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default | How to build and ship a release |
How to build and ship a release
Here are my notes from producing the v0.2.2 release. Change the version number as appropriate.
Step 1. Run the integration tests
- If you are at StackOverflow, this is in TC as "DNS > Integration Tests".
- Otherwise:
- Run "go test" (documented in Creating new DNS Resource Types)
- Run the integration tests (documented in Writing new DNS providers
Step 2. Bump the verison number
Edit the "Version" variable in main.go
and commit.
git checkout master
vi main.go
git commit -m'Release v2.2' main.go
git tag v0.2.2
git push origin tag v0.2.2
Step 3. Make the draft release.
On github.com, click on "Draft a new release"
Pick the v0.2.2 tag
Release title: Release v0.2.2
Fill in the text box with something friendly like, "So many new features!" then make a bullet list of major new functionality.
Review the git log using this command:
git log v0.2.2...v0.2.1
(Don't create the release yet!)
Create the binaries and attach them to the release:
go run build/build.go
NOTE: This command creates binaries with the version number and git hash embedded. It also builds the releases for all supported platforms (i.e. creates a .exe for Windows even if you are running on Linux. Isn't Go amazing?)
WARNING: if there are unchecked in files, the version string will have "dirty" appended.
This is what it looks like when you did it right:
$ ./dnscontrol-Darwin version
dnscontrol 0.1.5 ("6fdf78997815055bbe119c0116c9e2d60310a515") built 24 Aug 17 11:26 EDT
This is what it looks like when there was a file that should have been checked in:
$ ./dnscontrol-Darwin version
dnscontrol 0.1.5 ("6fdf78997815055bbe119c0116c9e2d60310a515[dirty]") built 24 Aug 17 11:27 EDT
^^^^^ See?
Step 4. Attach the binaries and release.
Drag and drop binaries into the web form.
Submit the release.
Step 5. Announce it via email
Email the mailing list: (note the format of the Subject line and that the first line of the email is the URL of the release)
To: dnscontrol-discuss@googlegroups.com
Subject: New release: dnscontrol v0.2.2
So many new providers and features! Plus, a new testing framework that makes it easier to add big features without fear of breaking old ones.
* list
* of
* major
* changes
Step 6. Announce it via chat
Mention on https://gitter.im/dnscontrol/Lobby that the new release has shipped.
dnscontrol 2.2 has been released! https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/releases/tag/v0.2.2
Step 7. Get credit!
Mention the fact that you did this release in your weekly accomplishments.