'use strict'; // If you edit this file, you must run `go generate` to embed this // file in the source code. // If you are heavily debugging this code, the "-dev" flag will // read this file directly instead of using the output of // `go generate`. You'll still need to run `go generate` before // you commit the changes. var conf = { registrars: [], dns_providers: [], domains: [], domain_names: [], }; var defaultArgs = []; function initialize() { conf = { registrars: [], dns_providers: [], domains: [], }; defaultArgs = []; } // Returns an array of domains which were registered so far during runtime // Own function for compatibility reasons or if some day special processing would be required. function getConfiguredDomains() { return conf.domain_names; } function NewRegistrar(name, type, meta) { if (type) { type == 'MANUAL'; } var reg = { name: name, type: type, meta: meta }; conf.registrars.push(reg); return name; } function NewDnsProvider(name, type, meta) { if (typeof meta === 'object' && 'ip_conversions' in meta) { meta.ip_conversions = format_tt(meta.ip_conversions); } var dsp = { name: name, type: type, meta: meta }; conf.dns_providers.push(dsp); return name; } function newDomain(name, registrar) { return { name: name, subdomain: '', registrar: registrar, meta: {}, records: [], dnsProviders: {}, defaultTTL: 0, nameservers: [], ignored_names: [], ignored_targets: [], }; } function processDargs(m, domain) { // for each modifier, if it is a... // function: call it with domain // array: process recursively // object: merge it into metadata if (_.isFunction(m)) { m(domain); } else if (_.isArray(m)) { for (var j in m) { processDargs(m[j], domain); } } else if (_.isObject(m)) { _.extend(domain.meta, m); } else { throw 'WARNING: domain modifier type unsupported: ' + typeof m + ' Domain: ' + domain.name; } } // D(name,registrar): Create a DNS Domain. Use the parameters as records and mods. function D(name, registrar) { var domain = newDomain(name, registrar); for (var i = 0; i < defaultArgs.length; i++) { processDargs(defaultArgs[i], domain); } for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { var m = arguments[i]; processDargs(m, domain); } if (conf.domain_names.indexOf(name) !== -1) { throw name + ' is declared more than once'; } conf.domains.push(domain); conf.domain_names.push(name); } // D_EXTEND(name): Update a DNS Domain already added with D(), or subdomain thereof function D_EXTEND(name) { var domain = _getDomainObject(name); if (domain == null) { throw name + ' was not declared yet and therefore cannot be updated. Use D() before.'; } domain.obj.subdomain = name.substr(0, name.length-domain.obj.name.length - 1); for (var i = 0; i < defaultArgs.length; i++) { processDargs(defaultArgs[i], domain.obj); } for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var m = arguments[i]; processDargs(m, domain.obj); } conf.domains[domain.id] = domain.obj; // let's overwrite the object. } // _getDomainObject(name): This implements the domain matching // algorithm used by D_EXTEND(). Candidate matches are an exact match // of the domain's name, or if name is a proper subdomain of the // domain's name. The longest match is returned. function _getDomainObject(name) { var domain = null; var domainLen = 0; for (var i = 0; i < conf.domains.length; i++) { var thisName = conf.domains[i]["name"]; var desiredSuffix = "." + thisName; var foundSuffix = name.substr(-desiredSuffix.length); // If this is an exact match or the suffix matches... if (name === thisName || foundSuffix === desiredSuffix) { // If this match is a longer match than our current best match... if (thisName.length > domainLen) { domainLen = thisName.length; domain = { id: i, obj: conf.domains[i] }; } } } return domain; } // DEFAULTS provides a set of default arguments to apply to all future domains. // Each call to DEFAULTS will clear any previous values set. function DEFAULTS() { defaultArgs = []; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { defaultArgs.push(arguments[i]); } } // TTL(v): Set the TTL for a DNS record. function TTL(v) { if (_.isString(v)) { v = stringToDuration(v); } return function(r) { r.ttl = v; }; } function stringToDuration(v) { var matches = v.match(/^(\d+)([smhdwny]?)