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package linode
import (
Linode API DNS provider:
Info required in `creds.json`:
- token
var allowedTTLValues = []uint32{
300, // 5 minutes
3600, // 1 hour
7200, // 2 hours
14400, // 4 hours
28800, // 8 hours
57600, // 16 hours
86400, // 1 day
172800, // 2 days
345600, // 4 days
604800, // 1 week
1209600, // 2 weeks
2419200, // 4 weeks
var srvRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^_(?P<Service>\w+)\.\_(?P<Protocol>\w+)$`)
type LinodeApi struct {
client *http.Client
baseURL *url.URL
domainIndex map[string]int
var defaultNameServerNames = []string{
func NewLinode(m map[string]string, metadata json.RawMessage) (providers.DNSServiceProvider, error) {
if m["token"] == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Linode Token must be provided.")
ctx := context.Background()
client := oauth2.NewClient(
oauth2.StaticTokenSource(&oauth2.Token{AccessToken: m["token"]}),
baseURL, err := url.Parse(defaultBaseURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Linode base URL not valid")
api := &LinodeApi{client: client, baseURL: baseURL}
// Get a domain to validate the token
if err := api.fetchDomainList(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return api, nil
var docNotes = providers.DocumentationNotes{
providers.DocOfficiallySupported: providers.Cannot(),
providers.DocDualHost: providers.Cannot(),
func init() {
// SRV support is in this provider, but Linode doesn't seem to support it properly
providers.RegisterDomainServiceProviderType("LINODE", NewLinode, docNotes)
func (api *LinodeApi) GetNameservers(domain string) ([]*models.Nameserver, error) {
return models.StringsToNameservers(defaultNameServerNames), nil
func (api *LinodeApi) GetDomainCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig) ([]*models.Correction, error) {
dc, err := dc.Copy()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if api.domainIndex == nil {
if err := api.fetchDomainList(); err != nil {
return nil, err
domainID, ok := api.domainIndex[dc.Name]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s not listed in domains for Linode account", dc.Name)
records, err := api.getRecords(domainID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
existingRecords := make([]*models.RecordConfig, len(records), len(records)+len(defaultNameServerNames))
for i := range records {
existingRecords[i] = toRc(dc, &records[i])
// Linode always has read-only NS servers, but these are not mentioned in the API response
// https://github.com/linode/manager/blob/edd99dc4e1be5ab8190f243c3dbf8b830716255e/src/constants.js#L184
for _, name := range defaultNameServerNames {
existingRecords = append(existingRecords, &models.RecordConfig{
NameFQDN: dc.Name,
Type: "NS",
Target: name,
Original: &domainRecord{},
// Normalize
// Linode doesn't allow selecting an arbitrary TTL, only a set of predefined values
// We need to make sure we don't change it every time if it is as close as it's going to get
// By experimentation, Linode always rounds up. 300 -> 300, 301 -> 3600.
// https://github.com/linode/manager/blob/edd99dc4e1be5ab8190f243c3dbf8b830716255e/src/domains/components/SelectDNSSeconds.js#L19
for _, record := range dc.Records {
record.TTL = fixTTL(record.TTL)
differ := diff.New(dc)
_, create, del, modify := differ.IncrementalDiff(existingRecords)
var corrections []*models.Correction
// Deletes first so changing type works etc.
for _, m := range del {
id := m.Existing.Original.(*domainRecord).ID
if id == 0 { // Skip ID 0, these are the default nameservers always present
corr := &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s, Linode ID: %d", m.String(), id),
F: func() error {
return api.deleteRecord(domainID, id)
corrections = append(corrections, corr)
for _, m := range create {
req, err := toReq(dc, m.Desired)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
j, err := json.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
corr := &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", m.String(), string(j)),
F: func() error {
record, err := api.createRecord(domainID, req)
if err != nil {
return err
// TTL isn't saved when creating a record, so we will need to modify it immediately afterwards
return api.modifyRecord(domainID, record.ID, req)
corrections = append(corrections, corr)
for _, m := range modify {
id := m.Existing.Original.(*domainRecord).ID
if id == 0 { // Skip ID 0, these are the default nameservers always present
req, err := toReq(dc, m.Desired)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
j, err := json.Marshal(req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
corr := &models.Correction{
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s, Linode ID: %d: %s", m.String(), id, string(j)),
F: func() error {
return api.modifyRecord(domainID, id, req)
corrections = append(corrections, corr)
return corrections, nil
func toRc(dc *models.DomainConfig, r *domainRecord) *models.RecordConfig {
// This handles "@" etc.
name := dnsutil.AddOrigin(r.Name, dc.Name)
target := r.Target
// Make target FQDN (#rtype_variations)
if r.Type == "CNAME" || r.Type == "MX" || r.Type == "NS" || r.Type == "SRV" {
target = dnsutil.AddOrigin(target+".", dc.Name)
return &models.RecordConfig{
NameFQDN: name,
Type: r.Type,
Target: target,
TTL: r.TTLSec,
MxPreference: r.Priority,
SrvPriority: r.Priority,
SrvWeight: r.Weight,
SrvPort: uint16(r.Port),
Original: r,
func toReq(dc *models.DomainConfig, rc *models.RecordConfig) (*recordEditRequest, error) {
req := &recordEditRequest{
Type: rc.Type,
Name: dnsutil.TrimDomainName(rc.NameFQDN, dc.Name),
Target: rc.Target,
TTL: int(rc.TTL),
Priority: 0,
Port: int(rc.SrvPort),
Weight: int(rc.SrvWeight),
// Linode doesn't use "@", it uses an empty name
if req.Name == "@" {
req.Name = ""
// Linode uses the same property for MX and SRV priority
switch rc.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "A", "AAAA", "NS", "PTR", "TXT", "SOA", "TLSA", "CAA":
// Nothing special.
case "MX":
req.Priority = int(rc.MxPreference)
req.Target = fixTarget(req.Target, dc.Name)
case "SRV":
req.Priority = int(rc.SrvPriority)
// From softlayer provider
// This is to support SRV, it doesn't work yet for Linode
result := srvRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(req.Name)
if len(result) != 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("SRV Record must match format \"_service._protocol\" not %s", req.Name)
var serviceName, protocol string = result[1], strings.ToLower(result[2])
req.Protocol = protocol
req.Service = serviceName
req.Name = ""
case "CNAME":
req.Target = fixTarget(req.Target, dc.Name)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("linode.toReq rtype %v unimplemented", rc.Type)
// We panic so that we quickly find any switch statements
// that have not been updated for a new RR type.
return req, nil
func fixTarget(target, domain string) string {
// Linode always wants a fully qualified target name
if target[len(target)-1] == '.' {
return target[:len(target)-1]
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", target, domain)
func fixTTL(ttl uint32) uint32 {
// if the TTL is larger than the largest allowed value, return the largest allowed value
if ttl > allowedTTLValues[len(allowedTTLValues)-1] {
return allowedTTLValues[len(allowedTTLValues)-1]
for _, v := range allowedTTLValues {
if v >= ttl {
return v
return allowedTTLValues[0]