.. code-block:: json { "session-traffic": {} } .. list-table:: :widths: 25 50 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description - Default * - `autostart` - Automatically start session traffic after the session is established - true * - `ipv4-pps` - Autogenerate bidirectional IPv4 traffic between a network interface and all sessions - 0 (disabled) * - `ipv4-label` - Send downstream IPv4 traffic with the specified MPLS label - 0 (unlabeled) * - `ipv4-address` - Overwrite network interface IPv4 address - network interface address * - `ipv6-pps` - Generate bidirectional IPv6 traffic between a network interface and all sessions - 0 (disabled) * - `ipv6-label` - Send downstream IPv6 traffic with the specified MPLS label - 0 (unlabeled) * - `ipv6-address` - Overwrite network interface IPv6 address - network interface address * - `ipv6pd-pps` - Generate bidirectional IPv6PD (delegated prefix) traffic between a network interface and all sessions - 0 (disabled)