.. code-block:: json { "pppoe": {} } .. list-table:: :widths: 25 50 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description - Default * - `session-time` - Max PPPoE session time in seconds - 0 (infinity) * - `reconnect` - Automatically reconnect sessions if terminated - false * - `discovery-timeout` - PPPoE discovery (PADI and PADR) timeout in seconds - 5 * - `discovery-retry` - PPPoE discovery (PADI and PADR) max retry - 10 * - `service-name` - PPPoE discovery service name - * - `host-uniq` - PPPoE discovery host-uniq - false * - `vlan-priority` - VLAN PBIT for all PPPoE/PPP control traffic - 0