--- layout: default title: How to build and ship a release --- # How to build and ship a release Here are my notes from producing the v2.8 release. Change the version number as appropriate. ## Tip: How to keep modules updated List out-of-date modules and update any that ``` go get -u github.com/psampaz/go-mod-outdated go list -u -m -json all | go-mod-outdated -update -direct ``` To update a module, `get` it, then re-run the unit and integration tests. ``` go get -u or go get -u module/path ``` Once the updates are complete, tidy up: ``` go mod tidy ``` When done, vendor the modules (see Step 0 below). ## Step 0. Vendor the modules Vendor the modules. The vendored files are not used (unless you change the builds to use `-mod=vendor`). They are maintained simply to make sure that we have a backup in the unlikely event of a disaster. ``` go mod vendor ``` TODO(Tom): build.go should verify that this was done, similar to how it tests that gofmt was run. ## Step 1. Run the integration tests * If you are at StackOverflow, this is in TC as "DNS > Integration Tests". * Otherwise: * Run "go test" (documented in [Creating new DNS Resource Types](adding-new-rtypes)) * Run the integration tests (documented in [Writing new DNS providers](writing-providers) ## Step 2. Bump the version number Edit the "Version" variable in `main.go` and commit. ``` export PREVVERSION=2.8 export VERSION=2.9 git checkout master vi main.go git commit -m'Release v'"$VERSION" main.go git tag v"$VERSION" git push origin tag v"$VERSION" ``` ## Step 3. Make the draft release. [On github.com, click on "Draft a new release"](https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/new) Fill in the `Tag version` @ `Target` with: * Tag version: v$VERSION (this should be the first tag listed) * Target: master (this should be the default) Release title: Release v$VERSION Fill in the text box with something friendly like, "So many new features!" then make a bullet list of major new functionality. Review the git log using this command: git log v"$VERSION"...v"$PREVVERSION" (Don't click SAVE until the next step is complete!) Create the binaries and attach them to the release: go run build/build.go NOTE: This command creates binaries with the version number and git hash embedded. It also builds the releases for all supported platforms (i.e. creates a .exe for Windows even if you are running on Linux. Isn't Go amazing?) WARNING: if there are unchecked in files, the version string will have "dirty" appended. This is what it looks like when you did it right: ``` $ ./dnscontrol-Darwin version dnscontrol 2.8 ("ee5208bd5f19b9e5dd0bdba8d0e13403c43a469a") built 19 Dec 18 11:16 EST ``` This is what it looks like when there was a file that should have been checked in: ``` $ ./dnscontrol-Darwin version dnscontrol 2.8 ("ee5208bd5f19b9e5dd0bdba8d0e13403c43a469a[dirty]") built 19 Dec 18 11:14 EST ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ``` ## Step 4. Attach the binaries and release. a. Drag and drop binaries into the web form. There is a box labeled "Attach binaries by dropping them here or selecting them". Drag dnscontrol-Darwin, dnscontrol-Linux, and dnscontrol.exe onto that box (one at a time or all at once). This will upload the binaries. b. Submit the release. Make sure the "This is a pre-release" checkbox is UNchecked. Then click "Publish Release". ## Step 5. Announce it via email Email the mailing list: (note the format of the Subject line and that the first line of the email is the URL of the release) ``` To: dnscontrol-discuss@googlegroups.com Subject: New release: dnscontrol v$VERSION https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/tag/v$VERSION So many new providers and features! Plus, a new testing framework that makes it easier to add big features without fear of breaking old ones. * list * of * major * changes ``` ## Step 6. Announce it via chat Mention on [https://gitter.im/dnscontrol/Lobby](https://gitter.im/dnscontrol/Lobby) that the new release has shipped. ``` dnscontrol $VERSION has been released! https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/tag/v$VERSION ``` ## Step 7. Get credit! Mention the fact that you did this release in your weekly accomplishments. If you are at Stack Overflow: * Add the release to your weekly snippets * Run this build: `dnscontrol_embed - Promote most recent artifact into ExternalDNS repo`