.. _api: API/CLI ======= The control socket is an unix domain stream socket that allows interacting with the BNG Blaster using JSON RPC. We developed this interface for the BNG Blaster Controller but it can be also used by other tools. One example is the included CLI tool ``bngblaster-cli``. You can use this for interactive communication with the BNG Blaster. You need to enable the control socket by providing the path to the socket file with the argument ``-S`` (``bngblaster -S run.sock``). Each request must contain at least the ``command`` element which carries the actual command with optional arguments. .. code-block:: json { "command": "" "arguments": { "": "" } } Following an example RPC request with corresponding response. ``$ cat command.json | jq .`` .. code-block:: json { "command": "session-counters" } ``$ cat command.json | sudo nc -U run.sock | jq .`` .. code-block:: json { "status": "ok", "code": 200, "session-counters": { "sessions": 3, "sessions-established": 3, "sessions-flapped": 3, "dhcpv6-sessions-established": 3 } } The response contains at least the status element with the value ``ok`` and status code ``2xx`` if request was successfully. The status can be also set to ``warning`` or ``error`` with corresponding error code and an optional error message. ``$ cat command.json | sudo nc -U test.socket | jq .`` .. code-block:: json { "status": "warning", "code": 404, "message": "session not found" } The ``session-id`` is the same as used for ``{session-global}`` in the configuration. This number starts with 1 and is increased per session added. In example if username is configured as ``user{session-global}@rtbrick.com`` and logged in user is ``user10@rtbrick.com`` the ``session-id`` of this user is ``10``. .. tip:: The argument ``session-id`` can be alternatively replaced with interface index and VLAN of the session. The interface index (``ifindex``) can be requested using the ``interfaces`` command or skipped. The first access interface is automatically used if the argument ``ifindex`` is not present in the command. This is not supported for N:1 sessions because multiple sessions can be assigned to a single VLAN. .. code-block:: json { "command": "session-info", "arguments": { "ifindex": 10, "outer-vlan": 1, "inner-vlan": 1 } } BNG Blaster CLI --------------- The python script ``bngblaster-cli`` provides a simple CLI tool for interactive communication with the BNG Blaster. .. code-block:: none $ sudo bngblaster-cli BNG Blaster Control Socket Client bngblaster-cli [arguments] Examples: bngblaster-cli run.sock session-info session-id 1 bngblaster-cli run.sock igmp-join session-id 1 group source1 source2 source3 bngblaster-cli run.sock igmp-info session-id 1 bngblaster-cli run.sock l2tp-csurq tunnel-id 1 sessions [1,2] ``$ sudo bngblaster-cli run.sock session-counters | jq .`` .. code-block:: json { "status": "ok", "code": 200, "session-counters": { "sessions": 1, "sessions-established": 1, "sessions-flapped": 0, "dhcpv6-sessions-established": 1 } } Test ---- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description - Mandatory Arguments - Optional Arguments * - `test-info` - Display information about the running test instance - - * - `test-stop` - Stop/teardown the test - - * - `terminate` - Stop/teardown the test - - * - `monkey-start` - Start monkey test - - * - `monkey-stop` - Stop monkey test - - Interfaces ---------- .. include:: interfaces.rst Sessions -------- .. include:: sessions.rst PPP --- .. include:: ppp.rst L2TP ---- .. include:: l2tp.rst IGMP ---- .. include:: igmp.rst Traffic ------- .. include:: traffic.rst Streams ------- .. include:: streams.rst ISIS ---- .. include:: isis.rst BGP --- .. include:: bgp.rst LDP --- .. include:: ldp.rst CFM --- .. include:: cfm.rst Legal Interception (LI) ----------------------- This is explained detailed in the :ref:`Legal Interception (LI)
  • ` section. .. include:: li.rst