.. code-block:: json { "l2tp-server": [] } .. list-table:: :widths: 25 50 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description - Default * - `name` - Mandatory L2TP LNS server hostname (AVP 7) - * - `address` - Mandatory L2TP server address - * - `secret` - Tunnel secret - * - `receive-window-size` - Control messages receive window size - 16 * - `max-retry` - Control messages max retry - 5 * - `congestion-mode` - Control messages congestion mode - default * - `hello-interval` - Set hello interval - 30 * - `data-control-priority` - Set the priority bit in the L2TP header for all non-IP data packets (LCP, IPCP, ...) - false * - `data-length` - Set length bit for all data packets - false * - `data-offset` - Set offset bit with offset zero for all data packets - false * - `control-tos` - L2TP control traffic (SCCRQ, ICRQ, ...) TOS priority - 0 * - `data-control-tos` - Set the L2TP tunnel TOS priority (outer IPv4 header) for all non-IP data packets (LCP, IPCP, ...) - 0 * - `lcp-padding` - Add fixed padding to LCP packets send from LNS - 0 The BNG Blaster supports different congestion modes for the reliable delivery of control messages. The ``default`` mode is described in RFC2661 appendix A (Control Channel Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance). The mode ``slow`` uses a fixed control window size of 1 where ``aggressive`` sticks to max permitted based on peer received window size.