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Tom Limoncelli 541bb805da linting (#777)
2020-07-06 20:18:24 -04:00

338 lines
11 KiB

package diff
import (
// Correlation stores a difference between two domains.
type Correlation struct {
d *differ
Existing *models.RecordConfig
Desired *models.RecordConfig
// Changeset stores many Correlation.
type Changeset []Correlation
// Differ is an interface for computing the difference between two zones.
type Differ interface {
// IncrementalDiff performs a diff on a record-by-record basis, and returns a sets for which records need to be created, deleted, or modified.
IncrementalDiff(existing []*models.RecordConfig) (unchanged, create, toDelete, modify Changeset)
// ChangedGroups performs a diff more appropriate for providers with a "RecordSet" model, where all records with the same name and type are grouped.
// Individual record changes are often not useful in such scenarios. Instead we return a map of record keys to a list of change descriptions within that group.
ChangedGroups(existing []*models.RecordConfig) map[models.RecordKey][]string
// New is a constructor for a Differ.
func New(dc *models.DomainConfig, extraValues ...func(*models.RecordConfig) map[string]string) Differ {
return &differ{
dc: dc,
extraValues: extraValues,
// compile IGNORE glob patterns
compiledIgnoredLabels: compileIgnoredLabels(dc.IgnoredLabels),
type differ struct {
dc *models.DomainConfig
extraValues []func(*models.RecordConfig) map[string]string
compiledIgnoredLabels []glob.Glob
// get normalized content for record. target, ttl, mxprio, and specified metadata
func (d *differ) content(r *models.RecordConfig) string {
// NB(tlim): This function will eventually be replaced by calling
// r.GetTargetDiffable(). In the meanwhile, this function compares
// its output with r.GetTargetDiffable() to make sure the same
// results are generated. Once we have confidence, this function will go away.
content := fmt.Sprintf("%v ttl=%d", r.GetTargetCombined(), r.TTL)
if r.Type == "SOA" {
content = fmt.Sprintf("%s %v %d %d %d %d ttl=%d", r.Target, r.SoaMbox, r.SoaRefresh, r.SoaRetry, r.SoaExpire, r.SoaMinttl, r.TTL) // SoaSerial is not used in comparison
var allMaps []map[string]string
for _, f := range d.extraValues {
// sort the extra values map keys to perform a deterministic
// comparison since Golang maps iteration order is not guaranteed
valueMap := f(r)
allMaps = append(allMaps, valueMap)
keys := make([]string, 0)
for k := range valueMap {
keys = append(keys, k)
for _, k := range keys {
v := valueMap[k]
content += fmt.Sprintf(" %s=%s", k, v)
control := r.ToDiffable(allMaps...)
if control != content {
fmt.Printf("CONTROL=%q CONTENT=%q\n", control, content)
panic("OOPS! control != content")
return content
func (d *differ) IncrementalDiff(existing []*models.RecordConfig) (unchanged, create, toDelete, modify Changeset) {
unchanged = Changeset{}
create = Changeset{}
toDelete = Changeset{}
modify = Changeset{}
desired := d.dc.Records
// sort existing and desired by name
existingByNameAndType := map[models.RecordKey][]*models.RecordConfig{}
desiredByNameAndType := map[models.RecordKey][]*models.RecordConfig{}
for _, e := range existing {
if d.matchIgnored(e.GetLabel()) {
printer.Debugf("Ignoring record %s %s due to IGNORE\n", e.GetLabel(), e.Type)
} else {
k := e.Key()
existingByNameAndType[k] = append(existingByNameAndType[k], e)
for _, dr := range desired {
if d.matchIgnored(dr.GetLabel()) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Trying to update/add IGNOREd record: %s %s", dr.GetLabel(), dr.Type))
} else {
k := dr.Key()
desiredByNameAndType[k] = append(desiredByNameAndType[k], dr)
// if NO_PURGE is set, just remove anything that is only in existing.
if d.dc.KeepUnknown {
for k := range existingByNameAndType {
if _, ok := desiredByNameAndType[k]; !ok {
printer.Debugf("Ignoring record set %s %s due to NO_PURGE\n", k.Type, k.NameFQDN)
delete(existingByNameAndType, k)
// Look through existing records. This will give us changes and deletions and some additions.
// Each iteration is only for a single type/name record set
for key, existingRecords := range existingByNameAndType {
desiredRecords := desiredByNameAndType[key]
// Very first, get rid of any identical records. Easy.
for i := len(existingRecords) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ex := existingRecords[i]
for j, de := range desiredRecords {
if d.content(de) != d.content(ex) {
unchanged = append(unchanged, Correlation{d, ex, de})
existingRecords = existingRecords[:i+copy(existingRecords[i:], existingRecords[i+1:])]
desiredRecords = desiredRecords[:j+copy(desiredRecords[j:], desiredRecords[j+1:])]
// Next, match by target. This will give the most natural modifications.
