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package powerdns
import (
var features = providers.DocumentationNotes{
providers.CanUseAlias: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseCAA: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUsePTR: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSRV: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseTLSA: providers.Can(),
providers.CanUseSSHFP: providers.Can(),
providers.CanAutoDNSSEC: providers.Unimplemented("Need support in library first"),
providers.DocCreateDomains: providers.Can(),
providers.DocOfficiallySupported: providers.Cannot(),
providers.CanGetZones: providers.Can(),
func init() {
providers.RegisterDomainServiceProviderType("POWERDNS", NewProvider, features)
// PowerDNS represents the PowerDNS DNSServiceProvider.
type PowerDNS struct {
client pdns.Client
APIKey string
APIUrl string
ServerName string
DefaultNS []string `json:"default_ns"`
DNSSecOnCreate bool `json:"dnssec_on_create"`
nameservers []*models.Nameserver
// NewProvider initializes a PowerDNS DNSServiceProvider.
func NewProvider(m map[string]string, metadata json.RawMessage) (providers.DNSServiceProvider, error) {
api := &PowerDNS{}
api.APIKey = m["apiKey"]
if api.APIKey == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PowerDNS API Key is required")
api.APIUrl = m["apiUrl"]
if api.APIUrl == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PowerDNS API URL is required")
api.ServerName = m["serverName"]
if api.ServerName == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("PowerDNS server name is required")
// load js config
if len(metadata) != 0 {
err := json.Unmarshal(metadata, api)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var nss []string
for _, ns := range api.DefaultNS {
nss = append(nss, ns[0:len(ns)-1])
var err error
api.nameservers, err = models.ToNameservers(nss)
if err != nil {
return api, err
var clientErr error
api.client, clientErr = pdns.New(
return api, clientErr
// GetNameservers returns the nameservers for a domain.
func (api *PowerDNS) GetNameservers(string) ([]*models.Nameserver, error) {
var r []string
for _, j := range api.nameservers {
r = append(r, j.Name)
return models.ToNameservers(r)
// ListZones returns all the zones in an account
func (api *PowerDNS) ListZones() ([]string, error) {
var result []string
zones, err := api.client.Zones().ListZones(context.Background(), api.ServerName)
if err != nil {
return result, err
for _, zone := range zones {
result = append(result, zone.Name)
return result, nil
// GetZoneRecords gets the records of a zone and returns them in RecordConfig format.
func (api *PowerDNS) GetZoneRecords(domain string) (models.Records, error) {
zone, err := api.client.Zones().GetZone(context.Background(), api.ServerName, domain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curRecords := models.Records{}
// loop over grouped records by type, called RRSet
for _, rrset := range zone.ResourceRecordSets {
if rrset.Type == "SOA" {
// loop over single records of this group and create records
for _, pdnsRecord := range rrset.Records {
r, err := toRecordConfig(domain, pdnsRecord, rrset.TTL, rrset.Name, rrset.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
curRecords = append(curRecords, r)
return curRecords, nil
// GetDomainCorrections returns a list of corrections to update a domain.
func (api *PowerDNS) GetDomainCorrections(dc *models.DomainConfig) ([]*models.Correction, error) {
var corrections []*models.Correction
// record corrections
curRecords, err := api.GetZoneRecords(dc.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// post-process records
// create record diff by group
keysToUpdate, err := (diff.New(dc)).ChangedGroups(curRecords)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
desiredRecords := dc.Records.GroupedByKey()
// create corrections by group
for label, msgs := range keysToUpdate {
labelName := label.NameFQDN + "."
labelType := label.Type
if _, ok := desiredRecords[label]; !ok {
// nothing found, must be a delete
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: strings.Join(msgs, "\n "),
F: func() error {
return api.client.Zones().RemoveRecordSetFromZone(context.Background(), api.ServerName, dc.Name, labelName, labelType)
} else {
ttl := desiredRecords[label][0].TTL
records := []zones.Record{}
for _, recordContent := range desiredRecords[label] {
records = append(records, zones.Record{
Content: recordContent.GetTargetCombined(),
corrections = append(corrections, &models.Correction{
Msg: strings.Join(msgs, "\n "),
F: func() error {
return api.client.Zones().AddRecordSetToZone(context.Background(), api.ServerName, dc.Name, zones.ResourceRecordSet{
Name: labelName,
Type: labelType,
TTL: int(ttl),
Records: records,
// DNSSec corrections
// TODO: Implementing of on-demand DNSSec creation in library
return corrections, nil
// EnsureDomainExists adds a domain to the DNS service if it does not exist
func (api *PowerDNS) EnsureDomainExists(domain string) error {
if _, err := api.client.Zones().GetZone(context.Background(), api.ServerName, domain+"."); err != nil {
if e, ok := err.(pdnshttp.ErrUnexpectedStatus); ok {
if e.StatusCode != http.StatusNotFound {
return err
} else { // domain seems to be there
return nil
_, err := api.client.Zones().CreateZone(context.Background(), api.ServerName, zones.Zone{
Name: domain + ".",
Type: zones.ZoneTypeZone,
DNSSec: api.DNSSecOnCreate,
Nameservers: api.DefaultNS,
return err
// toRecordConfig converts a PowerDNS DNSRecord to a RecordConfig. #rtype_variations
func toRecordConfig(domain string, r zones.Record, ttl int, name string, rtype string) (*models.RecordConfig, error) {
// trimming trailing dot and domain from name
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, domain+".")
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".")
rc := &models.RecordConfig{
TTL: uint32(ttl),
Original: r,
Type: rtype,
rc.SetLabel(name, domain)
content := r.Content
switch rtype {
case "CNAME", "NS":
return rc, rc.SetTarget(dnsutil.AddOrigin(content, domain))
case "CAA":
return rc, rc.SetTargetCAAString(content)
case "MX":
return rc, rc.SetTargetMXString(content)
case "SRV":
return rc, rc.SetTargetSRVString(content)
case "TXT":
// Remove quotes if it is a TXT record.
if !strings.HasPrefix(content, `"`) || !strings.HasSuffix(content, `"`) {
return nil, errors.New("Unexpected lack of quotes in TXT record from PowerDNS")
return rc, rc.SetTargetTXT(content[1 : len(content)-1])
return rc, rc.PopulateFromString(rtype, content, domain)