mirror of
synced 2024-05-11 05:55:12 +00:00
Thanks to @haraldkoch for starting this, @McNetic for picking it up. * Added DS record type * Added DS for cloudflare provider with tests * Removed DS validation, fixed parse test * Added generated files * Added dnsimple ds record * Regenerated documentation matrix * rebased and regenerated * Updated integration tests * Rebase and regenerate * Enable DS record type for provider desec * Added DS record type * Added DS for cloudflare provider with tests * Removed DS validation, fixed parse test * Added generated files * Added dnsimple ds record * Regenerated documentation matrix * rebased and regenerated * Updated integration tests * Rebase and regenerate * Enable DS record type for provider desec * Rebase and fixes Co-authored-by: Robert Koch <robert@kochie.io> Co-authored-by: Nicolai Ehemann <nicolai.ehemann@enerko-informatik.de>
165 lines
6.3 KiB
165 lines
6.3 KiB
package main
import (
_ "github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/v3/providers/_all"
func generateFeatureMatrix() error {
allNames := map[string]bool{}
for n := range providers.RegistrarTypes {
allNames[n] = true
for n := range providers.DNSProviderTypes {
allNames[n] = true
providerTypes := []string{}
for n := range allNames {
providerTypes = append(providerTypes, n)
matrix := &FeatureMatrix{
Providers: map[string]FeatureMap{},
Features: []FeatureDef{
{"Official Support", "This means the provider is actively used at Stack Exchange, bugs are more likely to be fixed, and failing integration tests will block a release. See below for details"},
{"DNS Provider", "Can manage and serve DNS zones"},
{"Registrar", "The provider has registrar capabilities to set nameservers for zones"},
{"ALIAS", "Provider supports some kind of ALIAS, ANAME or flattened CNAME record type"},
{"AUTODNSSEC", "Provider can automatically manage DNSSEC"},
{"CAA", "Provider can manage CAA records"},
{"PTR", "Provider supports adding PTR records for reverse lookup zones"},
{"NAPTR", "Provider can manage NAPTR records"},
{"SRV", "Driver has explicitly implemented SRV record management"},
{"SSHFP", "Provider can manage SSHFP records"},
{"TLSA", "Provider can manage TLSA records"},
{"TXTMulti", "Provider can manage TXT records with multiple strings"},
{"R53_ALIAS", "Provider supports Route 53 limited ALIAS"},
{"AZURE_ALIAS", "Provider supports Azure DNS limited ALIAS"},
{"DS", "Provider supports adding DS records"},
{"dual host", "This provider is recommended for use in 'dual hosting' scenarios. Usually this means the provider allows full control over the apex NS records"},
{"create-domains", "This means the provider can automatically create domains that do not currently exist on your account. The 'dnscontrol create-domains' command will initialize any missing domains"},
{"no_purge", "indicates you can use NO_PURGE macro to prevent deleting records not managed by dnscontrol. A few providers that generate the entire zone from scratch have a problem implementing this."},
{"get-zones", "indicates the dnscontrol get-zones subcommand is implemented."},
for _, p := range providerTypes {
if p == "NONE" {
fm := FeatureMap{}
notes := providers.Notes[p]
if notes == nil {
notes = providers.DocumentationNotes{}
setCap := func(name string, cap providers.Capability) {
if notes[cap] != nil {
fm[name] = notes[cap]
fm.SetSimple(name, true, func() bool { return providers.ProviderHasCapability(p, cap) })
setDoc := func(name string, cap providers.Capability, defaultNo bool) {
if notes[cap] != nil {
fm[name] = notes[cap]
} else if defaultNo {
fm[name] = &providers.DocumentationNote{
HasFeature: false,
setDoc("Official Support", providers.DocOfficiallySupported, true)
fm.SetSimple("DNS Provider", false, func() bool { return providers.DNSProviderTypes[p] != nil })
fm.SetSimple("Registrar", false, func() bool { return providers.RegistrarTypes[p] != nil })
setCap("ALIAS", providers.CanUseAlias)
setCap("AUTODNSSEC", providers.CanAutoDNSSEC)
setCap("CAA", providers.CanUseCAA)
setCap("NAPTR", providers.CanUseNAPTR)
setCap("PTR", providers.CanUsePTR)
setCap("R53_ALIAS", providers.CanUseRoute53Alias)
setCap("AZURE_ALIAS", providers.CanUseAzureAlias)
setCap("SRV", providers.CanUseSRV)
setCap("SSHFP", providers.CanUseSSHFP)
setCap("TLSA", providers.CanUseTLSA)
setCap("TXTMulti", providers.CanUseTXTMulti)
setCap("get-zones", providers.CanGetZones)
setCap("DS", providers.CanUseDS)
setDoc("dual host", providers.DocDualHost, false)
setDoc("create-domains", providers.DocCreateDomains, true)
// no purge is a freaky double negative
cap := providers.CantUseNOPURGE
if notes[cap] != nil {
fm["no_purge"] = notes[cap]
} else {
fm.SetSimple("no_purge", false, func() bool { return !providers.ProviderHasCapability(p, cap) })
matrix.Providers[p] = fm
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := tmpl.Execute(buf, matrix)
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile("docs/_includes/matrix.html", buf.Bytes(), 0644)
// FeatureDef describes features.
type FeatureDef struct {
Name, Desc string
// FeatureMap maps provider names to compliance documentation.
type FeatureMap map[string]*providers.DocumentationNote
// SetSimple configures a provider's setting in fm.
func (fm FeatureMap) SetSimple(name string, unknownsAllowed bool, f func() bool) {
if f() {
fm[name] = &providers.DocumentationNote{HasFeature: true}
} else if !unknownsAllowed {
fm[name] = &providers.DocumentationNote{HasFeature: false}
// FeatureMatrix describes features and which providers support it.
type FeatureMatrix struct {
Features []FeatureDef
Providers map[string]FeatureMap
var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"safe": func(s string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(s) },
{% comment %}
Matrix generated by build/generate/featureMatrix.go. DO NOT HAND EDIT!
{% endcomment %}{{$providers := .Providers}}
<table class="table-header-rotated">
{{range $key,$val := $providers}}<th class="rotate"><div><span>{{$key}}</span></div></th>
{{end -}}
{{range .Features}}{{$name := .Name}}<tr>
<th class="row-header" style="text-decoration: underline;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" data-placement="top" title="{{.Desc}}">{{$name}}</th>
{{range $pname, $features := $providers}}{{$f := index $features $name}}{{if $f -}}
<td class="{{if $f.HasFeature}}success{{else if $f.Unimplemented}}info{{else}}danger{{end}}"
{{- if $f.Comment}} data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" data-placement="top" title="{{$f.Comment}}"{{end}}>
{{if $f.Link}}<a href="{{$f.Link}}">{{end}}<i class="fa {{if and $f.Comment (not $f.Unimplemented)}}has-tooltip {{end}}
{{- if $f.HasFeature}}fa-check text-success{{else if $f.Unimplemented}}fa-circle-o text-info{{else}}fa-times text-danger{{end}}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{if $f.Link}}</a>{{end}}
{{- else}}<td><i class="fa fa-minus dim"></i></td>{{end}}
{{end -}}
{{end -}}