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package diff2
import (
func analyzeByRecordSet(cc *CompareConfig) ChangeList {
var instructions ChangeList
// For each label...
for _, lc := range cc.ldata {
// for each type at that label...
for _, rt := range lc.tdata {
// ...if there are changes generate an instruction.
ets := rt.existingTargets
dts := rt.desiredTargets
msgs := genmsgs(ets, dts)
if len(msgs) == 0 { // No differences?
// The records at this rset are the same. No work to be done.
if len(ets) == 0 { // Create a new label.
instructions = append(instructions, mkAdd(lc.label, rt.rType, msgs, rt.desiredRecs))
} else if len(dts) == 0 { // Delete that label and all its records.
instructions = append(instructions, mkDelete(lc.label, rt.rType, msgs, rt.existingRecs))
} else { // Change the records at that label
instructions = append(instructions, mkChange(lc.label, rt.rType, msgs, rt.existingRecs, rt.desiredRecs))
return instructions
func analyzeByLabel(cc *CompareConfig) ChangeList {
var instructions ChangeList
// Accumulate any changes and collect the info needed to generate instructions.
for _, lc := range cc.ldata {
// for each type at that label...
label := lc.label
var accMsgs []string
var accExisting models.Records
var accDesired models.Records
msgsByKey := map[models.RecordKey][]string{}
for _, rt := range lc.tdata {
// for each type at that label...
ets := rt.existingTargets
dts := rt.desiredTargets
msgs := genmsgs(ets, dts)
k := models.RecordKey{NameFQDN: label, Type: rt.rType}
msgsByKey[k] = msgs
accMsgs = append(accMsgs, msgs...) // Accumulate the messages
accExisting = append(accExisting, rt.existingRecs...) // Accumulate records existing at this label.
accDesired = append(accDesired, rt.desiredRecs...) // Accumulate records desired at this label.
// We now know what changed (accMsgs),
// what records USED TO EXIST at that label (accExisting),
// and what records SHOULD EXIST at that label (accDesired).
// Based on that info, we can generate the instructions.
if len(accMsgs) == 0 { // Nothing changed.
} else if len(accDesired) == 0 { // No new records at the label? This must be a delete.
instructions = append(instructions, mkDelete(label, "", accMsgs, accExisting))
} else if len(accExisting) == 0 { // No old records at the label? This must be a change.
c := mkAdd(label, "", accMsgs, accDesired)
c.MsgsByKey = msgsByKey
instructions = append(instructions, c)
} else { // If we get here, it must be a change.
instructions = append(instructions, mkChange(label, "", accMsgs, accExisting, accDesired))
return instructions
func analyzeByRecord(cc *CompareConfig) ChangeList {
var instructions ChangeList
// For each label, for each type at that label, see if there are any changes.
for _, lc := range cc.ldata {
for _, rt := range lc.tdata {
ets := rt.existingTargets
dts := rt.desiredTargets
cs := diffTargets(ets, dts)
instructions = append(instructions, cs...)
return instructions
// FYI: there is no analyzeByZone. diff2.ByZone() calls analyzeByRecords().
func mkAdd(l string, t string, msgs []string, newRecs models.Records) Change {
c := Change{Type: CREATE, Msgs: msgs, MsgsJoined: strings.Join(msgs, "\n")}
c.Key.NameFQDN = l
c.Key.Type = t
c.New = newRecs
return c
func mkChange(l string, t string, msgs []string, oldRecs, newRecs models.Records) Change {
c := Change{Type: CHANGE, Msgs: msgs, MsgsJoined: strings.Join(msgs, "\n")}
c.Key.NameFQDN = l
c.Key.Type = t
c.Old = oldRecs
c.New = newRecs
return c
func mkDelete(l string, t string, msgs []string, oldRecs models.Records) Change {
c := Change{Type: DELETE, Msgs: msgs, MsgsJoined: strings.Join(msgs, "\n")}
c.Key.NameFQDN = l
c.Key.Type = t
c.Old = oldRecs
return c
func removeCommon(existing, desired []targetConfig) ([]targetConfig, []targetConfig) {
// Sort by comparableFull.
sort.Slice(existing, func(i, j int) bool { return existing[i].comparableFull < existing[j].comparableFull })
sort.Slice(desired, func(i, j int) bool { return desired[i].comparableFull < desired[j].comparableFull })
// Build maps required by filterBy
eKeys := map[string]*targetConfig{}
for _, v := range existing {
v := v
eKeys[v.comparableFull] = &v
dKeys := map[string]*targetConfig{}
for _, v := range desired {
v := v
dKeys[v.comparableFull] = &v
return filterBy(existing, dKeys), filterBy(desired, eKeys)
// findTTLChanges finds the records that ONLY change their TTL. For those, generate a Change.
