# How to build and ship a release Here are my notes from producing the v0.1.5 release. Change the version number as appropriate. ## Step 1. Run the integration tests * If you are at StackOverflow, this is in TC as "DNS > Integration Tests". * Otherwise: * Run "go test" (documented in [Creating new DNS Resource Types](adding-new-rtypes)) * Run the integration tests (documented in [Writing new DNS providers](writing-providers) ## Step 2. Bump the verison number Edit the "Version" variable in `main.go` and commit. ``` vi main.go git commit -m'Release v1.5' main.go git tag v0.1.5 git push origin tag v0.1.5 ``` ## Step 3. Make the draft release. [On github.com, click on "Draft a new release"](https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/new) Pick the v0.1.5 tag Release title: Release v0.1.5 Fill in the text box with something friendly like, "So many new features!" then make a bullet list of major new functionality. Review the git log using this command: git log v0.1.5...v0.1.0 Create the binaries and attach them to the release: go run build/build.go NOTE: This command creates binaries with the version number and git hash embedded. It also builds the releases for all supported platforms (i.e. creates a .exe for Windows even if you are running on Linux. Isn't Go amazing?) WARNING: if there are unchecked in files, the version will have "dirty" added. This is what it looks like when you did it right: ``` $ ./dnscontrol-Darwin version dnscontrol 0.1.5 ("6fdf78997815055bbe119c0116c9e2d60310a515") built 24 Aug 17 11:26 EDT ``` This is what it looks like when there was a file that should have been checked in: ``` $ ./dnscontrol-Darwin version dnscontrol 0.1.5 ("6fdf78997815055bbe119c0116c9e2d60310a515[dirty]") built 24 Aug 17 11:27 EDT ^^^^^ ^^^^^ See? ^^^^^ ``` ## Step 4. Attach the binaries and release. Drag and drop binaries into the web form. Submit the release. ## Step 5. Announce it Email the mailing list: (note the format of the Subject line and that the first line of the email is the URL of the release) ``` To: dnscontrol-discuss@googlegroups.com Subject: New release: dnscontrol v0.1.5 https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/tag/v0.1.5 So many new providers and features! Plus, a new testing framework that makes it easier to add big features without fear of breaking old ones. * list * of * major * changes ``` ## Step 6. Get credit! Mention the fact that you did this release in your weekly accomplishments.