Reports ======= The BNG Blaster is able to generate detailed result reports at the end of of the test execution. Standard Output Reports ----------------------- .. code-block:: none ____ __ ____ _ __ ,/ / __ \ / /_ / __ ) _____ (_)_____ / /__ ,'/ / /_/ // __// __ |/ ___// // ___// //_/ ,' / / _, _// /_ / /_/ // / / // /__ / ,< ,' /_____, /_/ |_| \__//_____//_/ /_/ \___//_/|_| .'____ ,' ____ _ _ ______ ____ _ _ / ,' / __ ) / | / // ____/ / __ ) / /____ _ _____ / /_ ___ ____ / ,' / __ |/ |/ // / __ / __ |/ // __ `// ___// __// _ \ / ___/ /,' / /_/ // /| // /_/ / / /_/ // // /_/ /(__ )/ /_ / __// / / /_____//_/ |_/ \____/ /_____//_/ \__,_//____/ \__/ \___//_/ Report: Sessions PPPoE: 500 IPoE: 0 Sessions established: 500/500 DHCPv6 sessions established: 500 Setup Time: 396 ms Setup Rate: 1262.63 CPS (MIN: 1262.63 AVG: 1262.63 MAX: 1262.63) Flapped: 0 Network Interface ( eth2 ): TX: 25503 packets RX: 24254 packets TX Session: 8500 packets RX Session: 8248 packets (0 loss) TX Session IPv6: 8500 packets RX Session IPv6: 8000 packets (0 loss) TX Session IPv6PD: 8500 packets RX Session IPv6PD: 8000 packets (0 loss) TX Multicast: 0 packets RX Drop Unknown: 1 packets TX Encode Error: 0 RX Decode Error: 0 packets TX Send Failed: 0 TX No Buffer: 0 TX Poll Kernel: 0 RX Poll Kernel: 3932 Access Interface ( eth1 ): TX: 33250 packets RX: 34047 packets TX Session: 8500 packets RX Session: 8248 packets (0 loss, 0 wrong session) TX Session IPv6: 8500 packets RX Session IPv6: 8000 packets (0 loss, 0 wrong session) TX Session IPv6PD: 8500 packets RX Session IPv6PD: 8000 packets (0 loss, 0 wrong session) RX Multicast: 0 packets (0 loss) RX Drop Unknown: 1 packets TX Encode Error: 33250 packets RX Decode Error: 0 packets TX Send Failed: 0 TX No Buffer: 0 TX Poll Kernel: 0 RX Poll Kernel: 3932 Access Interface Protocol Packet Stats: ARP TX: 0 RX: 0 PADI TX: 500 RX: 0 PADO TX: 0 RX: 500 PADR TX: 500 RX: 0 PADS TX: 0 RX: 500 PADT TX: 1 RX: 499 LCP TX: 2249 RX: 2249 PAP TX: 250 RX: 250 CHAP TX: 250 RX: 500 IPCP TX: 1500 RX: 1500 IP6CP TX: 1500 RX: 1500 IGMP TX: 0 RX: 1298 ICMP TX: 0 RX: 0 ICMPv6 TX: 500 RX: 500 DHCPv6 TX: 500 RX: 500 Access Interface Protocol Timeout Stats: LCP Echo Request: 0 LCP Request: 0 IPCP Request: 0 IP6CP Request: 0 PAP: 0 CHAP: 0 ICMPv6 RS: 0 DHCPv6 Request: 0 Session Traffic: Config: IPv4 PPS: 1 IPv6 PPS: 1 IPv6PD PPS: 1 Verified Traffic Flows: 3000/3000 Access IPv4: 500 Access IPv6: 500 Access IPv6PD: 500 Network IPv4: 500 Network IPv6: 500 Network IPv6PD: 500 First Sequence Number Received: Access IPv4 MIN: 1 ( 1.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Access IPv6 MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Access IPv6PD MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Network IPv4 MIN: 1 ( 1.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Network IPv6 MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) Network IPv6PD MIN: 2 ( 2.000s) MAX: 2 ( 2.000s) JSON Reports ------------ A detailed JSON report is generated if enabled using the optional argument ``-J `` as shown in the example below. .. code-block:: json { "report": { "sessions": 500, "sessions-pppoe": 500, "sessions-ipoe": 0, "sessions-established": 500, "sessions-flapped": 0, "setup-time-ms": 396, "setup-rate-cps": 1263, "setup-rate-cps-min": 1263, "setup-rate-cps-avg": 1263, "setup-rate-cps-max": 1263, "dhcpv6-sessions-established": 500, "network-interfaces": [ { "name": "eth2", "tx-packets": 