# Traffic Streams Traffic streams allow to test QoS using BNG Blaster. ## Configuration ```json { "interfaces": { "tx-interval": 1, "rx-interval": 1, "network": { "interface": "eth2", "address": "", "gateway": "", "address-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331::1", "gateway-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331::2" }, "access": [ { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1000, "outer-vlan-max": 1000, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7, "stream-group-id": 1 }, { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1001, "outer-vlan-max": 4000, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7, "stream-group-id": 2 } ] }, "sessions": { "count": 100 }, "pppoe": { "host-uniq": true, "vlan-priority": 6 }, "ppp": { "mru": 1492, "authentication": { "username": "user{session-global}@rtbrick.com", "password": "test", "timeout": 5, "retry": 30 }, "ipcp": { "enable": true }, "ip6cp": { "enable": true } }, "dhcpv6": { "enable": true, "rapid-commit": true }, "access-line": { "agent-remote-id": "DEU.RTBRICK.{session-global}", "agent-circuit-id": " eth 0:{session-global}", "rate-up": 1024, "rate-down": 16384, "dsl-type": 5 }, "streams": [ { "name": "BestEffort", "stream-group-id": 1, "type": "ipv4", "direction": "both", "length": 1000, "pps": 1000 }, { "name": "Voice", "stream-group-id": 1, "type": "ipv4", "direction": "downstream", "priority": 128, "vlan-priority": 2, "source-ipv4-address": "", "length": 1000, "pps": 100 }, { "name": "BestEffort", "stream-group-id": 2, "type": "ipv4", "direction": "both", "length": 1000, "pps": 1 } ] } ``` ## Check Session Stream Information The `session-streams` command returns detailed stream statistics per session. `$ sudo ./cli.py run.sock session-streams session-id 1` ```json { "status": "ok", "code": 200, "session-streams": { "session-id": 1, "rx-packets": 59670, "tx-packets": 54610, "rx-accounting-packets": 59655, "tx-accounting-packets": 0, "rx-pps": 1100, "tx-pps": 1000, "rx-bps-l2": 9028800, "tx-bps-l2": 8240000, "rx-mbps-l2": 9.0288, "tx-mbps-l2": 8.24, "streams": [ { "name": "BestEffort", "direction": "upstream", "flow-id": 1, "rx-first-seq": 362, "rx-last-seq": 54593, "rx-tos-tc": 0, "rx-outer-vlan-pbit": 0, "rx-inner-vlan-pbit": 0, "rx-len": 1014, "tx-len": 1030, "rx-packets": 54232, "tx-packets": 54594, "rx-loss": 0, "rx-delay-nsec-min": 37650, "rx-delay-nsec-max": 98595049, "rx-pps": 1000, "tx-pps": 1000, "tx-bps-l2": 8240000, "rx-bps-l2": 8112000, "rx-bps-l3": 8000000, "tx-mbps-l2": 8.24, "rx-mbps-l2": 8.112, "rx-mbps-l3": 8.0 }, { "name": "BestEffort", "direction": "downstream", "flow-id": 2, "rx-first-seq": 362, "rx-last-seq": 54593, "rx-tos-tc": 0, "rx-outer-vlan-pbit": 0, "rx-inner-vlan-pbit": 0, "rx-len": 1026, "tx-len": 1014, "rx-packets": 54232, "tx-packets": 54594, "rx-loss": 0, "rx-delay-nsec-min": 43550, "rx-delay-nsec-max": 98903960, "rx-pps": 1000, "tx-pps": 1000, "tx-bps-l2": 8112000, "rx-bps-l2": 8208000, "rx-bps-l3": 8000000, "tx-mbps-l2": 8.112, "rx-mbps-l2": 8.208, "rx-mbps-l3": 8.0 }, { "name": "Voice", "direction": "downstream", "flow-id": 3, "rx-first-seq": 37, "rx-last-seq": 5458, "rx-tos-tc": 128, "rx-outer-vlan-pbit": 0, "rx-inner-vlan-pbit": 0, "rx-len": 1026, "tx-len": 1014, "rx-packets": 5422, "tx-packets": 5458, "rx-loss": 0, "rx-delay-nsec-min": 41700, "rx-delay-nsec-max": 96548542, "rx-pps": 100, "tx-pps": 100, "tx-bps-l2": 811200, "rx-bps-l2": 820800, "rx-bps-l3": 800000, "tx-mbps-l2": 0.8112, "rx-mbps-l2": 0.8208, "rx-mbps-l3": 0.8 } ] } } ``` The `rx-outer-vlan-pbit` might be wrong depending on network interface driver and optional VLAN offloading. The measured `rx-delay-nsec-min/max` depends also on the actual test environment and maximum host send delay. ## Start/Stop Session Stream Information Session stream traffic can be started/stopped dynamically using the commands `stream-traffic-enabled` and `stream-traffic-disabled`. `$ sudo ./cli.py run.sock stream-traffic-disabled session-id 1` Those commands start/stop the traffic for all sessions if invoked without session identifier. `$ sudo ./cli.py run.sock stream-traffic-disabled`