# Configuration Following an example configuration file which is explained in detail below. ```json { "interfaces": { "network": { "interface": "eth2", "address": "", "gateway": "", "address-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331::1", "gateway-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331::2" }, "access": [ { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1000, "outer-vlan-max": 1999, "inner-vlan-min": 1, "inner-vlan-max": 4049, "authentication-protocol": "PAP" }, { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 2000, "outer-vlan-max": 2999, "inner-vlan-min": 1, "inner-vlan-max": 4049, "authentication-protocol": "CHAP" } ] }, "sessions": { "count": 1000, "session-time": 0, "max-outstanding": 800, "start-rate": 400, "stop-rate": 400 }, "pppoe": { "reconnect": true, "discovery-timeout": 3, "discovery-retry": 10 }, "ppp": { "mru": 1492, "authentication": { "username": "user{session-global}@rtbrick.com", "password": "test", "timeout": 5, "retry": 30 }, "lcp": { "conf-request-timeout": 1, "conf-request-retry": 10, "keepalive-interval": 30, "keepalive-retry": 3 }, "ipcp": { "enable": true, "request-ip": true, "request-dns1": true, "request-dns2": true, "conf-request-timeout": 1, "conf-request-retry": 10 }, "ip6cp": { "enable": true, "conf-request-timeout": 1, "conf-request-retry": 10 } }, "dhcpv6": { "enable": true, "rapid-commit": true }, "access-line": { "agent-remote-id": "DEU.RTBRICK.{session-global}", "agent-circuit-id": " eth 0:{session-global}", "rate-up": 1024, "rate-down": 16384 }, "session-traffic": { "ipv4-pps": 1, "ipv6-pps": 1, "ipv6pd-pps": 1 } } ``` ## Interfaces This section describes all attributes of the `interfaces` hierarchy which allows to modify how to send and receive traffic. ```json { "interfaces": { "tx-interval": 0.1, "rx-interval": 0.1, "io-slots": 2048, } } ``` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `tx-interval` | TX ring polling interval in milliseconds | 5.0 `rx-interval` | RX ring polling interval in milliseconds | 5.0 `qdisc-bypass` | Bypass the kernel's qdisc layer | true `io-mode` | IO mode | packet_mmap_raw `io-slots` | IO slots (ring size) | 1024 `io-stream-max-ppi` | IO traffic stream max packets per interval | 32 The `tx-interval` and `rx-interval` should be set to at to at least `1.0` (1ms) if more precise timestamps are needed. This is recommended for IGMP join/leave or QoS delay measurements. For higher packet rates (>1g) it might be needed to increase the `io-slots` from the default value of `1024` to `2048` or more. The supported IO modes are listed with `bngblaster -v` but except `packet_mmap_raw` all other modes are currently considered as experimental. In the default mode (`packet_mmap_raw`) all packets are received in a packet_mmap ring buffer and send directly trough raw sockets. **WARNING**: Disable `qdisc-bypass` only if BNG Blaster is not sending traffic! The interfaces used in BNG Blaster do not need IP addresses configured in the host operating system but they need to be in up state. ``` sudo ip link set dev up ``` It is not possible to send packets larger than the interface MTU which is 1500 per default but for PPPoE with multiple VLAN headers this might be not enough for large packets. Therefore the interface MTU should be increased using the following commands. ``` sudo ip link set mtu 9000 dev ``` ### Network Interface `"interfaces": { "network": { ... } }` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `interface` | Network interface name (e.g. eth0, ...) `address` | `Local network interface IPv4 address `gateway` | Gateway network interface IPv4 address `address-ipv6` | Local network interface IPv6 address (implicitly /64) | - `gateway-ipv6` | Gateway network interface IPv6 address (implicitly /64) `vlan` | Network interface VLAN | 0 (untagged) ### Access Interfaces `"interfaces": { "access": { ... } }` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `interface` | Access interface name (e.g. eth0, ...) `type` | Switch the access type between `pppoe` (PPP over Ethernet) and `ipoe` (IP over Ethernet) | pppoe `vlan-mode` | Set VLAN mode `1:1` or `N:1` | 1:1 `outer-vlan-min` | Outer VLAN minimum value | 0 (untagged) `outer-vlan-max` | Outer VLAN maximum value | 0 (untagged) `outer-vlan` |Set outer-vlan-min/max equally `inner-vlan-min` | Inner VLAN minimum value | 0 (untagged) `inner-vlan-max` | Inner VLAN maximum value | 0 (untagged) `inner-vlan` |Set inner-vlan-min/max equally `third-vlan` | Add a fixed third VLAN (most inner VLAN) as required for some lab environments | 0 (untagged) `address` | Static IPv4 base address (IPoE only) `address-iter` | Static IPv4 base address iterator (IPoE only) `gateway` | Static IPv4 gateway address (IPoE only) `gateway-iter` | Static