--- layout: default title: How to edit the documentation --- # Working with the docs The website is a static website generated by [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/). The website is generated from the files in `$GIT/dnscontrol/docs`. If a file has a `.md` extension, it will be turned into an HTML file. Otherwise it is copied verbatim. # Directory Hierarchy * `docs`: The root directory. index.md is the homepage. * `docs/_includes`: Functions and templates. * `docs/css`: CSS * `docs/_functions/record`: Things that augment a record. * `docs/_functions/domain`: Things inside a `D()` * `docs/_functions/global`: Features at the global (file) level. * `docs/_layouts`: Main layout * `docs/public`: Static content * `docs/_site`: The generated site (not in Git) * `docs/assets`: Static files * `docs/flattener`: The SPF flatter # How to preview The documentation can be viewed via Docker: ```bash cd docs ./runDocker.sh ``` FYI: Alternative Docker command: ```bash docker run --rm -it --volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" --volume="$PWD/vendor/bundle:/ usr/local/bundle" --env JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll/jekyll:3.8 jekyll build -V # Open docs/_site/index.html in your web browser to see the results. # (Note: The preview isn't perfect. Links that use the site.github.url variable won't work. ```