mirror of https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol.git synced 2024-05-11 05:55:12 +00:00
Tom Limoncelli 61a00a7d7e Check for duplicate records much earlier (#467)
* Check for duplicate records much earlier.

* Change GetTargetDiffable to ToDiffable

* fixup!
2019-04-22 15:41:39 -04:00

498 lines
16 KiB

package normalize
import (
// Returns false if target does not validate.
func checkIPv4(label string) error {
if net.ParseIP(label).To4() == nil {
return errors.Errorf("WARNING: target (%v) is not an IPv4 address", label)
return nil
// Returns false if target does not validate.
func checkIPv6(label string) error {
if net.ParseIP(label).To16() == nil {
return errors.Errorf("WARNING: target (%v) is not an IPv6 address", label)
return nil
// make sure target is valid reference for cnames, mx, etc.
func checkTarget(target string) error {
if target == "@" {
return nil
if len(target) < 1 {
return errors.Errorf("empty target")
if strings.ContainsAny(target, `'" +,|!£$%&/()=?^*ç°§;:<>[]()@`) {
return errors.Errorf("target (%v) includes invalid char", target)
// If it containts a ".", it must end in a ".".
if strings.ContainsRune(target, '.') && target[len(target)-1] != '.' {
return errors.Errorf("target (%v) must end with a (.) [https://stackexchange.github.io/dnscontrol/why-the-dot]", target)
return nil
// validateRecordTypes list of valid rec.Type values. Returns true if this is a real DNS record type, false means it is a pseudo-type used internally.
func validateRecordTypes(rec *models.RecordConfig, domain string, pTypes []string) error {
var validTypes = map[string]bool{
"A": true,
"AAAA": true,
"CNAME": true,
"CAA": true,
"TLSA": true,
"MX": true,
"SRV": true,
"SSHFP": true,
"TXT": true,
"NS": true,
"PTR": true,
"NAPTR": true,
"ALIAS": false,
_, ok := validTypes[rec.Type]
if !ok {
cType := providers.GetCustomRecordType(rec.Type)
if cType == nil {
return errors.Errorf("Unsupported record type (%v) domain=%v name=%v", rec.Type, domain, rec.GetLabel())
for _, providerType := range pTypes {
if providerType != cType.Provider {
return errors.Errorf("Custom record type %s is not compatible with provider type %s", rec.Type, providerType)
// it is ok. Lets replace the type with real type and add metadata to say we checked it
rec.Metadata["orig_custom_type"] = rec.Type
if cType.RealType != "" {
rec.Type = cType.RealType
return nil
// underscores in names are often used erroneously. They are valid for dns records, but invalid for urls.
// here we list common records expected to have underscores. Anything else containing an underscore will print a warning.
var labelUnderscores = []string{
// these record types may contain underscores
var rTypeUnderscores = []string{"SRV", "TLSA", "TXT"}
func checkLabel(label string, rType string, domain string, meta map[string]string) error {
if label == "@" {
return nil
if len(label) < 1 {
return errors.Errorf("empty %s label in %s", rType, domain)
if label[len(label)-1] == '.' {
return errors.Errorf("label %s.%s ends with a (.)", label, domain)
if strings.HasSuffix(label, domain) {
if m := meta["skip_fqdn_check"]; m != "true" {
return errors.Errorf(`label %s ends with domain name %s. Record names should not be fully qualified. Add {skip_fqdn_check:"true"} to this record if you really want to make %s.%s`, label, domain, label, domain)
// Underscores are permitted in labels, but we print a warning unless they
// are used in a way we consider typical. Yes, we're opinionated here.
// Don't warn for certain rtypes:
for _, ex := range rTypeUnderscores {
if rType == ex {
return nil
// Don't warn for certain label substrings
for _, ex := range labelUnderscores {
if strings.Contains(label, ex) {
return nil
// Otherwise, warn.
if strings.ContainsRune(label, '_') {
return Warning{errors.Errorf("label %s.%s contains an underscore", label, domain)}
return nil
// checkTargets returns true if rec.Target is valid for the rec.Type.
func checkTargets(rec *models.RecordConfig, domain string) (errs []error) {
label := rec.GetLabel()
target := rec.GetTargetField()
check := func(e error) {
if e != nil {
err := errors.Errorf("In %s %s.%s: %s", rec.Type, rec.GetLabel(), domain, e.Error())
if _, ok := e.(Warning); ok {
err = Warning{err}
errs = append(errs, err)
switch rec.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "A":
case "AAAA":
case "CNAME":
if label == "@" {
check(errors.Errorf("cannot create CNAME record for bare domain"))
case "MX":
case "NS":
if label == "@" {
check(errors.Errorf("cannot create NS record for bare domain. Use NAMESERVER instead"))
case "PTR":
case "NAPTR":
case "ALIAS":
case "SRV":
if rec.Metadata["orig_custom_type"] != "" {
// it is a valid custom type. We perform no validation on target
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("checkTargets: Unimplemented record type (%v) domain=%v name=%v",
rec.Type, domain, rec.GetLabel()))
func transformCNAME(target, oldDomain, newDomain string) string {
// Canonicalize. If it isn't a FQDN, add the newDomain.
result := dnsutil.AddOrigin(target, oldDomain)
if dns.IsFqdn(result) {
result = result[:len(result)-1]
return dnsutil.AddOrigin(result, newDomain) + "."