IPv4 gateway address iterator (IPoE only) `username` | Optionally overwrite the username from authentication section per access configuration `password` | Optionally overwrite the password from authentication section per access configuration `authentication-protocol` | Optionally overwrite the username from authentication section per access configuration `agent-circuit-id` | Optionally overwrite the agent-circuit-id from access-line section per access configuration `agent-remote-id` | Optionally overwrite the agent-remote-id from access-line section per access configuration `rate-up` | Optionally overwrite the rate-up from access-line section per access configuration `rate-down` | Optionally overwrite the rate-down from access-line section per access configuration `dsl-type` | Optionally overwrite the dsl-type from access-line section per access configuration `ipcp` | Optionally enable/disable PPP IPCP per access configuration `ip6cp` | Optionally enable/disable PPP IP6CP per access configuration `ipv4` | Optionally enable/disable IPoE IPv4 per access configuration `ipv6` | Optionally enable/disable IPoE IPv6 per access configuration `dhcp` | Optionally enable/disable DHCP per access configuration `dhcpv6` | Optionally enable/disable DHCPv6 per access configuration `stream-group-id` | Optional stream group identifier **WARNING**: DHCP (IPv4) is currently not supported! For all modes it is possible to configure between zero and three VLAN tags on the access interface as shown below. ``` [ethernet][outer-vlan][inner-vlan][third-vlan][pppoe]... ``` **Untagged** With untagged only one session is possible. ```json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 0, "outer-vlan-max": 0, "inner-vlan-min": 0, "inner-vlan-max": 0 } } ``` **Single Tagged** ```json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1, "outer-vlan-max": 4049, "inner-vlan-min": 0, "inner-vlan-max": 0 } } ``` **Double Tagged** ```json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1, "outer-vlan-max": 4049, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 } } ``` **Triple Tagged** ```json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 10, "outer-vlan-max": 20, "inner-vlan-min": 128, "inner-vlan-max": 4000, "third-vlan": 7 } } ``` The BNG Blaster supports also multiple access interfaces or VLAN ranges as shown in the example below. ```json { "access": [ { "interface": "eth1", "type": "pppoe", "username": "pta@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 1000, "outer-vlan-max": 1999, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 }, { "interface": "eth1", "type": "pppoe", "username": "l2tp@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 2000, "outer-vlan-max": 2999, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 }, { "interface": "eth3", "type": "pppoe", "username": "test@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 128, "outer-vlan-max": 4000, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 }, { "interface": "eth4", "type": "ipoe", "outer-vlan-min": 8, "outer-vlan-max": 9, "address": "", "address-iter": "", "gateway": "", "gateway-iter": "" } ] } ``` There is actually no hard limit in the amount of access interfaces but the resource usage will grow with the amount of interfaces. The number of network interfaces is limited to one! Both network and access interfaces are optional but obviously at least one interface is required to start the BNG Blaster. The configuration attributes for username, agent-remote-id and agent-circuit-id support also some variable substitution. The variable `{session-global}` will be replaced with a number starting from 1 and incremented for every new session. where as the variable `{session}` is incremented per interface section. In VLAN mode `N:1` only one VLAN combination is supported per access interface section. This means that only VLAN min or max is considered as VLAN identifer. ```json { "access": [ { "interface": "eth1", "type": "pppoe", "vlan-mode": "N:1", "username": "test@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 7 }, { "interface": "eth2", "type": "pppoe", "vlan-mode": "N:1", "username": "test@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 2000, "inner-vlan-min": 7, }, ] } ``` ## Sessions This section describes all attributes of the `sessions` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `count` | Sessions (PPPoE + IPoE) | 1 `max-outstanding` | Max outstanding sessions | 800 `start-rate` | Setup request rate in sessions per second | 400 `stop-rate` | Teardown request rate in sessions per second | 400 `iterate-vlan-outer` | Iterate on outer VLAN first | false Per default sessions are created by iteration over inner VLAN range first and outer VLAN second. Which can