25503, "rx-packets": 24254, "tx-session-packets": 8500, "rx-session-packets": 8248, "rx-session-packets-loss": 0, "tx-session-packets-avg-pps-max": 500, "rx-session-packets-avg-pps-max": 500, "tx-session-packets-ipv6": 8500, "rx-session-packets-ipv6": 8000, "rx-session-packets-ipv6-loss": 0, "tx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6": 500, "rx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6": 500, "tx-session-packets-ipv6pd": 8500, "rx-session-packets-ipv6pd": 8000, "rx-session-packets-ipv6pd-loss": 0, "tx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6pd": 500, "rx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6pd": 500, "tx-multicast-packets": 0 } ], "access-interfaces": [ { "name": "eth1", "tx-packets": 33250, "rx-packets": 34047, "tx-session-packets": 8500, "rx-session-packets": 8248, "rx-session-packets-loss": 0, "rx-session-packets-wrong-session": 0, "tx-session-packets-avg-pps-max": 500, "rx-session-packets-avg-pps-max": 500, "tx-session-packets-ipv6": 8500, "rx-session-packets-ipv6": 8000, "rx-session-packets-ipv6-loss": 0, "rx-session-packets-ipv6-wrong-session": 0, "tx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6": 500, "rx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6": 500, "tx-session-packets-ipv6pd": 8500, "rx-session-packets-ipv6pd": 8000, "rx-session-packets-ipv6pd-loss": 0, "rx-session-packets-ipv6pd-wrong-session": 0, "tx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6pd": 500, "rx-session-packets-avg-pps-max-ipv6pd": 500, "rx-multicast-packets": 0, "rx-multicast-packets-loss": 0, "protocol-stats": { "arp-tx": 0, "arp-rx": 0, "padi-tx": 500, "pado-rx": 500, "padr-tx": 500, "pads-rx": 500, "padt-tx": 1, "padt-rx": 499, "lcp-tx": 2249, "lcp-rx": 2249, "pap-tx": 250, "pap-rx": 250, "chap-tx": 250, "chap-rx": 500, "ipcp-tx": 1500, "ipcp-rx": 1500, "ip6cp-tx": 1500, "ip6cp-rx": 1500, "igmp-tx": 0, "igmp-rx": 1298, "icmp-tx": 0, "icmp-rx": 0, "icmpv6-tx": 500, "icmpv6-rx": 500, "dhcpv6-tx": 500, "dhcpv6-rx": 500, "lcp-echo-timeout": 0, "lcp-request-timeout": 0, "ipcp-request-timeout": 0, "ip6cp-request-timeout": 0, "pap-timeout": 0, "chap-timeout": 0, "icmpv6-rs-timeout": 0, "dhcpv6-timeout": 0 } ], "session-traffic": { "config-ipv4-pps": 1, "config-ipv6-pps": 1, "config-ipv6pd-pps": 1, "total-flows": 3000, "verified-flows": 3000, "verified-flows-access-ipv4": 500, "verified-flows-access-ipv6": 500, "verified-flows-access-ipv6pd": 500, "verified-flows-network-ipv4": 500, "verified-flows-network-ipv6": 500, "verified-flows-network-ipv6pd": 500, "first-seq-rx-access-ipv4-min": 1, "first-seq-rx-access-ipv4-max": 2, "first-seq-rx-access-ipv6-min": 2, "first-seq-rx-access-ipv6-max": 2, "first-seq-rx-access-ipv6pd-min": 2, "first-seq-rx-access-ipv6pd-max": 2, "first-seq-rx-network-ipv4-min": 1, "first-seq-rx-network-ipv4-max": 2, "first-seq-rx-network-ipv6-min": 2, "first-seq-rx-network-ipv6-max": 2, "first-seq-rx-network-ipv6pd-min": 2, "first-seq-rx-network-ipv6pd-max": 2 } } } The optional argument ``-j sessions`` allows to include per session statistics in the report file. Similar with ``-j streams`` which allows to include per stream statistics. Both options could be also combined. Those extensive JSON reports could be easily verified with simple python scripts to extract the desired results. .. code-block:: python #!/usr/bin/env python3 import json # Open JSON report ... with open('report.json') as f: data = json.load(f) # Analyze data ...