// Remove such items from the list.
func findTTLChanges(existing, desired []targetConfig) ([]targetConfig, []targetConfig, ChangeList) {
if (len(existing) == 0) || (len(desired) == 0) {
return existing, desired, nil
// Sort by comparableNoTTL
sort.Slice(existing, func(i, j int) bool { return existing[i].comparableNoTTL < existing[j].comparableNoTTL })
sort.Slice(desired, func(i, j int) bool { return desired[i].comparableNoTTL < desired[j].comparableNoTTL })
var instructions ChangeList
var existDiff, desiredDiff []targetConfig
ei := 0
di := 0
for (ei < len(existing)) && (di < len(desired)) {
er := existing[ei].rec
dr := desired[di].rec
ecomp := existing[ei].comparableNoTTL
dcomp := desired[di].comparableNoTTL
if ecomp == dcomp && er.TTL == dr.TTL {
"Should not happen. There should be some difference! ecomp=%q dcomp=%q er.TTL=%v dr.TTL=%v\n",
ecomp, dcomp, er.TTL, dr.TTL))
if ecomp == dcomp && er.TTL != dr.TTL {
m := color.YellowString("± MODIFY-TTL %s %s %s", dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, humanDiff(existing[ei], desired[di]))
v := mkChange(dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, []string{m},
v.HintOnlyTTL = true
instructions = append(instructions, v)
} else if ecomp < dcomp {
existDiff = append(existDiff, existing[ei])
} else if ecomp > dcomp {
desiredDiff = append(desiredDiff, desired[di])
} else {
panic("should not happen. ecomp cant be both == and != dcomp")
// Any remainder goes to the *Diff result:
if ei < len(existing) {
existDiff = append(existDiff, existing[ei:]...)
if di < len(desired) {
desiredDiff = append(desiredDiff, desired[di:]...)
return existDiff, desiredDiff, instructions
// Return s but remove any items that can be found in m.
func filterBy(s []targetConfig, m map[string]*targetConfig) []targetConfig {
i := 0 // output index
for _, x := range s {
if _, ok := m[x.comparableFull]; !ok {
// copy and increment index
s[i] = x
// // Prevent memory leak by erasing truncated values
// // (not needed if values don't contain pointers, directly or indirectly)
// for j := i; j < len(s); j++ {
// s[j] = nil
// }
s = s[:i]
return s
// humanDiff returns a human-friendly string showing what changed
// between a and b.
func humanDiff(a, b targetConfig) string {
// TODO(tlim): Records like MX and SRV should have more clever output.
// For example if only the MX priority changes, show just that.
if a.comparableNoTTL != b.comparableNoTTL {
// The recorddata is different:
return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) -> (%s)", a.comparableFull, b.comparableFull)
// Just the TTLs are different:
return fmt.Sprintf("%s ttl=(%d->%d)", a.comparableNoTTL, a.rec.TTL, b.rec.TTL)
func diffTargets(existing, desired []targetConfig) ChangeList {
// Nothing to do?
if len(existing) == 0 && len(desired) == 0 {
return nil
var instructions ChangeList
// remove the exact matches.
existing, desired = removeCommon(existing, desired)
// At this point the exact matches are removed. However there may be
// records that have the same GetTargetCombined() but different
// TTLs.
existing, desired, newChanges := findTTLChanges(existing, desired)
instructions = append(instructions, newChanges...)
// Sort by comparableFull
sort.Slice(existing, func(i, j int) bool { return existing[i].comparableFull < existing[j].comparableFull })
sort.Slice(desired, func(i, j int) bool { return desired[i].comparableFull < desired[j].comparableFull })
// the remaining chunks are changes (regardless of TTL)
mi := min(len(existing), len(desired))
for i := 0; i < mi; i++ {
er := existing[i].rec
dr := desired[i].rec
m := color.YellowString("± MODIFY %s %s %s", dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, humanDiff(existing[i], desired[i]))
mkc := mkChange(dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, []string{m}, models.Records{er}, models.Records{dr})
if len(existing) == 1 && len(desired) == 1 {
// If the tdata has exactly 1 item, drop a hint to the providers.
// For example, MSDNS can use a more efficient command if it knows
// that `Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -Name FOO -RRType A` will
// return exactly one record.
mkc.HintRecordSetLen1 = true
instructions = append(instructions, mkc)
// any left-over existing are deletes
for i := mi; i < len(existing); i++ {
er := existing[i].rec
m := color.RedString("- DELETE %s %s %s", er.NameFQDN, er.Type, existing[i].comparableFull)
instructions = append(instructions, mkDelete(er.NameFQDN, er.Type, []string{m}, models.Records{er}))
// any left-over desired are creates
for i := mi; i < len(desired); i++ {
dr := desired[i].rec
m := color.GreenString("+ CREATE %s %s %s", dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, desired[i].comparableFull)
instructions = append(instructions, mkAdd(dr.NameFQDN, dr.Type, []string{m}, models.Records{dr}))
return instructions
func genmsgs(existing, desired []targetConfig) []string {
return justMsgs(diffTargets(existing, desired))
func justMsgs(cl ChangeList) []string {
var msgs []string
for _, c := range cl {
msgs = append(msgs, c.Msgs...)
return msgs
func justMsgString(cl ChangeList) string {
msgs := justMsgs(cl)
return strings.Join(msgs, "\n")