.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Attribute - Description - Mandatory Arguments - Optional Arguments * - `l2tp-tunnels` - Display all L2TP tunnels - - * - `l2tp-sessions` - L2TP all matching sessions - - `tunnel-id`, `session-id` * - `l2tp-csurq` - Send L2TP CSURQ - `tunnel-id` - `sessions` (list of remote session-id) * - `l2tp-tunnel-terminate` - Terminate L2TP tunnel - `tunnel-id` - `result-code`, `error-code`, `error-message` * - `l2tp-session-terminate` - Terminate L2TP session - `session-id` - `result-code`, `error-code`, `error-message`, `disconnect-code`, `disconnect-protocol`, `disconnect-direction`, `disconnect-message` The L2TP CSURQ command expects the local tunnel-id and a list of remote session-id for which a connect speed update is requested. .. code-block:: json { "command": "l2tp-csurq", "arguments": { "tunnel-id": 1, "sessions": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] } } This command can be executed as shown below using the CLI tool. ``$ sudo bngblaster-cli run.sock l2tp-csurq tunnel-id 1 sessions [1,2,3,4]`` The L2TP session terminate command allows to test result (RFC2661) and disconnect (RFC3145) codes. ``$ sudo bngblaster-cli run.sock l2tp-session-terminate session-id 1 result-code 2 error-message "LCP request" disconnect-code 3 disconnect-message "LCP terminate request"``