$/); if (matches == null) { throw v + ' is not a valid duration string'; } unit = 's'; if (matches[2]) { unit = matches[2]; } v = parseInt(matches[1]); var u = { s: 1, m: 60, h: 3600 }; u['d'] = u.h * 24; u['w'] = u.d * 7; u['n'] = u.d * 30; u['y'] = u.d * 365; v *= u[unit]; return v; } // DefaultTTL(v): Set the default TTL for the domain. function DefaultTTL(v) { if (_.isString(v)) { v = stringToDuration(v); } return function(d) { d.defaultTTL = v; }; } function makeCAAFlag(value) { return function(record) { record.caaflag |= value; }; } // CAA_CRITICAL: Critical CAA flag var CAA_CRITICAL = makeCAAFlag(1 << 7); // DnsProvider("providerName", 0) // nsCount of 0 means don't use or register any nameservers. // nsCount not provider means use all. function DnsProvider(name, nsCount) { if (typeof nsCount === 'undefined') { nsCount = -1; } return function(d) { d.dnsProviders[name] = nsCount; }; } // A(name,ip, recordModifiers...) var A = recordBuilder('A'); // AAAA(name,ip, recordModifiers...) var AAAA = recordBuilder('AAAA'); // ALIAS(name,target, recordModifiers...) var ALIAS = recordBuilder('ALIAS'); // AZURE_ALIAS(name, type, target, recordModifiers...) var AZURE_ALIAS = recordBuilder('AZURE_ALIAS', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['type', validateAzureAliasType], ['target', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifier) { record.name = args.name; record.target = args.target; if (_.isObject(record.azure_alias)) { record.azure_alias['type'] = args.type; } else { record.azure_alias = { type: args.type }; } }, }); function validateAzureAliasType(value) { if (!_.isString(value)) { return false; } return ['A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME'].indexOf(value) !== -1; } // R53_ALIAS(name, target, type, recordModifiers...) var R53_ALIAS = recordBuilder('R53_ALIAS', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['type', validateR53AliasType], ['target', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.target = args.target; if (_.isObject(record.r53_alias)) { record.r53_alias['type'] = args.type; } else { record.r53_alias = { type: args.type }; } }, }); // R53_ZONE(zone_id) function R53_ZONE(zone_id) { return function(r) { if (_.isObject(r.r53_alias)) { r.r53_alias['zone_id'] = zone_id; } else { r.r53_alias = { zone_id: zone_id }; } }; } function validateR53AliasType(value) { if (!_.isString(value)) { return false; } return ( [ 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'CAA', 'MX', 'TXT', 'PTR', 'SPF', 'SRV', 'NAPTR', ].indexOf(value) !== -1 ); } // CAA(name,tag,value, recordModifiers...) var CAA = recordBuilder('CAA', { // TODO(tlim): It should be an error if value is not 0 or 128. args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['tag', _.isString], ['value', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.caatag = args.tag; record.target = args.value; }, modifierNumber: function(record, value) { record.caaflags |= value; }, }); // CNAME(name,target, recordModifiers...) var CNAME = recordBuilder('CNAME'); // DS(name, keytag, algorithm, digestype, digest) var DS = recordBuilder("DS", { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['keytag', _.isNumber], ['algorithm', _.isNumber], ['digesttype', _.isNumber], ['digest', _.isString] ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.dskeytag = args.keytag; record.dsalgorithm = args.algorithm; record.dsdigesttype = args.digesttype; record.dsdigest = args.digest; record.target = args.target; }, }); // PTR(name,target, recordModifiers...) var PTR = recordBuilder('PTR'); // NAPTR(name,order,preference,flags,service,regexp,target, recordModifiers...) var NAPTR = recordBuilder('NAPTR', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['order', _.isNumber], ['preference', _.isNumber], ['flags', _.isString], ['service', _.isString], ['regexp', _.isString], ['target', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.naptrorder = args.order; record.naptrpreference = args.preference; record.naptrflags = args.flags; record.naptrservice = args.service; record.naptrregexp = args.regexp; record.target = args.target; }, }); // SRV(name,priority,weight,port,target, recordModifiers...) var SRV = recordBuilder('SRV', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['priority', _.isNumber], ['weight', _.isNumber], ['port', _.isNumber], ['target', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.srvpriority = args.priority; record.srvweight = args.weight; record.srvport = args.port; record.target = args.target; }, }); // SSHFP(name,algorithm,type,value, recordModifiers...) var SSHFP = recordBuilder('SSHFP', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['algorithm', _.isNumber], ['fingerprint', _.isNumber], ['value', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.sshfpalgorithm = args.algorithm; record.sshfpfingerprint = args.fingerprint; record.target = args.value; }, }); // name, usage, selector, matchingtype, certificate