// import_transform imports the records of one zone into another, modifying records along the way.
func importTransform(srcDomain, dstDomain *models.DomainConfig, transforms []transform.IpConversion, ttl uint32) error {
// Read srcDomain.Records, transform, and append to dstDomain.Records:
// 1. Skip any that aren't A or CNAMEs.
// 2. Append destDomainname to the end of the label.
// 3. For CNAMEs, append destDomainname to the end of the target.
// 4. For As, change the target as described the transforms.
for _, rec := range srcDomain.Records {
if dstDomain.HasRecordTypeName(rec.Type, rec.GetLabelFQDN()) {
newRec := func() *models.RecordConfig {
rec2, _ := rec.Copy()
newlabel := rec2.GetLabelFQDN()
rec2.SetLabel(newlabel, dstDomain.Name)
if ttl != 0 {
rec2.TTL = ttl
return rec2
switch rec.Type { // #rtype_variations
case "A":
trs, err := transform.TransformIPToList(net.ParseIP(rec.GetTargetField()), transforms)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("import_transform: TransformIP(%v, %v) returned err=%s", rec.GetTargetField(), transforms, err)
for _, tr := range trs {
r := newRec()
dstDomain.Records = append(dstDomain.Records, r)
case "CNAME":
r := newRec()
r.SetTarget(transformCNAME(r.GetTargetField(), srcDomain.Name, dstDomain.Name))
dstDomain.Records = append(dstDomain.Records, r)
case "MX", "NAPTR", "NS", "SRV", "TXT", "CAA", "TLSA":
// Not imported.
return errors.Errorf("import_transform: Unimplemented record type %v (%v)",
rec.Type, rec.GetLabel())
return nil
// deleteImportTransformRecords deletes any IMPORT_TRANSFORM records from a domain.
func deleteImportTransformRecords(domain *models.DomainConfig) {
for i := len(domain.Records) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
rec := domain.Records[i]
if rec.Type == "IMPORT_TRANSFORM" {
domain.Records = append(domain.Records[:i], domain.Records[i+1:]...)
// Warning is a wrapper around error that can be used to indicate it should not
// stop execution, but is still likely a problem.
type Warning struct {
// NormalizeAndValidateConfig performs and normalization and/or validation of the IR.
func NormalizeAndValidateConfig(config *models.DNSConfig) (errs []error) {
for _, domain := range config.Domains {
pTypes := []string{}
txtMultiDissenters := []string{}
for _, provider := range domain.DNSProviderInstances {
pType := provider.ProviderType
// If NO_PURGE is in use, make sure this *isn't* a provider that *doesn't* support NO_PURGE.
if domain.KeepUnknown && providers.ProviderHasCabability(pType, providers.CantUseNOPURGE) {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("%s uses NO_PURGE which is not supported by %s(%s)", domain.Name, provider.Name, pType))
// Record if any providers do not support TXTMulti:
if !providers.ProviderHasCabability(pType, providers.CanUseTXTMulti) {
txtMultiDissenters = append(txtMultiDissenters, provider.Name)
// Normalize Nameservers.
for _, ns := range domain.Nameservers {
ns.Name = dnsutil.AddOrigin(ns.Name, domain.Name)
ns.Name = strings.TrimRight(ns.Name, ".")
// Normalize Records.
for _, rec := range domain.Records {
if rec.TTL == 0 {
rec.TTL = models.DefaultTTL
// Validate the unmodified inputs:
if err := validateRecordTypes(rec, domain.Name, pTypes); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if err := checkLabel(rec.GetLabel(), rec.Type, domain.Name, rec.Metadata); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
if errs2 := checkTargets(rec, domain.Name); errs2 != nil {
errs = append(errs, errs2...)
// Canonicalize Targets.
if rec.Type == "CNAME" || rec.Type == "MX" || rec.Type == "NAPTR" || rec.Type == "NS" || rec.Type == "SRV" {
// #rtype_variations
// These record types have a target that is a hostname.
// We normalize them to a FQDN so there is less variation to handle. If a
// provider API requires a shortname, the provider must do the shortening.
rec.SetTarget(dnsutil.AddOrigin(rec.GetTargetField(), domain.Name+"."))
