--- name: R53_ZONE parameters: - zone_id parameter_types: zone_id: string ts_return: DomainModifier & RecordModifier provider: ROUTE53 --- `R53_ZONE` lets you specify the AWS Zone ID for an entire domain ([`D()`](../global/D.md)) or a specific [`R53_ALIAS()`](../domain/R53_ALIAS.md) record. When used with [`D()`](../global/D.md), it sets the zone id of the domain. This can be used to differentiate between split horizon domains in public and private zones. See this [example](../../providers/route53.md#split-horizon) in the [Amazon Route 53 provider page](../../providers/route53.md). When used with [`R53_ALIAS()`](../domain/R53_ALIAS.md) it sets the required Route53 hosted zone id in a R53_ALIAS record. See [`R53_ALIAS()`](../domain/R53_ALIAS.md) documentation for details.