.. _session-traffic: Session Traffic --------------- The BNG Blaster is able to generate bidirectional unicast session traffic for all addresses assigned to a session (IPv4, IPv6 and IPv6PD). .. image:: ../images/bbl_session_traffic.png :alt: Session Traffic This is a powerful tool to quickly verify that forwarding is correctly setup and working. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following example shows how to enable session-traffic. .. code-block:: json { "session-traffic": { "ipv4-pps": 1, "ipv6-pps": 1, "ipv6pd-pps": 1 } } .. include:: ../configuration/isis.rst This traffic is generated between the session and a network interface. In case of multiple network interfaces, the preferred network interfaces can be selected using the ``network-interface`` option in the corresponding access configuration. Verification ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The final report includes detailed information for session traffic. .. code-block:: none Session Traffic: Config: IPv4 PPS: 1 IPv6 PPS: 1 IPv6PD PPS: 1 Verified Traffic Flows: 3000/3000 Access IPv4: 500 Access IPv6: 500 Access IPv6PD: 500 Network IPv4: 500 Network IPv6: 500 Network IPv6PD: 500 First Sequence Number Received: Access IPv4 MIN: 1 ( 1.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Access IPv6 MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Access IPv6PD MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Network IPv4 MIN: 1 ( 1.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Network IPv6 MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Network IPv6PD MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) The statistics starting with ``Access ...`` correspond to traffic received on the access interface (network->access) where those starting with ``Network ...`` correspond to traffic received on the network interface (access->network). The ``First Sequence Number Received`` is used to measure the forwarding convergence. The session traffic starts automatically as soo as the session is established using the rate configured. All traffic flows in the BNG Blaster start with the 64bit sequence number 1. Assuming the first sequence number received for given flow is 5 combined with a rate of 1 PPS would mean that it took between 4 and 5 seconds until forwarding is working.