var TLSA = recordBuilder('TLSA', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['usage', _.isNumber], ['selector', _.isNumber], ['matchingtype', _.isNumber], ['target', _.isString], // recordBuilder needs a "target" argument ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.tlsausage = args.usage; record.tlsaselector = args.selector; record.tlsamatchingtype = args.matchingtype; record.target = args.target; }, }); function isStringOrArray(x) { return _.isString(x) || _.isArray(x); } // TXT(name,target, recordModifiers...) var TXT = recordBuilder('TXT', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['target', isStringOrArray], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; // Store the strings twice: // .target is the first string // .txtstrings is the individual strings. // NOTE: If there are more than 1 string, providers should only access // .txtstrings, thus it doesn't matter what we store in .target. // However, by storing the first string there, it improves backwards // compatibility when the len(array) == 1 and (intentionally) breaks // broken providers early in the integration tests. if (_.isString(args.target)) { record.target = args.target; record.txtstrings = [args.target]; } else { record.target = args.target[0]; record.txtstrings = args.target; } }, }); // MX(name,priority,target, recordModifiers...) var MX = recordBuilder('MX', { args: [ ['name', _.isString], ['priority', _.isNumber], ['target', _.isString], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = args.name; record.mxpreference = args.priority; record.target = args.target; }, }); // NS(name,target, recordModifiers...) var NS = recordBuilder('NS'); // NAMESERVER(name,target) function NAMESERVER(name) { if (arguments.length != 1) { throw 'NAMESERVER only accepts one argument for name.'; } return function(d) { d.nameservers.push({ name: name }); }; } // NAMESERVER_TTL(v): Set the TTL for NAMESERVER records. function NAMESERVER_TTL(v) { if (_.isString(v)) { v = stringToDuration(v); } return { ns_ttl: v.toString() }; } function format_tt(transform_table) { // Turn [[low: 1, high: 2, newBase: 3], [low: 4, high: 5, newIP: 6]] // into "1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~; 4 ~ 5 ~ ~ 6" var lines = []; for (var i = 0; i < transform_table.length; i++) { var ip = transform_table[i]; var newIP = ip.newIP; if (newIP) { if (_.isArray(newIP)) { newIP = _.map(newIP, function(i) { return num2dot(i); }).join(','); } else { newIP = num2dot(newIP); } } var newBase = ip.newBase; if (newBase) { if (_.isArray(newBase)) { newBase = _.map(newBase, function(i) { return num2dot(i); }).join(','); } else { newBase = num2dot(newBase); } } var row = [num2dot(ip.low), num2dot(ip.high), newBase, newIP]; lines.push(row.join(' ~ ')); } return lines.join(' ; '); } // IGNORE(name) function IGNORE(name) { // deprecated, use IGNORE_NAME return IGNORE_NAME(name); } // IGNORE_NAME(name) function IGNORE_NAME(name) { return function(d) { d.ignored_names.push(name); }; } // IGNORE_TARGET(target) function IGNORE_TARGET(target, rType) { return function(d) { d.ignored_targets.push({pattern: target, type: rType}); }; } // IMPORT_TRANSFORM(translation_table, domain) var IMPORT_TRANSFORM = recordBuilder('IMPORT_TRANSFORM', { args: [['translation_table'], ['domain'], ['ttl', _.isNumber]], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = '@'; record.target = args.domain; record.meta['transform_table'] = format_tt(args.translation_table); record.ttl = args.ttl; }, }); // PURGE() function PURGE(d) { d.KeepUnknown = false; } // NO_PURGE() function NO_PURGE(d) { d.KeepUnknown = true; } // AUTODNSSEC // Permitted values are: // "" Do not modify the setting (the default) // "on" Enable AUTODNSSEC for this domain // "off" Disable AUTODNSSEC for this domain function AUTODNSSEC_ON(d) { d.auto_dnssec = "on"; } function AUTODNSSEC_OFF(d) { d.auto_dnssec = "off"; } function AUTODNSSEC(d) { console.log( "WARNING: AUTODNSSEC is deprecated. It is now a no-op. Please use AUTODNSSEC_ON or AUTODNSSEC_OFF. The default is to make no modifications. This message will disappear in a future release." ); } /** * @deprecated */ function getModifiers(args, start) { var mods = []; for (var i = start; i < args.length; i++) { mods.push(args[i]); } return mods; } /** * Record type builder * @param {string} type Record type * @param {string} opts.args[][0] Argument name * @param {function=} opts.args[][1] Optional validator * @param {function=} opts.transform Function to apply arguments to record. * Take (record, args, modifier) as arguments. Any modifiers will be * applied