mirror of https://github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol.git synced 2024-05-11 05:55:12 +00:00
Tom Limoncelli 8dea9edc34 Re-engineer TXT records for simplicity and better compliance (#1063)
TXT records are now handled different.

1. The raw input from dnsconfig.js is passed all the way to the provider. The provider can determine if it can or can't handle such records (auditrecords.go) and processes them internally as such.
2. The CanUseTXTMulti capability is no longer needed.

* DSPs now register a table of functions
* Use audits for txt record variations
* unit tests pass. integration fails.
* fix deepcopy problem
* rename to AuditRecordSupport
* Reduce use of TXTMulti
* Remove CanUseTXTMulti
* fix Test Skip
* fix DO
* fix vultr
* fix NDC
* msdns fixes
* Fix powerdns and cloudflare
* HEDNS: Fix usage of target field to resolve TXT handling (#1067)

Co-authored-by: Robert Blenkinsopp <robert@blenkinsopp.net>
Co-authored-by: Jakob Ackermann <das7pad@outlook.com>
2021-03-07 13:19:22 -05:00

164 lines
6.3 KiB

package main
import (
_ "github.com/StackExchange/dnscontrol/v3/providers/_all"
func generateFeatureMatrix() error {
allNames := map[string]bool{}
for n := range providers.RegistrarTypes {
allNames[n] = true
for n := range providers.DNSProviderTypes {
allNames[n] = true
providerTypes := []string{}
for n := range allNames {
providerTypes = append(providerTypes, n)
matrix := &FeatureMatrix{
Providers: map[string]FeatureMap{},
Features: []FeatureDef{
{"Official Support", "This means the provider is actively used at Stack Exchange, bugs are more likely to be fixed, and failing integration tests will block a release. See below for details"},
{"DNS Provider", "Can manage and serve DNS zones"},
{"Registrar", "The provider has registrar capabilities to set nameservers for zones"},
{"ALIAS", "Provider supports some kind of ALIAS, ANAME or flattened CNAME record type"},
{"AUTODNSSEC", "Provider can automatically manage DNSSEC"},
{"CAA", "Provider can manage CAA records"},
{"PTR", "Provider supports adding PTR records for reverse lookup zones"},
{"NAPTR", "Provider can manage NAPTR records"},
{"SRV", "Driver has explicitly implemented SRV record management"},
{"SSHFP", "Provider can manage SSHFP records"},
{"TLSA", "Provider can manage TLSA records"},
{"TXTMulti", "Provider can manage TXT records with multiple strings"},
{"R53_ALIAS", "Provider supports Route 53 limited ALIAS"},
{"AZURE_ALIAS", "Provider supports Azure DNS limited ALIAS"},
{"DS", "Provider supports adding DS records"},
{"dual host", "This provider is recommended for use in 'dual hosting' scenarios. Usually this means the provider allows full control over the apex NS records"},
{"create-domains", "This means the provider can automatically create domains that do not currently exist on your account. The 'dnscontrol create-domains' command will initialize any missing domains"},
{"no_purge", "indicates you can use NO_PURGE macro to prevent deleting records not managed by dnscontrol. A few providers that generate the entire zone from scratch have a problem implementing this."},
{"get-zones", "indicates the dnscontrol get-zones subcommand is implemented."},
for _, p := range providerTypes {
if p == "NONE" {
fm := FeatureMap{}
notes := providers.Notes[p]
if notes == nil {
notes = providers.DocumentationNotes{}
setCap := func(name string, cap providers.Capability) {
if notes[cap] != nil {
fm[name] = notes[cap]
fm.SetSimple(name, true, func() bool { return providers.ProviderHasCapability(p, cap) })
setDoc := func(name string, cap providers.Capability, defaultNo bool) {
if notes[cap] != nil {
fm[name] = notes[cap]
} else if defaultNo {
fm[name] = &providers.DocumentationNote{
HasFeature: false,
setDoc("Official Support", providers.DocOfficiallySupported, true)
fm.SetSimple("DNS Provider", false, func() bool { return providers.DNSProviderTypes[p].Initializer != nil })
fm.SetSimple("Registrar", false, func() bool { return providers.RegistrarTypes[p] != nil })
setCap("ALIAS", providers.CanUseAlias)
setCap("AUTODNSSEC", providers.CanAutoDNSSEC)
setCap("CAA", providers.CanUseCAA)
setCap("NAPTR", providers.CanUseNAPTR)
setCap("PTR", providers.CanUsePTR)
setCap("R53_ALIAS", providers.CanUseRoute53Alias)
setCap("AZURE_ALIAS", providers.CanUseAzureAlias)
setCap("SRV", providers.CanUseSRV)
setCap("SSHFP", providers.CanUseSSHFP)
setCap("TLSA", providers.CanUseTLSA)
setCap("get-zones", providers.CanGetZones)
setCap("DS", providers.CanUseDS)
setDoc("dual host", providers.DocDualHost, false)
setDoc("create-domains", providers.DocCreateDomains, true)
// no purge is a freaky double negative
cap := providers.CantUseNOPURGE
if notes[cap] != nil {
fm["no_purge"] = notes[cap]
} else {
fm.SetSimple("no_purge", false, func() bool { return !providers.ProviderHasCapability(p, cap) })
matrix.Providers[p] = fm
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
err := tmpl.Execute(buf, matrix)
if err != nil {
return err
return ioutil.WriteFile("docs/_includes/matrix.html", buf.Bytes(), 0644)
// FeatureDef describes features.
type FeatureDef struct {
Name, Desc string
// FeatureMap maps provider names to compliance documentation.
type FeatureMap map[string]*providers.DocumentationNote
// SetSimple configures a provider's setting in fm.
func (fm FeatureMap) SetSimple(name string, unknownsAllowed bool, f func() bool) {
if f() {
fm[name] = &providers.DocumentationNote{HasFeature: true}
} else if !unknownsAllowed {
fm[name] = &providers.DocumentationNote{HasFeature: false}
// FeatureMatrix describes features and which providers support it.
type FeatureMatrix struct {
Features []FeatureDef
Providers map[string]FeatureMap
var tmpl = template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"safe": func(s string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(s) },
{% comment %}
Matrix generated by build/generate/featureMatrix.go. DO NOT HAND EDIT!
{% endcomment %}{{$providers := .Providers}}
<table class="table-header-rotated">
{{range $key,$val := $providers}}<th class="rotate"><div><span>{{$key}}</span></div></th>
{{end -}}
{{range .Features}}{{$name := .Name}}<tr>
<th class="row-header" style="text-decoration: underline;" data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" data-placement="top" title="{{.Desc}}">{{$name}}</th>
{{range $pname, $features := $providers}}{{$f := index $features $name}}{{if $f -}}
<td class="{{if $f.HasFeature}}success{{else if $f.Unimplemented}}info{{else}}danger{{end}}"
{{- if $f.Comment}} data-toggle="tooltip" data-container="body" data-placement="top" title="{{$f.Comment}}"{{end}}>
{{if $f.Link}}<a href="{{$f.Link}}">{{end}}<i class="fa {{if and $f.Comment (not $f.Unimplemented)}}has-tooltip {{end}}
{{- if $f.HasFeature}}fa-check text-success{{else if $f.Unimplemented}}fa-circle-o text-info{{else}}fa-times text-danger{{end}}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{if $f.Link}}</a>{{end}}
{{- else}}<td><i class="fa fa-minus dim"></i></td>{{end}}
{{end -}}
{{end -}}