package diff2 import ( "fmt" "sort" "strings" "" ) func analyzeByRecordSet(cc *CompareConfig) ChangeList { var instructions ChangeList // For each label... for _, lc := range cc.ldata { // for each type at that label... for _, rt := range lc.tdata { // ...if there are changes generate an instruction. ets := rt.existingTargets dts := rt.desiredTargets msgs := genmsgs(ets, dts) if len(msgs) == 0 { // No differences? //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: done. Records are the same\n") // The records at this rset are the same. No work to be done. continue } if len(ets) == 0 { // Create a new label. //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: add\n") instructions = append(instructions, mkAdd(lc.label, rt.rType, msgs, rt.desiredRecs)) } else if len(dts) == 0 { // Delete that label and all its records. //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: delete\n") instructions = append(instructions, mkDelete(lc.label, rt.rType, rt.existingRecs, msgs)) } else { // Change the records at that label //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: change\n") instructions = append(instructions, mkChange(lc.label, rt.rType, msgs, rt.existingRecs, rt.desiredRecs)) } } } return instructions } func analyzeByLabel(cc *CompareConfig) ChangeList { var instructions ChangeList //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: START: analyzeByLabel\n") // Accumulate if there are any changes and collect the info needed to generate instructions. for i, lc := range cc.ldata { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: START LABEL = %q\n", lc.label) label := lc.label var accMsgs []string var accExisting models.Records var accDesired models.Records msgsByKey := map[models.RecordKey][]string{} for _, rt := range lc.tdata { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: START RTYPE = %q\n", rt.rType) ets := rt.existingTargets dts := rt.desiredTargets msgs := genmsgs(ets, dts) msgsByKey[models.RecordKey{NameFQDN: label, Type: rt.rType}] = msgs //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: appending msgs=%v\n", msgs) accMsgs = append(accMsgs, msgs...) // Accumulate the messages accExisting = append(accExisting, rt.existingRecs...) // Accumulate records existing at this label. accDesired = append(accDesired, rt.desiredRecs...) // Accumulate records desired at this label. } // We now know what changed (accMsgs), // what records USED TO EXIST at that label (accExisting), // and what records SHOULD EXIST at that label (accDesired). // Based on that info, we can generate the instructions. if len(accMsgs) == 0 { // Nothing changed. //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByLabel: %02d: no change\n", i) } else if len(accDesired) == 0 { // No new records at the label? This must be a delete. //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByLabel: %02d: delete\n", i) instructions = append(instructions, mkDelete(label, "", accExisting, accMsgs)) } else if len(accExisting) == 0 { // No old records at the label? This must be a change. //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByLabel: %02d: create\n", i) //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByLabel mkAdd msgs=%d\n", len(accMsgs)) instructions = append(instructions, mkAddByLabel(label, "", accMsgs, accDesired)) } else { // If we get here, it must be a change. _ = i // fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByLabel: %02d: change %d{%v} %d{%v} msgs=%v\n", i, // len(accExisting), accExisting, // len(accDesired), accDesired, // accMsgs, // ) //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByLabel mkchange msgs=%d\n", len(accMsgs)) instructions = append(instructions, mkChangeLabel(label, "", accMsgs, accExisting, accDesired, msgsByKey)) } } return instructions } func analyzeByRecord(cc *CompareConfig) ChangeList { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByRecord: cc=%v\n", cc) var instructions ChangeList // For each label, for each type at that label, see if there are any changes. for _, lc := range cc.ldata { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByRecord: next lc=%v\n", lc) for _, rt := range lc.tdata { ets := rt.existingTargets dts := rt.desiredTargets cs := diffTargets(ets, dts) //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: analyzeByRecord: cs=%v\n", cs) instructions = append(instructions, cs...) } } return instructions } // NB(tlim): there is no analyzeByZone. ByZone calls anayzeByRecords(). func mkAdd(l string, t string, msgs []string, recs models.Records) Change { c := Change{Type: CREATE, Msgs: msgs} c.Key.NameFQDN = l c.Key.Type = t c.New = recs return c } // TODO(tlim): Clean these up. Some of them are exact duplicates! func mkAddByLabel(l string, t string, msgs []string, newRecs models.Records) Change { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: mkAddByLabel: len(o)=%d len(m)=%d\n", len(newRecs), len(msgs)) //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: mkAddByLabel: msgs = %v\n", msgs) c := Change{Type: CREATE, Msgs: msgs} c.Key.NameFQDN = l c.Key.Type = t c.New = newRecs return c } func mkChange(l string, t string, msgs []string, oldRecs, newRecs models.Records) Change { c := Change{Type: CHANGE, Msgs: msgs} c.Key.NameFQDN = l c.Key.Type = t c.Old = oldRecs c.New = newRecs return c } func mkChangeLabel(l string, t string, msgs []string, oldRecs, newRecs models.Records, msgsByKey map[models.RecordKey][]string) Change { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: mkChangeLabel: len(o)=%d\n", len(oldRecs)) c := Change{Type: CHANGE, Msgs: msgs} c.Key.NameFQDN = l c.Key.Type = t c.Old = oldRecs c.New = newRecs c.MsgsByKey = msgsByKey return c } func mkDelete(l string, t string, oldRecs models.Records, msgs []string) Change { c := Change{Type: DELETE, Msgs: msgs} c.Key.NameFQDN = l c.Key.Type = t c.Old = oldRecs return c } func mkDeleteRec(l string, t string, msgs []string, rec *models.RecordConfig) Change { c := Change{Type: DELETE, Msgs: msgs} c.Key.NameFQDN = l c.Key.Type = t c.Old = models.Records{rec} return c } func removeCommon(existing, desired []targetConfig) ([]targetConfig, []targetConfig) { // NB(tlim): We could probably make this faster. Some ideas: // * pre-allocate newexisting/newdesired and assign to indexed elements instead of appending. // * iterate backwards (len(d) to 0) and delete items that are the same. // On the other hand, this function typically receives lists of 1-3 elements // and any optimization is probably fruitless. eKeys := map[string]*targetConfig{} for _, v := range existing { eKeys[v.compareable] = &v } dKeys := map[string]*targetConfig{} for _, v := range desired { dKeys[v.compareable] = &v } return filterBy(existing, dKeys), filterBy(desired, eKeys) } // Return s but remove any items that can be found in m. func filterBy(s []targetConfig, m map[string]*targetConfig) []targetConfig { // fmt.Printf("DEBUG: filterBy called with %v\n", s) // for k := range m { // fmt.Printf("DEBUG: map %q\n", k) // } i := 0 // output index for _, x := range s { if _, ok := m[x.compareable]; !ok { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: comp %q NO\n", x.compareable) // copy and increment index s[i] = x i++ } else { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: comp %q YES\n", x.compareable) } } // // Prevent memory leak by erasing truncated values // // (not needed if values don't contain pointers, directly or indirectly) // for j := i; j < len(s); j++ { // s[j] = nil // } s = s[:i] // fmt.Printf("DEBUG: filterBy returns %v\n", s) return s } func diffTargets(existing, desired []targetConfig) ChangeList { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: diffTargets called with len(e)=%d len(d)=%d\n", len(existing), len(desired)) // Nothing to do? if len(existing) == 0 && len(desired) == 0 { //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: diffTargets: nothing to do\n") return nil } // Sort to make comparisons easier sort.Slice(existing, func(i, j int) bool { return existing[i].compareable < existing[j].compareable }) sort.Slice(desired, func(i, j int) bool { return desired[i].compareable < desired[j].compareable }) var instructions ChangeList // remove the exact matches. existing, desired = removeCommon(existing, desired) // the common chunk are changes mi := min(len(existing), len(desired)) //fmt.Printf("DEBUG: min=%d\n", mi) for i := 0; i < mi; i++ { //fmt.Println(i, "CHANGE") er := existing[i].rec dr := desired[i].rec m := fmt.Sprintf("CHANGE %s %s (%s) -> (%s)", dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, er.GetTargetCombined(), dr.GetTargetCombined()) instructions = append(instructions, mkChange(dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, []string{m}, //models.Records{existing[i].rec}, //models.Records{desired[i].rec}, models.Records{er}, models.Records{dr}, )) } // any left-over existing are deletes for i := mi; i < len(existing); i++ { //fmt.Println(i, "DEL") er := existing[i].rec m := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE %s %s %s", er.NameFQDN, er.Type, er.GetTargetCombined()) instructions = append(instructions, mkDeleteRec(er.NameFQDN, er.Type, []string{m}, er)) } // any left-over desired are creates for i := mi; i < len(desired); i++ { //fmt.Println(i, "CREATE") dr := desired[i].rec m := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE %s %s %s", dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, dr.GetTargetCombined()) instructions = append(instructions, mkAdd(dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, []string{m}, models.Records{dr})) } return instructions } func genmsgs(existing, desired []targetConfig) []string { cl := diffTargets(existing, desired) return justMsgs(cl) } func justMsgs(cl ChangeList) []string { var msgs []string for _, c := range cl { msgs = append(msgs, c.Msgs...) } return msgs } func justMsgString(cl ChangeList) string { msgs := justMsgs(cl) return strings.Join(msgs, "\n") }