} else if rec.Type == "A" || rec.Type == "AAAA" {
} else if rec.Type == "PTR" {
var err error
var name string
if name, err = transform.PtrNameMagic(rec.GetLabel(), domain.Name); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
rec.SetLabel(name, domain.Name)
} else if rec.Type == "CAA" {
if rec.CaaTag != "issue" && rec.CaaTag != "issuewild" && rec.CaaTag != "iodef" {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("CAA tag %s is invalid", rec.CaaTag))
} else if rec.Type == "TLSA" {
if rec.TlsaUsage < 0 || rec.TlsaUsage > 3 {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("TLSA Usage %d is invalid in record %s (domain %s)",
rec.TlsaUsage, rec.GetLabel(), domain.Name))
if rec.TlsaSelector < 0 || rec.TlsaSelector > 1 {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("TLSA Selector %d is invalid in record %s (domain %s)",
rec.TlsaSelector, rec.GetLabel(), domain.Name))
if rec.TlsaMatchingType < 0 || rec.TlsaMatchingType > 2 {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("TLSA MatchingType %d is invalid in record %s (domain %s)",
rec.TlsaMatchingType, rec.GetLabel(), domain.Name))
} else if rec.Type == "TXT" && len(txtMultiDissenters) != 0 && len(rec.TxtStrings) > 1 {
// There are providers that don't support TXTMulti yet there is
// a TXT record with multiple strings:
errs = append(errs,
errors.Errorf("TXT records with multiple strings (label %v domain: %v) not supported by %s",
rec.GetLabel(), domain.Name, strings.Join(txtMultiDissenters, ",")))
// Populate FQDN:
rec.SetLabel(rec.GetLabel(), domain.Name)
// SPF flattening
if ers := flattenSPFs(config); len(ers) > 0 {
errs = append(errs, ers...)
for _, domain := range config.Domains {
for _, rec := range domain.Records {
if rec.Type == "IMPORT_TRANSFORM" {
table, err := transform.DecodeTransformTable(rec.Metadata["transform_table"])
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
err = importTransform(config.FindDomain(rec.GetTargetField()), domain, table, rec.TTL)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
// Clean up:
for _, domain := range config.Domains {
// Run record transforms
for _, domain := range config.Domains {
if err := applyRecordTransforms(domain); err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
for _, d := range config.Domains {
// Check that CNAMES don't have to co-exist with any other records
errs = append(errs, checkCNAMEs(d)...)
// Check that if any advanced record types are used in a domain, every provider for that domain supports them
err := checkProviderCapabilities(d)
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
// Check for duplicates
errs = append(errs, checkDuplicates(d.Records)...)
// Validate FQDN consistency
for _, r := range d.Records {
if r.NameFQDN == "" || !strings.HasSuffix(r.NameFQDN, d.Name) {
errs = append(errs, fmt.Errorf("Record named '%s' does not have correct FQDN in domain '%s'. FQDN: %s", r.Name, d.Name, r.NameFQDN))
return errs
func checkCNAMEs(dc *models.DomainConfig) (errs []error) {
cnames := map[string]bool{}
for _, r := range dc.Records {
if r.Type == "CNAME" {
if cnames[r.GetLabel()] {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("Cannot have multiple CNAMEs with same name: %s", r.GetLabelFQDN()))
cnames[r.GetLabel()] = true
for _, r := range dc.Records {
if cnames[r.GetLabel()] && r.Type != "CNAME" {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("Cannot have CNAME and %s record with same name: %s", r.Type, r.GetLabelFQDN()))
func checkDuplicates(records []*models.RecordConfig) (errs []error) {
seen := map[string]*models.RecordConfig{}
for _, r := range records {
diffable := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", r.GetLabelFQDN(), r.Type, r.ToDiffable())
if seen[diffable] != nil {
errs = append(errs, errors.Errorf("Exact duplicate record found: %s", diffable))
seen[diffable] = r
return errs
func checkProviderCapabilities(dc *models.DomainConfig) error {
types := []struct {
rType string
cap providers.Capability
{"ALIAS", providers.CanUseAlias},
{"PTR", providers.CanUsePTR},
{"SRV", providers.CanUseSRV},
{"CAA", providers.CanUseCAA},
{"TLSA", providers.CanUseTLSA},
for _, ty := range types {
hasAny := false
for _, r := range dc.Records {
if r.Type == ty.rType {
hasAny = true
if !hasAny {
for _, provider := range dc.DNSProviderInstances {
if !providers.ProviderHasCabability(provider.ProviderType, ty.cap) {
return errors.Errorf("Domain %s uses %s records, but DNS provider type %s does not support them", dc.Name, ty.rType, provider.ProviderType)
return nil
func applyRecordTransforms(domain *models.DomainConfig) error {
for _, rec := range domain.Records {
if rec.Type != "A" {
tt, ok := rec.Metadata["transform"]
if !ok {
table, err := transform.DecodeTransformTable(tt)
if err != nil {
return err
ip := net.ParseIP(rec.GetTargetField()) // ip already validated above
newIPs, err := transform.TransformIPToList(net.ParseIP(rec.GetTargetField()), table)
if err != nil {
return err
for i, newIP := range newIPs {
if i == 0 && !newIP.Equal(ip) {
rec.SetTarget(newIP.String()) // replace target of first record if different
} else if i > 0 {
// any additional ips need identical records with the alternate ip added to the domain
copy, err := rec.Copy()
if err != nil {
return err
domain.Records = append(domain.Records, copy)
return nil