for i := len(existingRecords) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
ex := existingRecords[i]
for j, de := range desiredRecords {
if de.GetTargetField() == ex.GetTargetField() {
// two records share a target, but different content (ttl or metadata changes)
modify = append(modify, Correlation{d, ex, de})
// remove from both slices by index
existingRecords = existingRecords[:i+copy(existingRecords[i:], existingRecords[i+1:])]
desiredRecords = desiredRecords[:j+copy(desiredRecords[j:], desiredRecords[j+1:])]
desiredLookup := map[string]*models.RecordConfig{}
existingLookup := map[string]*models.RecordConfig{}
// build index based on normalized content data
for _, ex := range existingRecords {
normalized := d.content(ex)
if existingLookup[normalized] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("DUPLICATE E_RECORD FOUND: %s %s", key, normalized))
existingLookup[normalized] = ex
for _, de := range desiredRecords {
normalized := d.content(de)
if desiredLookup[normalized] != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("DUPLICATE D_RECORD FOUND: %s %s", key, normalized))
desiredLookup[normalized] = de
// if a record is in both, it is unchanged
for norm, ex := range existingLookup {
if de, ok := desiredLookup[norm]; ok {
unchanged = append(unchanged, Correlation{d, ex, de})
delete(existingLookup, norm)
delete(desiredLookup, norm)
// sort records by normalized text. Keeps behaviour deterministic
existingStrings, desiredStrings := sortedKeys(existingLookup), sortedKeys(desiredLookup)
// Modifications. Take 1 from each side.
for len(desiredStrings) > 0 && len(existingStrings) > 0 {
modify = append(modify, Correlation{d, existingLookup[existingStrings[0]], desiredLookup[desiredStrings[0]]})
existingStrings = existingStrings[1:]
desiredStrings = desiredStrings[1:]
// If desired still has things they are additions
for _, norm := range desiredStrings {
rec := desiredLookup[norm]
create = append(create, Correlation{d, nil, rec})
// if found, but not desired, delete it
for _, norm := range existingStrings {
rec := existingLookup[norm]
toDelete = append(toDelete, Correlation{d, rec, nil})
// remove this set from the desired list to indicate we have processed it.
delete(desiredByNameAndType, key)
// any name/type sets not already processed are pure additions
for name := range existingByNameAndType {
delete(desiredByNameAndType, name)
for _, desiredList := range desiredByNameAndType {
for _, rec := range desiredList {
create = append(create, Correlation{d, nil, rec})
// Sort the lists. This is purely cosmetic.
sort.Slice(unchanged, func(i, j int) bool { return ChangesetLess(unchanged, i, j) })
sort.Slice(create, func(i, j int) bool { return ChangesetLess(create, i, j) })
sort.Slice(toDelete, func(i, j int) bool { return ChangesetLess(toDelete, i, j) })
// ChangesetLess returns true if c[i] < c[j].
func ChangesetLess(c Changeset, i, j int) bool {
var a, b string
// Which fields are we comparing?
// Usually only Desired OR Existing content exists (we're either
// adding or deleting records). In those cases, just use whichever
// isn't nil.
// In the case where both Desired AND Existing exist, it doesn't
// matter which we use as long as we are consistent. I flipped a
// coin and picked to use Desired in that case.
if c[i].Desired != nil {
a = c[i].Desired.NameFQDN
} else {
a = c[i].Existing.NameFQDN
if c[j].Desired != nil {
b = c[j].Desired.NameFQDN
} else {
b = c[j].Existing.NameFQDN
return a < b
// TODO(tlim): This won't correctly sort:
// []string{"example.com", "foo.example.com", "bar.example.com"}
// A simple way to do that correctly is to split on ".", reverse the
// elements, and sort on the result.
// CorrectionLess returns true when comparing corrections.
func CorrectionLess(c []*models.Correction, i, j int) bool {
return c[i].Msg < c[j].Msg
func (d *differ) ChangedGroups(existing []*models.RecordConfig) map[models.RecordKey][]string {
changedKeys := map[models.RecordKey][]string{}
_, create, delete, modify := d.IncrementalDiff(existing)
for _, c := range create {
changedKeys[c.Desired.Key()] = append(changedKeys[c.Desired.Key()], c.String())
for _, d := range delete {
changedKeys[d.Existing.Key()] = append(changedKeys[d.Existing.Key()], d.String())
for _, m := range modify {
changedKeys[m.Desired.Key()] = append(changedKeys[m.Desired.Key()], m.String())
return changedKeys
// DebugKeyMapMap debug prints the results from ChangedGroups.
func DebugKeyMapMap(note string, m map[models.RecordKey][]string) {
// The output isn't pretty but it is useful.
fmt.Println("DEBUG:", note)
// Extract the keys
var keys []models.RecordKey
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.SliceStable(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
if keys[i].NameFQDN == keys[j].NameFQDN {
return keys[i].Type < keys[j].Type
return keys[i].NameFQDN < keys[j].NameFQDN
// Pretty print the map:
for _, k := range keys {
fmt.Printf(" %v %v:\n", k.Type, k.NameFQDN)
for _, s := range m[k] {
fmt.Printf(" -- %q\n", s)
func (c Correlation) String() string {
if c.Existing == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("CREATE %s %s %s", c.Desired.Type, c.Desired.GetLabelFQDN(), c.d.content(c.Desired))
if c.Desired == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("DELETE %s %s %s", c.Existing.Type, c.Existing.GetLabelFQDN(), c.d.content(c.Existing))
return fmt.Sprintf("MODIFY %s %s: (%s) -> (%s)", c.Existing.Type, c.Existing.GetLabelFQDN(), c.d.content(c.Existing), c.d.content(c.Desired))
func sortedKeys(m map[string]*models.RecordConfig) []string {
s := []string{}
for v := range m {
s = append(s, v)
return s
func compileIgnoredLabels(ignoredLabels []string) []glob.Glob {
result := make([]glob.Glob, 0, len(ignoredLabels))
for _, tst := range ignoredLabels {
g, err := glob.Compile(tst, '.')
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to compile IGNORE pattern %q: %v", tst, err))
result = append(result, g)
return result
func (d *differ) matchIgnored(name string) bool {
for _, tst := range d.compiledIgnoredLabels {
if tst.Match(name) {
return true
return false