.. _interfaces: Interfaces ========== The BNG Blaster supports three types of interfaces. All interfaces are optional but obviously at least one interface is required to start the BNG Blaster. Interface Settings ------------------ The following settings are applied to all interfaces. .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": { "tx-interval": 0.1, "rx-interval": 0.1, "io-slots": 2048, } } .. include:: configuration/interfaces.rst The ``tx-interval`` and ``rx-interval`` should be set to at to at least ``1.0`` (1ms) if more precise timestamps or high throughput is needed. This is recommended for IGMP join/leave or QoS delay measurements. For higher packet rates (>1g) it might be needed to increase the ``io-slots`` from the default value of ``4096``. The supported IO modes are listed with ``bngblaster -v`` but except ``packet_mmap_raw`` all other modes are currently considered as experimental. In the default mode (``packet_mmap_raw``) all packets are received in a Packet MMAP ring buffer and send directly trough RAW packet sockets. The interfaces used in BNG Blaster do not need IP addresses configured in the host operating system but they need to be in up state. .. code-block:: none sudo ip link set dev up It is not possible to send packets larger than the interface MTU which is 1500 per default but for PPPoE with multiple VLAN headers this might be not enough for large packets. Therefore the interface MTU should be increased using the following commands. .. code-block:: none sudo ip link set mtu 9000 dev This can be also archived via netplan using the following configuration for each BNG Blaster interface. .. code-block:: yaml network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: eth1: dhcp4: no dhcp6: no link-local: [] mtu: 9000 eth2: dhcp4: no dhcp6: no link-local: [] mtu: 9000 .. note:: The number of interfaces is currently limited to 32! It might be also needed to increase the hardware and software queue size of your network interfaces for higher throughput. The command ``ethtool -g `` shows the currently applied and maximum hardware queue size. .. code-block:: none $ sudo ethtool -g ens5f1 Ring parameters for ens5f1: Pre-set maximums: RX: 4096 RX Mini: 0 RX Jumbo: 0 TX: 4096 Current hardware settings: RX: 512 RX Mini: 0 RX Jumbo: 0 TX: 512 The currently applied settings can be change with the following command: .. code-block:: none sudo ethtool -G ens5f1 tx 4096 rx 4096 You can even change the software queue size: .. code-block:: none sudo ip link set txqueuelen 4096 dev ens5f1 .. note:: Today all traffic is received in main thread, therefore the single thread performance of your CPU is the most significant performance factor. Network Interfaces ------------------ .. _network-interface: The network interfaces are used for traffic and routing protocols. Those interfaces can communicate with the configured gateway only. Meaning that all traffic sent from the network interface will be sent to the learned MAC address of the configured gateway. The network interface behaves like a router. It accepts all traffic sent to its own MAC address. This allows to send and receive traffic for prefixes advertised via routing protocols or configured via static routes on the connected device under test. The BNG Blaster responds to all ICMP echo requests sent to its own MAC address. .. include:: configuration/interfaces_network.rst The BNG Blaster supports multiple network interfaces as shown in the example below. .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": { "tx-interval": 1, "rx-interval": 1, "io-slots": 4096, "network": [ { "interface": "eth2", "address": "", "gateway": "", "address-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331::1", "gateway-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331::2" }, { "interface": "eth3", "address": "", "gateway": "", "address-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331:1::1", "gateway-ipv6": "fc66:1337:7331:1::2" } ], } } Using multiple network interfaces requires to select which network interface to be used. If not explicitly configured one of the interface is selected automatically. Therefore, the configuration option ``network-interface`` is supported in different sections. Access Interfaces ----------------- .. _access-interface: The access interfaces are used to emulate PPPoE and IPoE clients. .. include:: configuration/interfaces_access.rst For all modes, it is possible to configure between zero and three VLAN tags on the access interface. The VLAN identifier ``0`` disables the corresponding VLAN header. .. code-block:: none [ethernet][outer-vlan][inner-vlan][third-vlan][pppoe]... Untagged ~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 0, "outer-vlan-max": 0, "inner-vlan-min": 0, "inner-vlan-max": 0 } } Single Tagged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1, "outer-vlan-max": 4049, "inner-vlan-min": 0, "inner-vlan-max": 0 } } Double Tagged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 1, "outer-vlan-max": 4049, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 } } Triple Tagged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "access": { "interface": "eth1", "outer-vlan-min": 10, "outer-vlan-max": 20, "inner-vlan-min": 128, "inner-vlan-max": 4000, "third-vlan": 7 } } The BNG Blaster supports also multiple access interfaces or VLAN ranges as shown in the example below. .. code-block:: json { "access": [ { "interface": "eth1", "type": "pppoe", "username": "pta@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 1000, "outer-vlan-max": 1999, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 }, { "interface": "eth1", "type": "pppoe", "username": "l2tp@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 2000, "outer-vlan-max": 2999, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 }, { "interface": "eth3", "type": "pppoe", "username": "test@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 128, "outer-vlan-max": 4000, "inner-vlan-min": 7, "inner-vlan-max": 7 }, { "interface": "eth4", "type": "ipoe", "outer-vlan-min": 8, "outer-vlan-max": 9, "address": "", "address-iter": "", "gateway": "", "gateway-iter": "" } ] } The configuration attributes for username, agent-remote-id and agent-circuit-id support also some variable substitution. The variable ``{session-global}`` will be replaced with a number starting from 1 and incremented for every new session. where as the variable ``{session}`` is incremented per interface section. In VLAN mode ``N:1`` only one VLAN combination is supported per access interface section. This means that only VLAN min or max is considered as VLAN identifier. .. code-block:: json { "access": [ { "interface": "eth1", "type": "pppoe", "vlan-mode": "N:1", "username": "test@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 7 }, { "interface": "eth2", "type": "pppoe", "vlan-mode": "N:1", "username": "test@rtbrick.com", "outer-vlan-min": 2000, "inner-vlan-min": 7, }, ] } A10NSP Interfaces ----------------- .. _a10nsp-interface: The A10NSP interface emulates an layer two provider interface. The term A10 refers to the end-to-end ADSL network reference model from TR-025. The A10NSP interface is required for :ref:`L2BSA ` tests. .. include:: configuration/interfaces_a10nsp.rst The BNG Blaster supports multiple A10NSP interfaces as shown in the example below. .. code-block:: json { "interfaces": { "tx-interval": 1, "rx-interval": 1, "a10nsp": [ { "interface": "eth4", "qinq": true, "mac": "02:00:00:ff:ff:01" }, { "interface": "eth5", "qinq": false, "mac": "02:00:00:ff:ff:02" } ], } } You can define multiple interfaces with the same MAC address to emulate some static link aggregation (without LACP).