be changed by `iterate-vlan-outer` to iterate on outer VLAN first and inner VLAN second. Therefore the following configuration generates the sessions on VLAN (outer:inner) 1:3, 1:4, 2:3, 2:4 per default or alternative 1:3, 2:3, 1:4, 2:4 with `iterate-vlan-outer` enabled. ```json { "outer-vlan-min": 1, "outer-vlan-max": 2, "inner-vlan-min": 3, "inner-vlan-max": 4 } ``` ## IPoE This section describes all attributes of the `ipoe` (IP over Ethernet) hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `ipv4` | Enable/disable IPv4 | true (enabled) `arp-timeout` | Initial ARP resolve timeout/retry interval in seconds | 1 `arp-interval` | Periodic ARP interval in seconds (0 means disabled) | 300 `ipv6` | Enable/disable IPv6 | true (enabled) ## PPPoE This section describes all attributes of the `pppoe` (PPP over Ethernet) hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `session-time` | Max PPPoE session time in seconds | 0 (infinity) `reconnect` | Automatically reconnect sessions if terminated | false `discovery-timeout` | PPPoE discovery (PADI and PADR) timeout in seconds | 5 `discovery-retry` | PPPoE discovery (PADI and PADR) max retry | 10 `service-name` | PPPoE discovery service name | `host-uniq` | PPPoE discovery host-uniq | false `vlan-priority` | VLAN PBIT for all PPPoE/PPP control traffic | 0 ## PPP This section describes all attributes of the `ppp` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `mru` | Define the maximum receive unit proposed via PPP | 1492 ### PPP Authentication `"ppp": { "authentication": { ... } }` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `username` | Username | user{session-global}@rtbrick.com `password` |Password | test `timeout` | Authentication request timeout in seconds | 5 `retry` | Authentication request max retry | 30 `protocol` | This value can be set to `PAP` or `CHAP` to reject the other protocol | allow PAP and CHAP ### PPP LCP `"ppp": { "lcp": { ... } }` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `conf-request-timeout` | LCP configuration request timeout in seconds | 5 `conf-request-retry` | LCP configuration request max retry | 10 `keepalive-interval` | LCP echo request interval in seconds (0 means disabled) | 30 `keepalive-retry` | PPP LCP echo request max retry | 3 `start-delay` | PPP LCP initial request delay in milliseconds | 0 ### PPP IPCP `"ppp": { "ipcp": { ... } }` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `enable` | This option allows to enable or disable the IPCP protocol | true `request-ip` | Include IP-Address with in initial LCP configuration request | true `request-dns1` | Request Primary DNS Server Address (option 129) | true `request-dns2` | Request Secondary DNS Server Address (option 131) | true `conf-request-timeout` | IPCP configuration request timeout in seconds | 5 `conf-request-retry` | IPCP configuration request max retry | 10 ### PPP IP6CP `"ppp": { "ipcp": { ... } }` Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `enable` | This option allows to enable or disable the IP6CP protocol | true `conf-request-timeout` | IP6CP configuration request timeout in seconds | 5 `conf-request-retry` | IP6CP configuration request max retry | 10 ## Access-Line This section describes all attributes of the `access-line` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `agent-circuit-id` | Agent-Circuit-Id | eth 0:{session-global} `agent-remote-id` | Agent-Remote-Id | DEU.RTBRICK.{session-global} `rate-up` | Actual-Data-Rate-Upstream | 0 `rate-down` | Actual-Data-Rate-Downstream | 0 `dsl-type` | DSL-Type | 0 ## DHCP This section describes all attributes of the `dhcp` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `enable` | This option allows to enable or disable DHCP | false `broadcast` | DHCP broadcast flag | false `timeout` | DHCP timeout in seconds | 5 `retry` | DHCP retry | 10 `release-interval` | DHCP release interval | 1 `release-retry` | DHCP release retry | 3 `tos` | IPv4 TOS for all DHCP control traffic | 0 `vlan-priority` | VLAN PBIT for all DHCP control traffic | 0 ## DHCPv6 This section describes all attributes of the `dhcpv6` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `enable` | This option allows to enable or disable DHCPv6 | true `rapid-commit` | DHCPv6 rapid commit (2 way handshake) | true `timeout` | DHCPv6 timeout in seconds | 5 `retry` | DHCPv6 retry | 10 ## IGMP This section describes all attributes of the `igmp` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `version` | IGMP protocol version (1, 2 or 3) | 3 `combined-leave-join` | Combine leave and join records within a single IGMPv3 report | true `start-delay` | Delay between session established and initial IGMP join in seconds | 1 `group` | Multicast group base address (e.g. | (disabled) `group-iter` | Multicast group iterator | `group-count` | Multicast group count | 1 `source` | Multicast source address (e.g. | (ASM) `zapping-interval` | IGMP channel zapping interval in seconds | 0 (disabled) `zapping-count` | Define the amount of channel changes before starting view duration | 0 (disabled) `view-duration` | Define the view duration in seconds | 0 (disabled) `send-multicast-traffic` | Generate multicast traffic | false `multicast-traffic-length` | Multicast traffic IP length | 76 `multicast-traffic-tos` | Multicast traffic TOS priority | 0 Per default join and leave requests are send using dedicated reports. The option `combined-leave-join` allows the combination of leave and join records within a single IGMPv3 report using multiple group records. This option is applicable to IGMP version 3 only! If `send-multicast-traffic` is true, the BNG Blaster generates multicast traffic on the network interface based on the specified group and source attributes mentioned before. This traffic includes some special signatures for faster processing and more detailed analysis. If group is set to with group-iter of, source and group-count 3 the result are the following three groups (S.G),,, and, ## Session-Traffic This section describes all attributes of the `session-traffic` hierarchy. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `autostart` | Automatically start session traffic after session is established | true `ipv4-pps` | Generate bidirectional IPv4 traffic between network interface and all session framed IPv4 addresses | 0 (disabled) `ipv6-pps` | Generate bidirectional IPv6 traffic between network interface and all session framed IPv6 addresses | 0 (disabled) `ipv6pd-pps` | Generate bidirectional Ipv6 traffic between network interface and all session delegated IPv6 addresses | 0 (disabled) ## L2TP Server (LNS) This section describes all attributes of the `l2tp-server` (LNS) hierarchy as explained in [L2TPv2](l2tp). The BNG Blaster supports multiple L2TPv2 servers (LNS) over the network interface as shown in the example below. ```json { "interfaces": { "network": { "interface": "eth2", "address": "", "gateway": "" } }, "l2tp-server": [ { "name": "LNS1", "address": "", "secret": "test1", }, { "name": "LNS2", "address": "", "secret": "test2", }, ] } ``` There is actually no hard limit in the amount of L2TP servers. Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `name` | Mandatory L2TP LNS server hostname (AVP 7) | `address` | Mandatory L2TP server address | `secret` | Tunnel secret | `receive-window-size` | Control messages receive window size | 4 `max-retry` | Control messages max retry | 30 `congestion-mode` | Control messages congestion mode | default `data-control-priority` | Set the priority bit in the L2TP header for all non-IP data packets (LCP, IPCP, ...) | false `data-length` | Set length bit for all data packets | false `data-offset` | Set offset bit with offset zero for all data packets | false `control-tos` | L2TP control traffic (SCCRQ, ICRQ, ...) TOS priority | 0 `data-control-tos` | Set the L2TP tunnel TOS priority (outer IPv4 header) for all non-IP data packets (LCP, IPCP, ...) | 0 The BNG Blaster supports different congestion modes for the reliable delivery of control messages. The `default` mode is described in RFC2661 appendix A (Control Channel Slow Start and Congestion Avoidance). The mode `slow` uses a fixed control window size of 1 where `aggressive` sticks to max permitted based on peer received window size. ## Traffic Streams This section describes all attributes of the `streams` hierarchy as explained in [Traffic Streams](streams). Attribute | Description | Default --------- | ----------- | ------- `name` | Mandatory stream name | `stream-group-id` | Stream group identifier | 0 (raw) `type` | Mandatory stream type (`ipv4`, `ipv6` or `ipv6pd`) | `direction` | Mandatory stream direction (`upstream`, `downstream` or `both`) | `both` `priority` | IPv4 TOS / IPv6 TC | 0 `vlan-priority` | VLAN priority | 0 `length` | Layer 3 (IP + payload) traffic length (76 - 1500) | 128 `pps` | Stream traffic rate in packets per second | 1 `bps` | Stream traffic rate in bits per second (layer 3) | `network-ipv4-address` | Overwrite network interface IPv4 address | `network-ipv6-address` | Overwrite network interface IPv6 address | `destination-ipv4-address` | Overwrite the IPv4 destination address | `destination-ipv6-address` | Overwrite the IPv6 destination address | `threaded` | Run those streams in separate threads | false For L2TP downstream traffic the IPv4 TOS is applied to the outer IPv4 and inner IPv4 header. The `pps` option has priority over `bps` where second is only a helper to calculate the `pps` based on given `bps` and `length`.