before this function. It should mutate the given record. * @param {function=} opts.applyModifier Function to apply modifiers to the record */ function recordBuilder(type, opts) { opts = _.defaults({}, opts, { args: [['name', _.isString], ['target']], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { // record will have modifiers already applied // args will be an object for parameters defined record.name = args.name; if (_.isNumber(args.target)) { record.target = num2dot(args.target); } else { record.target = args.target; } }, applyModifier: function(record, modifiers) { for (var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { var mod = modifiers[i]; if (_.isFunction(mod)) { mod(record); } else if (_.isObject(mod)) { // convert transforms to strings if (mod.transform && _.isArray(mod.transform)) { mod.transform = format_tt(mod.transform); } _.extend(record.meta, mod); } else { throw 'ERROR: Unknown modifier type'; } } }, }); return function() { var parsedArgs = {}; var modifiers = []; if (arguments.length < opts.args.length) { var argumentsList = opts.args .map(function(item) { return item[0]; }) .join(', '); throw type + ' record requires ' + opts.args.length + ' arguments (' + argumentsList + '). Only ' + arguments.length + ' were supplied'; return; } // collect arguments for (var i = 0; i < opts.args.length; i++) { var argDefinition = opts.args[i]; var value = arguments[i]; if (argDefinition.length > 1) { // run validator if supplied if (!argDefinition[1](value)) { throw type + ' record ' + argDefinition[0] + ' argument validation failed'; } } parsedArgs[argDefinition[0]] = value; } // collect modifiers for (var i = opts.args.length; i < arguments.length; i++) { modifiers.push(arguments[i]); } return function(d) { var record = { type: type, meta: {}, ttl: d.defaultTTL, }; opts.applyModifier(record, modifiers); opts.transform(record, parsedArgs, modifiers); // Handle D_EXTEND() with subdomains. if (d.subdomain && record.type != 'CF_REDIRECT' && record.type != 'CF_TEMP_REDIRECT') { record.subdomain = d.subdomain; if (record.name == '@') { record.name = d.subdomain; } else { record.name += '.' + d.subdomain; } } d.records.push(record); return record; }; }; } /** * @deprecated */ function addRecord(d, type, name, target, mods) { // if target is number, assume ip address. convert it. if (_.isNumber(target)) { target = num2dot(target); } var rec = { type: type, name: name, target: target, ttl: d.defaultTTL, priority: 0, meta: {}, }; // for each modifier, decide based on type: // - Function: call is with the record as the argument // - Object: merge it into the metadata // - Number: IF MX record assume it is priority if (mods) { for (var i = 0; i < mods.length; i++) { var m = mods[i]; if (_.isFunction(m)) { m(rec); } else if (_.isObject(m)) { // convert transforms to strings if (m.transform && _.isArray(m.transform)) { m.transform = format_tt(m.transform); } _.extend(rec.meta, m); _.extend(rec.meta, m); } else { console.log( 'WARNING: Modifier type unsupported:', typeof m, '(Skipping!)' ); } } } d.records.push(rec); return rec; } // ip conversion functions from http://stackoverflow.com/a/8105740/121660 // via http://javascript.about.com/library/blipconvert.htm function IP(dot) { var d = dot.split('.'); // prettier-ignore return ((((((+d[0]) * 256) + (+d[1])) * 256) + (+d[2])) * 256) + (+d[3]); } function num2dot(num) { if (num === undefined) { return ''; } if (_.isString(num)) { return num; } var d = num % 256; for (var i = 3; i > 0; i--) { num = Math.floor(num / 256); d = (num % 256) + '.' + d; } return d; } // Cloudflare aliases: // Meta settings for individual records. var CF_PROXY_OFF = { cloudflare_proxy: 'off' }; // Proxy disabled. var CF_PROXY_ON = { cloudflare_proxy: 'on' }; // Proxy enabled. var CF_PROXY_FULL = { cloudflare_proxy: 'full' }; // Proxy+Railgun enabled. // Per-domain meta settings: // Proxy default off for entire domain (the default): var CF_PROXY_DEFAULT_OFF = { cloudflare_proxy_default: 'off' }; // Proxy default on for entire domain: var CF_PROXY_DEFAULT_ON = { cloudflare_proxy_default: 'on' }; // UniversalSSL off for entire domain: var CF_UNIVERSALSSL_OFF = { cloudflare_universalssl: 'off' }; // UniversalSSL on for entire domain: var CF_UNIVERSALSSL_ON = { cloudflare_universalssl: 'on' }; // CUSTOM, PROVIDER SPECIFIC RECORD TYPES function _validateCloudflareRedirect(value) { if (!