# Testing: ## Create the environment. These variables are used in all other sections of this doc. ``` export DNSCONFIGDIR=~/gitwork/fakeroot/ExternalDNS export OCTCONFIGDIR=~/gitwork/octodns/dns export SRCDIR=~/src/github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol ``` ## Code tests Unit tests: ``` cd $SRCDIR/providers/octodns/octoyaml go test -v ``` Integration tests: ``` cd $SRCDIR/integrationTest go test -v -verbose -provider OCTODNS ``` ## Test against OctoDNS-Validate ### Download OctoDNS: ``` cd $DNSCONFIGDIR mkdir dns cd dns virtualenv env source env/bin/activate pip install octodns ln -s ~/gitwork/fakeroot/ExternalDNS/config config ``` ### Modify dnsconfig.js Make a copy of dnsconfig.js and modify it to use OCTODNS as a provider. We did it this way: ``` cd $DNSCONFIGDIR/dns cp ../dnsconfig.js . cp ../creds.json . ``` Add: ``` var OCT = NewDnsProvider("octodns", "OCTODNS"); ``` Add: ``` DEFAULTS( DnsProvider(SERVERFAULT, 0), + DnsProvider(OCT, 0), { ns_ttl: "172800" }, END); ``` Add: ``` var NO_BIND = function(d) { delete d.dnsProviders[SERVERFAULT]; + delete d.dnsProviders[OCT]; }; ``` ## Run the tests: ### Step 1: Generate the files This builds the software then generates the yaml files in the config directory: ``` (cd $SRCDIR && go install ) && cd $DNSCONFIGDIR/dns && rm -f config/*.yaml && dnscontrol push -providers=octodns ``` ### Step 2: Run the validator: This runs octodns-validate against the YAMl files we generated. production.yaml should list each domain. We create production.yaml like this: ``` cd $DNSCONFIGDIR/dns && $SRCDIR/providers/octodns/mkprodyaml.sh ``` Now we can run the validation: ``` cd $DNSCONFIGDIR/dns cp $SRCDIR/providers/octodns/testdata/production.yaml config/. && env/bin/octodns-validate --log-stream-stdout ```