version: 2.1 parameters: cache-key: type: integer default: 1639697695 description: Change to force cache reset `pwsh > Get-Date -UFormat %s` gover: type: string default: "1.18" # description: Go Version to use jobs: build: docker: - image: cimg/go:<< pipeline.parameters.gover >> resource_class: 2xlarge environment: # environment variables for the build itself TEST_RESULTS: /tmp/test-results steps: - checkout - restore_cache: # restores saved cache if no changes are detected since last run keys: - linux-go-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-<< pipeline.parameters.cache-key >> - run: name: Install goreleaser command: go install - run: mkdir -p "$TEST_RESULTS" - run: name: Run unit tests # store the results of our tests in the $TEST_RESULTS directory command: gotestsum --junitfile ${TEST_RESULTS}/gotestsum-report.xml -- $PACKAGE_NAMES - store_test_results: # upload test results for display in Test Summary path: /tmp/test-results - run: name: Build binaries command: goreleaser build --snapshot - run: name: Enforce Go Formatted Code command: "[ `go fmt ./... | wc -l` -eq 0 ]" - save_cache: # restores saved cache if no changes are detected since last run key: linux-go-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-<< pipeline.parameters.cache-key >> paths: - /home/circleci/go/pkg/mod integration-tests: docker: - image: cimg/go:<< pipeline.parameters.gover >> environment: # environment variables for the build itself TEST_RESULTS: /tmp/test-results GOTESTSUM_FORMAT: testname BIND_DOMAIN: # FYI: Hexonet provides these credentials for use for public testing. They give access to a test area, not a real system. It is not a security issue to expose them. # # FYI: The domain name name was selected at random. If it stops working, this command will list domains to choose from: # echo '{ "hexo": { "apientity": "OTE", "apilogin": "test.user", "apipassword": "test.passw0rd" } }' > hexo-creds.json ; dnscontrol get-zones --creds hexo-creds.json --format=nameonly hexo HEXONET all HEXONET_DOMAIN: HEXONET_ENTITY: OTE HEXONET_PW: test.passw0rd HEXONET_UID: test.user AZURE_DNS_RESOURCE_GROUP: DNSControl GCLOUD_EMAIL: GCLOUD_PROJECT: dnscontrol-dev GCLOUD_TYPE: service_account NAMEDOTCOM_URL: NAMEDOTCOM_USER: dnscontroltest parameters: provider: type: string steps: - checkout - run: mkdir -p "$TEST_RESULTS" - restore_cache: # restores saved cache if no changes are detected since last run keys: - linux-go-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-<< pipeline.parameters.cache-key >> - run: name: Run integration tests for << parameters.provider >> provider working_directory: integrationTest no_output_timeout: 32m command: | if [ -n "$<< parameters.provider >>_DOMAIN" ] ; then gotestsum --junitfile ${TEST_RESULTS}/gotestsum-report.xml -- -timeout 30m -v -verbose -provider << parameters.provider >> -cfworkers=false else echo "Skip test for << parameters.provider >> provider" fi - store_test_results: # upload test results for display in Test Summary path: /tmp/test-results release: docker: - image: cimg/go:<< pipeline.parameters.gover >> resource_class: 2xlarge steps: - checkout - restore_cache: # restores saved cache if no changes are detected since last run keys: - linux-go-{{ checksum "go.sum" }}-<< pipeline.parameters.cache-key >> - setup_remote_docker: version: 20.10.11 - run: name: Install goreleaser command: go install - run: goreleaser release workflows: version: 2 build: jobs: - build - integration-tests: requires: [build] context: DNSProviders matrix: parameters: provider: # Providers that don't require secrets: (alphabetical) - BIND - HEXONET # Providers designated "officially supported": (alphabetical) - AZURE_DNS - CLOUDFLAREAPI - GCLOUD - NAMEDOTCOM - ROUTE53 # All others: (alphabetical) - CLOUDNS - DIGITALOCEAN - GANDI_V5 - HEDNS - INWX - POWERDNS - release: requires: [integration-tests] # Only run this job on git tag pushes filters: branches: only: [main, master] tags: only: /v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(-.*)*/