_.isString(value)) { return false; } return value.indexOf(',') === -1; } var CF_REDIRECT = recordBuilder('CF_REDIRECT', { args: [ ['source', _validateCloudflareRedirect], ['destination', _validateCloudflareRedirect], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = '@'; record.target = args.source + ',' + args.destination; }, }); var CF_TEMP_REDIRECT = recordBuilder('CF_TEMP_REDIRECT', { args: [ ['source', _validateCloudflareRedirect], ['destination', _validateCloudflareRedirect], ], transform: function(record, args, modifiers) { record.name = '@'; record.target = args.source + ',' + args.destination; }, }); var URL = recordBuilder('URL'); var URL301 = recordBuilder('URL301'); var FRAME = recordBuilder('FRAME'); // SPF_BUILDER takes an object: // parts: The parts of the SPF record (to be joined with ' '). // label: The DNS label for the primary SPF record. (default: '@') // raw: Where (which label) to store an unaltered version of the SPF settings. // ttl: The time for TTL, integer or string. (default: not defined, using DefaultTTL) // split: The template for additional records to be created (default: '_spf%d') // flatten: A list of domains to be flattened. // overhead1: Amout of "buffer room" to reserve on the first item in the spf chain. // txtMaxSize: The maximum size for each TXT string. Values over 255 will result in multiple strings (default: '255') function SPF_BUILDER(value) { if (!value.parts || value.parts.length < 2) { throw 'SPF_BUILDER requires at least 2 elements'; } if (!value.label) { value.label = '@'; } if (!value.raw && value.raw !== '') { value.raw = '_rawspf'; } r = []; // The list of records to return. p = {}; // The metaparameters to set on the main TXT record. rawspf = value.parts.join(' '); // The unaltered SPF settings. // If flattening is requested, generate a TXT record with the raw SPF settings. if (value.flatten && value.flatten.length > 0) { p.flatten = value.flatten.join(','); // Only add the raw spf record if it isn't an empty string if (value.raw !== '') { if (value.ttl) { r.push(TXT(value.raw, rawspf, TTL(value.ttl))); } else { r.push(TXT(value.raw, rawspf)); } } } // If overflow is specified, enable splitting. if (value.overflow) { p.split = value.overflow; } if (value.overhead1) { p.overhead1 = value.overhead1; } if (value.txtMaxSize) { p.txtMaxSize = value.txtMaxSize; } // Generate a TXT record with the metaparameters. if (value.ttl) { r.push(TXT(value.label, rawspf, p, TTL(value.ttl))); } else { r.push(TXT(value.label, rawspf, p)); } return r; } // CAA_BUILDER takes an object: // label: The DNS label for the CAA record. (default: '@') // iodef: The contact mail address. (optional) // iodef_critical: Boolean if sending report is required/critical. If not supported, certificate should be refused. (optional) // issue: List of CAs which are allowed to issue certificates for the domain (creates one record for each). // issuewild: Allowed CAs which can issue wildcard certificates for this domain. (creates one record for each) function CAA_BUILDER(value) { if (!value.label) { value.label = '@'; } if (value.issue && value.issue == 'none') value.issue = [';']; if (value.issuewild && value.issuewild == 'none') value.issuewild = [';']; if ( (!value.issue && !value.issuewild) || (value.issue && value.issue.length == 0 && value.issuewild && value.issuewild.length == 0) ) { throw 'CAA_BUILDER requires at least one entry at issue or issuewild'; } r = []; // The list of records to return. if (value.iodef) { if (value.iodef_critical) { r.push(CAA(value.label, 'iodef', value.iodef, CAA_CRITICAL)); } else { r.push(CAA(value.label, 'iodef', value.iodef)); } } if (value.issue) for (var i = 0, len = value.issue.length; i < len; i++) r.push(CAA(value.label, 'issue', value.issue[i])); if (value.issuewild) for (var i = 0, len = value.issuewild.length; i < len; i++) r.push(CAA(value.label, 'issuewild', value.issuewild[i])); return r; } // Split a DKIM string if it is >254 bytes. function DKIM(arr) { chunkSize = 255; var R = []; for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += chunkSize) R.push(arr.slice(i, i + chunkSize)); return R; } // Function wrapper for glob() for recursively loading files. // As the main function (in Go) is in our control anyway, all the values here are already sanity-checked. // Note: glob() is only an internal undocumented helper function. So use it on your own risk. function require_glob() { arguments[2] = "js"; // force to only include .js files. var files = glob.apply(null, arguments); for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { require(files[i]); } return files } // Set default values for CLI variables function CLI_DEFAULTS(defaults) { for (var key in defaults) { if (typeof this[key] === "undefined") { this[key] = defaults[key] } } }